View Full Version : Flash Forward

02-10-09, 01:14 PM

Did anyone watch in on Monday? It's a complete treat for the mind :p I don't want to wish the weekend away but roll on Monday! I'm certainly going to have a babe of a time reading the novel, thanks IMDb.

It's keeping me entertained whilst I await the second season of Lie To Me. Season 2, Episode 1 -Thursday 8th October @ 9pm on Sky 1.

I definately feel like I've been waiting about 6 years for that to come back on. I miss you Tim, come back to my TV right now please. To top it off, I have to wait until the Saturday night to watch it with my curry. Sky+ FTW, no more lame ass, 'brand-power' adverts, or those dental ads with the dodgy camera angles!

02-10-09, 02:20 PM
All I saw was the words "lynz" and "flash".

I feel disappointed :(

02-10-09, 02:22 PM
lol disappoinment hey RJ

02-10-09, 03:08 PM
no i did not watch this i had better things to do like trimming my toe nails

02-10-09, 03:50 PM
You're all missing out :roll: Grant, you chew on your toenails, don't deny it ;)

02-10-09, 03:51 PM
this the thingwhere time stops for 6seconds and some gezzer gets a glimpse of his future ?

02-10-09, 03:52 PM
They all go unconscious for 2 mins 17 seconds, but I think you mean the same one. He does see the future.

02-10-09, 03:56 PM
Do they wake up on an island where they can't escape and the whole thing turns to bullcrap after the first season? Thats been done.

02-10-09, 04:00 PM
No you idiot :roll: I knew YOU'D pick some fault with the programme before you'd even seen it. Typical you :p

02-10-09, 04:11 PM
Ive seen the trailers for this and it doesn look intriguing but i has poor freeviews on my tv and get bugger all channels, no sky for us and my rents always watch utter shoite so i wont be getting to see it lol

02-10-09, 04:18 PM
No you idiot :roll: I knew YOU'D pick some fault with the programme before you'd even seen it. Typical you :p
Excuse my attempt at humour. Won't happen again :roll:

Welsh Dan
02-10-09, 04:30 PM
It looks like some sort of half arsed movie on the trailer (i know its a series). Someone should spend the money to put Caprica into production. :)

02-10-09, 05:06 PM
Excuse my attempt at humour. Won't happen again :roll:

lol I was only kidding, turdface x

02-10-09, 10:38 PM
I was quite disappointed tbh. You can tell its made by the makers of Lost. Totally copied the start to Lost as well

Lost: Jack jumps awake somewhere strange, injured, surrounded by chaos and screaming people
Flash Forward: Cop jumps awake upside down in his car, injured, surrounded by chaos and screaming people.

But it has promise, I just dont think it was exciting enough from the outset for me. I have got used to BIG series' like Lost, Prison Break and Heroes so didnt pack enough punch with me. But I'm intrigued so I'll be watching the second episode. Just hope it doesn't get stupid like Lost did and Heroes to come extent.

02-10-09, 10:41 PM
TBH i thort it was just going be another lost thing! but was gud!

deffo with u on it thow role on monday

02-10-09, 10:42 PM
If you know where to look, episode #2 is out :)

02-10-09, 10:45 PM
The website I used to use got shut down so dont know where to go these days. Of course your not allowed to tell me on here tho or the banstick will be released lol

used to watch Lost, heroes and Prison Break. Really need one now that Sky swooped in a stole yet another of my fav programmes, House :(

02-10-09, 10:57 PM
I'm not really one for these American shows, I got bored of Lost/prison break within a month, only thing I really like is CSI and they get repetitive, the way Horatio takes his glasses off/puts them on is as predictable as my grandma's bowels.

02-10-09, 11:01 PM
Watched the first 15-30mins then got bored of it really, and rather confused as i was doing other things at the same time.

02-10-09, 11:18 PM
Watched the first 15-30mins then got bored of it really, and rather confused as i was doing other things at the same time.

Can you not palm one out and watch tv at the same time then lol

02-10-09, 11:22 PM
lol I figured there would be a comment made.

It appears i cant though.

03-10-09, 10:21 AM
I love CSI, Martin hates it but purely because I like it, never even watched an episode!

That's what I love about Horatio! Did you see the advert they did where they put all the scenes where he puts his glasses on and walks out of shot together lol

03-10-09, 01:35 PM
I watched it, thought it was quite good. Will be watching the rest.. Wanna know about the guy on the camera...

