View Full Version : why is it

05-10-09, 06:13 PM
that there are no ongoing work in progress threads,

there have been some really good ones, like track day nova, count vaux alot, adams, and a few others. but the good ones have always been broken, and hardly used. i know ollys was used for a few runs, but then he broke it.

i have thought about building mine, and thought about what i can and cant build and what im happy building. and i can say, im excited at the chance to drive it, once its there. but i cant see my self selling it or breaking it.

i just wanna know why people always break such promising projects.

05-10-09, 06:14 PM
Peoples commitments and financial circumstances change mate.
Also, some people enjoy the build more than the finished product.

05-10-09, 06:18 PM
yeh i can understand that 100% and i agree in some circumstances.

i guess it depends on what kinda car your building. be it track, road, show etc etc.

05-10-09, 06:18 PM
^ Yup on the people liking the build.

I didn't do a WIP thread as I couldn't be ar$ed - I did have a WIP site but the hosting company went belly up and I've not bothered to rebuild it yet.

Funny, as mine seems to be the only recent V6 Nova that hasn't been sold as soon as it was built lol

05-10-09, 06:20 PM
Mines ongoing, I just happen to be skint most of the time lol And no one cares because it's under 130bhp lol

05-10-09, 06:20 PM
^ Yup on the people liking the build.

I didn't do a WIP thread as I couldn't be ar$ed - I did have a WIP site but the hosting company went belly up and I've not bothered to rebuild it yet.

Funny, as mine seems to be the only recent V6 Nova that hasn't been sold as soon as it was built lol

that is another thing, why do people always sell up and expect LOADS for it.

but i can see people like building it and then sell it, but if i was to spend say 5k of my hard earned cash on a beast. i would drive it well.

05-10-09, 06:22 PM
Mines ongoing, I just happen to be skint most of the time lol And no one cares because it's under 130bhp lol

lol, sorry for the double post.

another thing, why does nobody care if your just making you nova tidy, or sticking a cam in, its almost like you have to stick something massive in to get views and comments

General Baxter
05-10-09, 06:27 PM
Funny, as mine seems to be the only recent V6 Nova that hasn't been sold as soon as it was built lol

problem is no one would buy it, it would need painting lol

05-10-09, 06:29 PM
that is another thing, why do people always sell up and expect LOADS for it.
Some people seem to think that if they've spent £8k building a car, its worth £8k. Especially those who haven't really driven it much, as all they can see is the parts tally rather than the value of the package as a drivable whole. I can vouch for people dropping a V6 in thinking it will be great with all that power, then when they drive it on the road the dawning realization comes crashing in that it actually drives like a complete monster. I built mine to be a motorway muncher, and expected it to be a handful on the B roads, so I'm satisfied with the outcome.

another thing, why does nobody care if your just making you nova tidy, or sticking a cam in, its almost like you have to stick something massive in to get views and comments
Nah. Smallblocks get attention just as much as big blocks. I never really check the WIPs as most of the time I'm at work so can't see pics, and usually its 1 post of mincing then 10 pages of drivel. Which is why I abandoned mine lol

05-10-09, 06:35 PM
lol, sorry for the double post.

another thing, why does nobody care if your just making you nova tidy, or sticking a cam in, its almost like you have to stick something massive in to get views and comments

You have 5 minutes to view a thread before work, one is titled "monster 550BHP LET build", the other one is "My Nova Flair" which one are you going to click? lol

05-10-09, 06:39 PM
Me thinks its mainly co-incidence that everyone happens to be selling up.. but another reason is the used car market, - never has there been so much choice for such good money.
With this being a nova site -people just moving onto newer, better thats now sooo cheaper.
We' ve all seen these cars go for what we've spent on novas. I saw an e30 M3 go once, for about what ive spent on my nova heap :-(

*edit: in my case, my project is at a standstill as im still waiting for parts :-(

05-10-09, 06:39 PM
My wip has slowed right down,basically due to not living where the car is kept anymore and due to other commitments (work etc)
I only work on it now if i suddenly get the urge to, whilst im up my parents place.....
Whereas before i could have full days on it....

05-10-09, 06:42 PM
We' ve all seen these cars go for what we've spent on novas. I saw an e30 M3 go once, for about what ive spent on my nova heap :-(

If I'd saved my money from when I started driving I probably could have insured a 1.0 12v corsa, left it standard, sold it and now just about afford a bottom end R32 and insurance. But I wouldn't have saved it, I would have spent it on crap, and I doubt I'd have as much fun in a standard R32 either, as I enjoy messing about with cars as much as driving them and I couldn't afford doing that and buying/insuring it. I'm quite happy with the nova atm tbh :) Also I tend to hold out for 2nd hand/bargains stuff so what my nova is worth in parts is fairly close to what it's cost.

