View Full Version : Thought i was Dead

Ben (lurk75)
10-03-03, 05:40 PM
Left my house at 05:40 this morning all went fine until less than 1 mile from work. Came of the M5 at the Portbury Junction, got to the lights they were Red so sat waiting then they changed to Green so i shoot off next thing bright lights and air horns. A Car transpoter had jumped the lights, i span the wheel round and buried my foot. Ended up facing the wrong way down the slip road with my car completly un touched.

Crawled into work and went into canteen sat down in a shaking wreck nearly in tears, I couldnt speak or do anything.
A guy i worked with was behind a bit behind me on the Slip road, all he said was "Didnt think would see you alive again". He explained to my Boss what had happened and i just sat there staring into space.

Was the worst feeling i ever had for that split second.

10-03-03, 05:47 PM
You were lucky mate. Fucking scary i bet :o . Dont suppose you got registration no of transporter?

10-03-03, 05:49 PM

Ben (lurk75)
10-03-03, 05:52 PM
No that was last thing on my mind at that moment, my cousin works for the company though so could be able to find out who it was, as i bet he was shaken up as well.

lol a thought could have been my cousin.

10-03-03, 06:19 PM
Glad you stayed away from the light at the end of the tunnel mate.

Sounds like a close one, new underpants please.

10-03-03, 06:29 PM
:o take it easy for a while chief

glad the novas ok and more importantly yourself.

Chris LR
10-03-03, 06:44 PM
Unfortunate, but cool.

Good to hear your OK, Not much work today then?

10-03-03, 06:59 PM

reminds me of a day i had once

NEar miss 1) Hospital car park - looking for a space and then by reflex, i swerve and jam on brakes. Look round and see an old **** about 3mm from my side - i couldnt have got my door off the catch he came that close. Wound down window, looked at cars, looked at him (looked like th eold fuck wus having a heart attack) and said "BACK UP NOW!" (seriously i didnt swear - dunno how) It wus my right of way as he was pulling out of an "ailse" in the car park. dozy git :x

2) same carpark, same day, different car - someone just plain pulls out in from of me . ****.

3) driving straight across the junction at a cross road with the lights in my favour and some tit cuts across in front of me. another emergency stop.

4) Volvo estate and i enter roundabout at same time him on the right and me on the left - im heading straight across and he (in theorey) shoul of headed right. he didnt and nearly sideswiped me clean off road.

5) maniac council van driver nearly rear ends me in traffic - he had locked up and was skidding straight for the nova.. :evil:

6) heading right around a roundabout and i notice a galaxy failing to stop, so i stop and watch in disbeleif as he misses the car by MM... again he was locked up and skidding like hell.. smoke and his car everywhere..

7) come wanker just come right out in front of us. By now we have had enough so we follow this idiot and give him a mouthful. His fishwife of a missus opens her gob and my missus says to her "do you know the rules of the road? Dont look like your husband does either!" so she shuts up and he mumbles an apology.

None as close or as serious as your miss ben but just reminded me of those instances....



10-03-03, 07:10 PM
dodgy m8 still in a few weeks it will all be behind :)

10-03-03, 07:15 PM
had some tit in a renult 19 16v behind me kept revving the pants of his engine (im thinkin greate u got an airfilter congrats mate) then every time i move of he razzs it in first gear the stops (hes done this twice now) so he does it again. i drive off look in my mirror he far behind then i hear him accelerating and then he screeches inches away from my back bumper everyone on the high street staring at him thinkin wot a prick he is, dont u just hate people like that!!

10-03-03, 07:20 PM
:shocked!: glad u 2 are ok..

there is always some idiot that ruins it for the rest of us :evil:

10-03-03, 07:34 PM
reminds me.. the other day some youngish kid was in a pug 205 with his girlfriend

I noticed this as I went past she looked rather tastey

anyway I'm in a 40mph zone and slowing down for traffic for a roundabout ahead of me.

I happen to look in the mirror and notice the pug coming towards me at a rapid speed...

So I sit there honking me horn....

And at the final minute he sweves onto the otherside of the road almost causing a head on.

Then when I catch up 2 him he gives me a wanker sign.

ffs ****

10-03-03, 07:55 PM
Good 2 hear ur all safe n ok Ben! i h8 gettin shaken up!

10-03-03, 08:23 PM
Good to hear you OK too! You will be like a hawk there EVERYTIME now!
I guarantee it!

Ive had a few too! White van behind, i was bout to turn right, slowing down and glance in mirror, he is a fair bit away and he looking down at floor, keep glancing and think hang on a minute, tempted to floor it so he doesnt shunt me, he looks up, slams on brakes and i full on floored it round the corner! C**T

10-03-03, 09:17 PM

and to cap it off ...

some **** drove into my missus' business' van today... :x useless **** wus only pulling out of a space next to it... took wing, bumper grille and lights out....



10-03-03, 10:14 PM
Ben m8 - you'll be -

1 - changing yer seats after following through!
2 - going to church on Sunday and thanking thr LAWD for life!

Scarey sh1te man

Phil G -

You are either one of the luckiest muthers alive not ot have had a smash on that day or someone had made you invisible under 10 feet!

Be safe guys...

Ben (lurk75)
10-03-03, 10:32 PM
told my girlfirend about it... " I bet you were going to fast " :!:

Impossible :roll:

10-03-03, 11:53 PM
Typical! No sympathy!

If she'd been in the car too, then well im not even gunna go into it!

11-03-03, 08:12 AM
Had a similar thing happen to me too. Did a 360 in the middle of a busy roundabout. Missed all the cars by an inch!

And once, i was driving on the outside lane of a dual carriageway (national speedlimit), and was coming up alongside a massive haulage truck, on the inside lane, when the driver decided to 'move into my lane' as though i wasn't either there. So it was either stay where i was and get smashed into, or move over into the outside lane of the oncoming traffic. Into the path of an oncoming double decker.

I opted for the second, put my foot down, and my crappy 1.2 Merit (which is what i was driving about in at that time) ONLY JUST managed to get me infront of the truck, so i could cut him up, missing frontal collision with the bus by millimeters. Nice one Malcolm! :D

Lovin it lovin it lovin it. :|

11-03-03, 08:13 AM
Had a smiliar thing happen to me, I was driving a Westfield on a local roundabout. I did same thing, set of with from the light to watch a truck come down the slip road from the motorway and through the red lights. Pap'd myself.

We sold the car soon after, after all anything hitting a fibreglass westfield is going to make a big mess, of me.

11-03-03, 10:05 AM
jes ben ya were lucky. i bet yer g.f would be more bothered if ya had "shat" in here seat as opposed to yer own!!!!!!! :o :lol:

11-03-03, 10:09 AM
well like u said about the trucks moving out on u in ur lane, my mate was in fast lane over taking a lorry, dual carrige way was coming to a join slip road, the lorry pull out on my mate while he was over taking and forsed him into central reservation causing him to flip his fiesta and nearly brake his back, when police caught up with lorry he knew nowt about it!

11-03-03, 11:19 AM
that happened to my mate unfortunaly he died as a result they were five people in the car he was in the back in the passenger side door. a truck pulled out hit the car ripped the door he was holding onto and threw him into 3 lanes of traffic, he died instantly. Also try to put ur seat belts on even peeps in the back of ur car like i do.

11-03-03, 11:31 AM
you were lucky mate :shocked!:

11-03-03, 06:00 PM
you were lucky!

aslong as ure ok tho

12-03-03, 11:43 AM
nah, id say it was bit deeper than thinking aboutyour self in that situation....id be more worried bout my m8's personaly.