And the cops wife is penny from lost too.
And Seth McFarland from family guy is one of the fbi guys which was odd.

03-10-09, 06:59 PM
I watched it, thought it was quite good. Will be watching the rest.. Wanna know about the guy on the camera...

And the cops wife is penny from lost too.
And Seth McFarland from family guy is one of the fbi guys which was odd.

ooooh never noticed that!

03-10-09, 08:04 PM
Watch it again and see...

03-10-09, 10:23 PM
Thanks Benn, at lwast someone agrees ;) x

03-10-09, 10:30 PM
I heard the "plot" on the radio today...

why is this not simply one 60min X-Files show? lol
world 'stops'
people say what they experienced in the 'stoppage'
people work out its 'the future'
the end.


03-10-09, 10:37 PM
Because why make one episode when you can string it out to a series? Or in the case of lost, an entire collection

03-10-09, 11:06 PM
lol @ Jacks complete hatred of Lost.

I watched the Pilot Lynz and Im hooked as well :) Im also dying for the final season of Lost to appear!

03-10-09, 11:09 PM
lol @ Jacks complete hatred of Lost.
I hate lost as much as I hate pineapple, Glastonbury, the French and Vanessa Feltz.

Ok I lied. Its not possible to hate anything as much as I hate Vanessa Feltz. But the rest is true.

03-10-09, 11:11 PM
You gave up halfway through season 2 though! Most of the really good stuff happened in season 4, and the final season has been set up to be a complete mindfeck :)

03-10-09, 11:12 PM

Actually I gave up halfway through season 3 :p The whole thing is a mindfeck!

03-10-09, 11:18 PM
Ok I lied. Its not possible to hate anything as much as I hate Vanessa Feltz. But the rest is true.

I dunno, her daughter is a close competitor.

03-10-09, 11:20 PM
And Lee, you should come round and watch it with us. We can have cuddles, Dougie in the middle. Just like in my fantas.... lol Only kidding :)

03-10-09, 11:23 PM
I dunno, her daughter is a close competitor.
Wasn't she on some game show recently? I never really paid much attention to it as when Ii saw Vanessa on there I turned off my TV, threw it outside, jumped out the window and stamped on it a few times, then set fire to it, then blew it up, then pissed on it, then posted it to uzbekistan

03-10-09, 11:50 PM

04-10-09, 12:32 AM
lol @ Jacks complete hatred of Lost.

I watched the Pilot Lynz and Im hooked as well :) Im also dying for the final season of Lost to appear!

haha me too, love lost.

04-10-09, 08:56 AM
cant get enough of lost. eagerly awaiting the last season. im gagging to find out what happened after juilet got dragged down the shaft with the hydrogen bomb in hand. im hooked,

04-10-09, 09:08 AM
I've been reading the series guide on wiki for lost.... even thats a mind feck... I'll stick with mythbusters thanks

04-10-09, 09:13 AM
mythbusters is also good viewing.

how its made also is a good way to waste half an hour

04-10-09, 07:44 PM
I've just gone hard-core on Lost and watched seasons 4 and 5 in a week! Season 4 started off really well, but towards the end its gets weird! Season 5 is just a big WTF!
Just S5 episode 16 & 17 to go now!

04-10-09, 07:47 PM
Its all got very odd, very! But as s6 is the last i cant wait to see how it all ties up.

If its like all a dream or they are all dead then they will have ruined the whole show and coped out to not write an summing up and ending.

04-10-09, 07:54 PM
mythbusters is also good viewing.

how its made also is a good way to waste half an hour

Yeah, 'How it's made' and 'How do they do it?' are interesting and informative programmes :cool:

Tidy Max
04-10-09, 08:07 PM
Flashforward FTW

... mythbusters? FTMFUW!

and spudly, its on channel 5 not fancy channels lol

04-10-09, 08:41 PM
Yeah, 'How it's made' and 'How do they do it?' are interesting and informative programmes :cool:

agreed, even my mrs will sit and watch them.

i was watching how stuff works this morning, this is also pretty cool. i like the way they cut things up and then show all the internals doing their thing. plus the guys voice that narrates it makes you stay interested in some strange way.lol

04-10-09, 09:13 PM
See i don't like that's one ^ all the cutting it up and that.

Love "how its made" and that, the Lego one was good.

04-10-09, 09:24 PM
yeah i seen the lego 1, it takes about a second to make 1 piece of the stuff. and ill bet the rate they are knocking it out, its cheap as chips to make. reckon the mark up on the stuff is huge.