05-10-09, 06:47 PM
I think the cost is what it's about - I've spent loads on the Nova to get the body work sorted and even at that I'm not wanting to drive it over winter...where's the fun in that just for me to have to strip it down again next year. To build a LET, cause lets face it an xe isn't that fast these days it's too much money for the standard I want so I'd be cheaper buying an import WRX knowing the body is solid and the car is quick to start with - if I want to spend money then it's on the engine / turbo for even more performance. To me now an Nova (the one I have) is like a bike - I only used it in summer cause in winter it got ruined. I'm not against getting a tired Nova and using it over winter but I wouldn't make a WIP as it'd just get driven to the ground but in saying that if my rally car is an Nova and not a 106 I will do a WIP :)

05-10-09, 06:49 PM
The saab astra will be running this week and mine but cba to post up

05-10-09, 06:58 PM
lol my wip stopped when it was virtually finished for how i want it ,a tidy xe nova , mine just gets used in good weather now as i plan too keep it nice ,

but ill just update wip when i need to fix things etc lol

05-10-09, 07:02 PM
Dunno what I'm gonna do with the new one as that will actually be quite tidy I think, but then I can't really afford a winter runaround as well... will have to see how many hours I get given at work lol

05-10-09, 07:25 PM
My WIP has not been updated for ages because I cannot be arsed with it at the moment. Also I have no room to work in the garage due to doing the house up over the last couple of years.
One thing is sure, I wont be breaking it for parts as A. Its not built yet to be able to break and B. I have spent too much time finding the right bits.
I try not to put a value on anything so I dont worry about what it stands me at although I am shifting a few excess spares to fund another Nova :D

Not everything needs to be taken off the road in winter, some things need bringing out to play :D...

I am lucky as I get a company car so that takes on all the day to day running about & winter weather so I can keep my toys for summer only. Unfortunately I dont get much time to drive them :(

05-10-09, 07:36 PM
i used mine for more than a few runs you cheeky feck lol

16 trackdays in a year is more than most do in several years lol needed to try and get it out my system, before i had to grow up and spend pennies elsewhere lol

and yep, self confessed i'm one of those 'who enjoyed building', however, not 'more than' the drive, as it was awesome, but once its done... i kinda wanted to start over again :)

05-10-09, 07:51 PM
as mine seems to be the only recent V6 Nova that hasn't been sold as soon as it was built lol

Thats because It broke itself before you got chance lol

05-10-09, 07:54 PM
Also Ollys lives on in many other cars now one of them being mine.

05-10-09, 07:55 PM
Also Ollys lives on in many other cars now one of them being mine.

And in more than just parts, the ideas he put into the shell etc I'm sure have been copied by many :)

05-10-09, 08:01 PM
I've never bothered to do a wip for my hatch because I didn't have a camera when it was doing it and my saloon is just a pile of bits that keeps getting bigger and more expensive, when I start putting it back together I'll start one

05-10-09, 08:19 PM
ive recently started one, was a slow 9months of the build so didnt want to bore ant one with poop. Now its starting to pick up the pace so check out mine.:thumb:

05-10-09, 09:09 PM
Thats because It broke itself before you got chance lol
Pfft, it would be back on the road long ago if I had the parts and time to fix it lol

Pistol Pete
05-10-09, 09:14 PM
My wip has slowed right down,basically due to not living where the car is kept anymore and due to other commitments (work etc)
I only work on it now if i suddenly get the urge to, whilst im up my parents place.....
Whereas before i could have full days on it....

Pretty much the boat i am in, so to speak.

Car is at my parents (has been for best part of 5 years now :eek: ) having a mortgage, busy social life, decorating etc etc....no time at all to do the car. I have the odd few months where i blitz a load of jobs and update on here, but then go for aaaaages without touching it.

Just the way it goes. Other things take priority most of the time. Unfortunatly!!

05-10-09, 11:18 PM
i used mine for more than a few runs you cheeky feck lol

16 trackdays in a year is more than most do in several years lol needed to try and get it out my system, before i had to grow up and spend pennies elsewhere lol

and yep, self confessed i'm one of those 'who enjoyed building', however, not 'more than' the drive, as it was awesome, but once its done... i kinda wanted to start over again :)

i do apologise, 16 is well going :thumb:

06-10-09, 10:04 AM
Mines still on going.. I've just updated it.

craig green
06-10-09, 10:18 AM
I prefer to get a reaction at a show or event, than everyone know what it's got because they have been looking at my online thread for months before.

