View Full Version : amsterdam

Tidy Max
28-09-09, 10:56 AM
any of you chaps been? me and the lads went this weekend! What a place!!

28-09-09, 11:03 AM
Yeah iv been. Great place to go.

visit many cafe's then!?!

Tidy Max
28-09-09, 11:09 AM
too many mate lol just went in cafes and bars and rented pedalos on the canal haha im definately going back!!

28-09-09, 12:25 PM
best be qwick then mate seen this on the news a few weeks ago , might only have till the end of the year :( http://news.globaltv.com/entertainment/Dutch+cabinet+says+wants+keep+soft+drugs+locals/1985112/story.html

Tidy Max
28-09-09, 02:31 PM
yeah i heard about that, the amount of money the economy must make from the sale of it over there, i was honestly expecting to see stoned messes on every bench etc, but no one looked intoxicated at all tbh!

popping in for a spliff really is just like popping in for a coffee over there, didnt see any trouble either, the worst thing was the amount of loud black americans!

28-09-09, 02:52 PM
This site may interest you then. lol

CLICKYWACKYBACKY (http://www.thestonerscookbook.com/) http://bouncingbass.co.uk/bb/images/smilies/smokespliff.gif

Tidy Max
28-09-09, 03:10 PM
hahaha never seen that before! i can tell you know going over to amsterdam makes the stuff over here taste/effect like bloody lawn grass lol

really cool place, had lots of fun on the pedalos and crashing them into the hard rock cafe!

28-09-09, 03:36 PM
just because weed is legal doesnt mean where hammerd all day long lol

Tidy Max
28-09-09, 03:38 PM
i know i realised that after the first day, but mr. mayhem i have to say i did have that notion in my head lol

saying that the street cleaners who blast everyone with water were always hammered! wandering around shooting people with water and smoking doob.....didnt do a good job of cleaning mind haha

hc coupe
28-09-09, 03:53 PM
I just got back from Amsterdam last week and have never been more inspired to get out to more capital cites around Europe.

Had an awesome time, have been once before but had to re-visit because most things passed me by last time.

I would also recommend the st Christopher (http://www.st-christophers.co.uk/amsterdam-hostels) if anyone is planning a trip !!.

28-09-09, 06:09 PM
Been loads of times, maybe 10 - 15 or so...
Last was on my stag do last year :D

28-09-09, 06:21 PM
i went back when i was 11 with my school lol

28-09-09, 06:23 PM
I went end of last year, had a great time. Went to prague a few months ago, if i had a choice i would definatly go back to prague over 'dam. Its not legal but if you want it you wont have trouble finding it.

What did you do in the evenings? Go into banana bar by any chance? live sex show? peep show? lol

i went back when i was 11 with my school lol

I wish i went to your school.. lol

Tidy Max
29-09-09, 08:11 AM
hahaha no we didnt go into the banenenenbar! just got heckled by the guy outside

"heyy budddy, wanna see live fcukings?"
"heyy budddy, not into the ladies? thought not buddy"
"heyy buddy why dont you show you girlfriendsh a big dick for once, no?"

lol just went round bars and walked around the RLD! couple of mates went prostitute mad on the last night haha

29-09-09, 09:02 AM
The guy outside there was funny

Him "Hey buddy, you wanna see pussy?"
Me "No"
Him "Ah, you here for the flowers?"

I only had an afternoon and early evening in Amsterdam. Our flight to Beijing was delayed by 6 hours so we bunged the hand luggage in a locker at the airport and got a train into the city. Work payed for all the beer :d

29-09-09, 12:27 PM
4 days is too much IMO , lol stayed at the Delta hotel and had no bother there , where allowed to smoke in the hotel no bother got rather stoned and wasted 2 days , went to the cannabis collage and whiteied out also went to a vodka museum which was rather poo , you will enjoy it but be prepared for serious couch lock and manys of black people saying COKE , E'S stay in group and youl be fine !

29-09-09, 12:43 PM
I only had an afternoon and early evening in Amsterdam. Our flight to Beijing was delayed by 6 hours so we bunged the hand luggage in a locker at the airport and got a train into the city. Work payed for all the beer :d

Great minds think alike! We were coming back from norway and when we arrived in Schipol we were told we had a 7 hour wait! Awesome place even if just for a few hours.

29-09-09, 02:01 PM
A group of us went a few years back, on the way my mate got found with a pre-rolled in his pocket. (he got really wrecked and forgot about it) The Dutch customs told him that he would get into trouble if uk customs found it so he better go smoke it in the toilets, in a non smoking airport lol

craig green
29-09-09, 02:52 PM
Grasshopper cafe FTW.

Jim Mcrae
29-09-09, 04:25 PM
Grasshopper cafe was awesome first place i went to. I was there over st patricks day last year got involved in a lock in at an irish pub, feeding the barmaid spliffs for free beer equalled a very messy night. Stayed in a place called bobs youth hostel, which was cheap as chips, €22 bed and breakfast if i remember, I think a week was probably a bit to long though, spent loads of cash.

29-09-09, 04:32 PM
thats just because you all pay 50 euro for a prostitute lol

29-09-09, 06:20 PM
The Dutch customs told him that he would get into trouble if uk customs found it so he better go smoke it in the toilets, in a non smoking airport lol

cant let it go to waste hahaha!

Why is this country so stuck up?

"hey guys come see the show, we have 8 shows 4 copples focking ('dam accent lol) girl sshmoking cigar from funny places"


29-09-09, 06:28 PM
one of the lads was over a while back, and i want to go over with him sometime, but my woman is mad to go, but im never bringin her because if she sees what goes on there id never be let go with lads, think were going to sneek over sometime, just prob tell her im going to england to buy a car

29-09-09, 06:45 PM

its not all weed and hookers you know... just the centre :D

in amsterdam you can have a nice day with the misses.... and a GREAT day with the lads ;)

Tidy Max
29-09-09, 07:34 PM
course its not mayhem.... course its not lol lol

im joking, i know its definately not, my gfs best friend lives over there so shes going over at the end of jan i think.... cue excuse for me and one of the lads to tag along :) :) ohh yeahh haha

29-09-09, 09:54 PM
Mushroom tea FTW.

29-09-09, 11:43 PM
i went out there last year for sensation black, 1 of the best places iv ever been and would love to go back again

Tidy Max
04-10-09, 03:46 PM
what the deuce is sensation black? didnt have any shrooms out there, prefer having them in a location im quite comfortable with tbh, like a cupboard with a lock on it lol

04-10-09, 04:03 PM
youtube it. very big hardstyle festival in the Amsterdam Arena.

04-10-09, 04:40 PM
been numerous times, experienced the vapourizor in the hash/marijuana museum before they were stopped from letting people have a go on it, man that was some crazy ****.....no tobacco or smoke, just pure vapour, by rights i should have been a gibbering wreck but i could walk/talk and function normally apart from giggling like a school girl lol.

hotel brian is a good place to stay, cheap and cheerfull and the staff are friendly no bull smokers themselves, so you are in good/familiar company

Lauren.....go and sit on the naughty step, bad girl lol

Tidy Max
04-10-09, 08:10 PM
hahaha didnt know you were a fan of hardstyle, can you melbourne shuffle by any chance mayhem?

04-10-09, 08:28 PM
lol are you hitting on me?

i can do the basic moves.