04-10-09, 11:11 PM
Its all got very odd, very! But as s6 is the last i cant wait to see how it all ties up.

If its like all a dream or they are all dead then they will have ruined the whole show and coped out to not write an summing up and ending.

Its impossible for the show to cop out as it was written backwards ;) The final season will be what the writers wrote first. Even that is difficult to get your head around. People like jack think its lost its way but thats impossible because of that simple fact lol Flash Forward will have been done in a similar way.

04-10-09, 11:12 PM
Erm... Wha?

04-10-09, 11:15 PM
Erm... Wha?

Exactly lol

They wrote it backwards. Started from the end and went backwards. The last thing they wrote would have been Jack waking up in the trees lol

04-10-09, 11:17 PM
Yeah? Wouldn't surprise me tbh. Most stuff isnt comming together tho...
Cause we all know you cant change things in the past.. Like Jack and the ben as a kid.

04-10-09, 11:29 PM
I wish I'd started watching Lost. I missed the very first episode and decided I wanted to watch it from the beginning, but never got round to it. Only a few more days until Cal is back on the screen, busting the liars :p Yayayayaya!

04-10-09, 11:59 PM
I watched the first couple of episodes of lost, then found out you wouldn't find out anything till about season 68 so gave up.

Flashforward was really good though, looking forward to tomorrow. There's still 22 bloody episodes though.

05-10-09, 12:01 AM
Yeah? Wouldn't surprise me tbh. Most stuff isnt comming together tho...
Cause we all know you cant change things in the past.. Like Jack and the ben as a kid.

Thats the thing I love though, the big question of whether you can or can't change things.

Things that make you think it cant such as Ben being shot by Sayid in the past, meaning he was taken to the 'others' and thats how he went on that path, gesturing towards the fact that everything that happened happened etc

Or hints that it CAN be changed when Farady went to see Desmonds past self at the hatch and told him to seek his mother, why did Desmond only remember it years later even though he met Farady previously on the island?.

I farking love stuff like that, im a massive paradox fan lol

Apologies to those who dont watch it, it sounds bloody confusing, and it is!, I make sure I watch every episode twice lol

05-10-09, 12:37 AM
Thats the thing I love though, the big question of whether you can or can't change things.

Things that make you think it cant such as Ben being shot by Sayid in the past, meaning he was taken to the 'others' and thats how he went on that path, gesturing towards the fact that everything that happened happened etc

Or hints that it CAN be changed when Farady went to see Desmonds past self at the hatch and told him to seek his mother, why did Desmond only remember it years later even though he met Farady previously on the island?.

I farking love stuff like that, im a massive paradox fan lol

Apologies to those who dont watch it, it sounds bloody confusing, and it is!, I make sure I watch every episode twice lol

haha me too, see i think that everything does follows on to the next, but the bit with Farady and Desmond is a strange one. But then the ginger girl seeing Farady when she was a kid too. Bu then there the whole thing about the nuke in the past causing this and that.. So that much be all tided in with juliette (whos hot) getting pulled in cause of the magnetic pocket.. Hoping it all leds up and sorts it right... Also why is jacks dad showing Sun and ben around in our time? And is lock that guy from the past on the beach saying he'll kill Jacob...

05-10-09, 12:46 AM
yeah i seen the lego 1, it takes about a second to make 1 piece of the stuff. and ill bet the rate they are knocking it out, its cheap as chips to make. reckon the mark up on the stuff is huge.
Possibly, but their designers are a) very clever and b) very highly paid lol

Random fact, did you know The Lego Company is the world's largest manufacturer of tyres?

Bollcocks to Lost, in the first season interviews they were rabbiting on about how it was all "within the realms of modern technology" and shiznit, yak yak yak.

05-10-09, 11:47 AM
wow just read this post lynz and i went on demand 5 and watched it, i have to say it is good and i will be watching the others. At the moment the only thing i watch is heroes which is immence!

05-10-09, 08:49 PM
On in 11mins.

05-10-09, 10:00 PM
ah i just watched the first episode, i like, i may be getting sucked in haha lol

05-10-09, 10:01 PM
2nd one was really who! Spooky dolls...

05-10-09, 10:26 PM
The future death of the Korean guy is bugging me, but in my mind I have figured something out.

Korean guy and the white dood are trying to figure out what caused it.

Another agency (higher up and more hush hush) caused the "flash forward" and are trying to stop Korean guy and white dood from finding out, Cap popped in Korean guy's ****, death results.

They then go after white dood.