In a way, forums & build threads are ruining the show scene.

www.buildthreads.wordpress.com (http://www.buildthreads.wordpress.com/)

General Baxter
06-10-09, 10:23 AM
i ont tend to look at them, ever since dave would get a new sticker and post it 300 times on his WIP lol

06-10-09, 10:41 AM
Yeah or Novalads update-Today i washed the car and took some pics
I personally cannot be bothered to do a wip,i have some on my own computer and thats all.I simply do not have the time to upload to laptop,then upload to photobucket,then upload to png.Its a lot of hassle really

06-10-09, 11:07 AM
I never read the wips as all I want to see is pics, and all you get is a post of pics, then 20odd pics of people jizzing over those pics and then another post of pics then the 20odd posts of jizz etc.
Wonder if we can lock them to only permit the OP to update and add pics lol

although that said, I'm with CG on this one, the less you know about a car in progress the more interest you will get at a show/meet etc... and to be honest it might make me WANT to goto shows to see some of these things rather than getting a good look on the net and not needing to go

craig green
06-10-09, 01:07 PM
I love reading project threads though, well good ones anyway.

I hope everyone keeps writing them.

06-10-09, 01:27 PM
I love reading project threads though, well good ones anyway.

I hope everyone keeps writing them.

Joffs for one, as ive said to joff, im glad i followed his wip and obviously as he is local went up to see it mid build, you can look at a car at a show and think wow thats got some hours put into it, but its stuff say behind the dash/under all the carpets and the car itself, everything behind the scenes so to speak, and the trials and tribulations that theyve come up against and overcome that you dont see that makes it all the more if you get me, take joffs again, corsa C epas, corsa C fusebox and wiring loom, corsa B dash, not all of that stuff you can see just by looking and it makes the overall package more impressive, whereas without a wip thread, i for one would never have known:thumb:

06-10-09, 01:39 PM
Joffs for one, as ive said to joff, im glad i followed his wip and obviously as he is local went up to see it mid build, you can look at a car at a show and think wow thats got some hours put into it, but its stuff say behind the dash/under all the carpets and the car itself, everything behind the scenes so to speak, and the trials and tribulations that theyve come up against and overcome that you dont see that makes it all the more if you get me, take joffs again, corsa C epas, corsa C fusebox and wiring loom, corsa B dash, not all of that stuff you can see just by looking and it makes the overall package more impressive, whereas without a wip thread, i for one would never have known:thumb:

joffs is a perfect example, for me also, i have nevr read his wip, but might start lol. and i only saw it really at pvs and didnt like it, i thought it should be in the past with its styling etc. and then ever since, i have been finding out little bits and i can now apprecate it alot more. and now finding out from you spud that it has the epas etc etc makes it all the better

06-10-09, 01:45 PM
Mines still going, not that anyone reads it though! lol lol lol lol lol

06-10-09, 01:46 PM
joffs is a perfect example, for me also, i have nevr read his wip, but might start lol. and i only saw it really at pvs and didnt like it, i thought it should be in the past with its styling etc. and then ever since, i have been finding out little bits and i can now apprecate it alot more. and now finding out from you spud that it has the epas etc etc makes it all the better

I must admit ive never been a massive fan of the front bumper as its too low imo, but there is a reason for it being this big, set yourself aside a few days to read it through and there is more in the build than you would ever have thought, its definately worth a read through:thumb:

craig green
06-10-09, 02:27 PM
I guess most people doing the reading have at some stage witnessed a big power/fabrication build on a forum somewhere.
After looking at high res pics of tubular manifolds, big Garrett's & rosejointed rollcages (LOL), a back alley blow over & 1600 conversion shot on a Nokia doesnt kick it no more.

06-10-09, 02:34 PM
All true. I can see both points. Sometimes it's awesome to see a well built and specced mystery car at a show from a non forum member or one who rarely posts.
As said though, you can't appreciate everything with just a quick look over and chat to the owner. I'd rather drop the bomb and just turn up with no-one knowing me/what I had done though, then after the show I'd stick up a WIP so details can be aquired should people want them.

+ve rep if i can for that back alley/Nokia quip CG. FKN LOL.

06-10-09, 02:35 PM
Can't rep. Someone do it for me! lol

06-10-09, 02:43 PM
Can't rep. Someone do it for me! lol


Welsh Dan
06-10-09, 02:43 PM

06-10-09, 02:46 PM
Well deserved :). TY etc.

06-10-09, 04:14 PM
I'd love to be able to keep everything in till a show, but i cant do it.

I love reading peeps wips, seeing what they are doing and how thy are doing it...

06-10-09, 05:10 PM
I'd love to be able to keep everything in till a show, but i cant do it.

I love reading peeps wips, seeing what they are doing and how thy are doing it...

yeh i agree, i feel as if i learn so much from a WIP and whats the point in holding it in, its almost like people are being selfish and not sharing how they did things.

06-10-09, 06:03 PM
The point Craig G made is a very good one imo, one that hasnt really crossed my mind before.
Would make people more interested at shows etc if they didnt know every car inside out before they even saw it for real...

But then again, the WIP/Projects section is one the best parts of the site imho.

06-10-09, 06:52 PM
Mines a long ongoing one, it's getting used as well.

06-10-09, 07:05 PM
People do get bored so that's another reason I suppose why people get shut but most there cars will have run there course, or skint.

My wip is basically just a run of the mill conversion nowadays and nothing extravagant so the more knowledgeable and recognised won't read it, but as long as I'm happy with my daily runner then who cares. :)

06-10-09, 07:20 PM
hmmm, im not sure about the show thing, i knew all about burgos and RJ's but i still stood there and asked questions, and thought about them.

06-10-09, 08:33 PM
a back alley blow over & 1600 conversion shot on a Nokia doesnt kick it no more.

Actually that was a DIY blow over and it's a sony ericsson :mad:

:thumb: lol

06-10-09, 08:49 PM
I've done a ton of work remoddling the front of my Puntova build and have a ton of pics - just havent had the time to update them.

06-10-09, 08:49 PM
i knew all about burgos and RJ but i still stood there and thought about them.

Asl? Single? lol lol

07-10-09, 09:34 AM
Asl? Single? lol lol

lol you ****er

07-10-09, 11:52 AM
My wip is basically just a run of the mill conversion nowadays and nothing extravagant so the more knowledgeable and recognised won't read it, but as long as I'm happy with my daily runner then who cares. :)
Same as really, mines nothing that hasnt been done already, but with the colur being unusual and sticking with the 2.0 8v instead of a redtop its a little bit different from the norm. As others have said it is nice going to shows not knowing what to expect, or if you see a car you recognise but hadnt realised that since the last time you saw it its had loads of little changes. But at the same time, if no one did wip's then the site would be pretty dead imo. Its good to see what and how people are doing things. :thumb:

craig green
07-10-09, 12:02 PM
This place would be boring if it were full of LET builds anyway.

One of my fave progress threads this year was the Silver 1985 SR resto. The pics were good & it was a fairly rare looking car, plus the progress was quite quick on it & so updates were frequent.

07-10-09, 01:51 PM
This place would be boring if it were full of LET builds anyway.

One of my fave progress threads this year was the Silver 1985 SR resto. The pics were good & it was a fairly rare looking car, plus the progress was quite quick on it & so updates were frequent.

Lets get everywhere...

If its the silver one i'm thinking of its spanking. Dont for gets Dec's build 1.3 of awesomeness.

07-10-09, 02:07 PM
best thing about them is it gives me the motovation to do my own. without them i would struggle to go into a cold garage to weld rust for days on end. when you see people who have taken the extra time to do a job right or something different then take the time to write it up, i take my hat off to you.
i will do a progressed page once the nova is finished as i have loads of pics to sift through and dont have the time to put them up, id rather spend my time doing the car than wrighting about it. hopefully my project thread will be at as helpful/motovating to others as i have found theres.

07-10-09, 03:08 PM
The project threads are by far the best bit about this forum, could read them for hours. just dont bother reading mine, it's full of crap lol

craig green
07-10-09, 04:19 PM
id rather spend my time doing the car than wrighting about it. hopefully my project thread will be at as helpful/motovating to others as i have found theres.

Thats fair enough. You should ofcourse build the car for yourself primarily & no one else, something a lot of people forget I think. I get the impression many people have a build thread purely down to wanting to join in. But it doesnt matter if its a diary of oil changes & weekly washes or a bare shell resto with engine build. If a thread doesnt flick my switch, I don't look in too often. (poor titles put me off & I have missed many a build like this) :roll: