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kinky nova
08-03-03, 11:35 PM
whats yours :?:
if you got one
mines kate :wink:

08-03-03, 11:47 PM
mines hungry :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

lol on a serious note mines robert

09-03-03, 12:03 AM
Mines Fredd ;) .........nah its John.

09-03-03, 12:36 AM
Mine is James, my sisters is 'sucks'. Some of you will get it :D

I am named after Led Zeppelin....first name Robert (Robert Plant), middle name James (Jimmy Page)

09-03-03, 01:26 AM

09-03-03, 10:56 AM
i get that all the time courtenay it makes i chuckle specially when i was at school register called out and 1 of the lads would say it :roll:

mines JOELLE

09-03-03, 11:44 AM

09-03-03, 11:58 AM
! :lol:

Chris LR
09-03-03, 05:50 PM
I'm Posh, I've got 2 :?

Richard Anthony :| :!:

09-03-03, 06:04 PM

how boring

09-03-03, 06:18 PM
john :D

Mr Dan
09-03-03, 07:44 PM
Miles 8)

09-03-03, 07:56 PM

I like it

09-03-03, 08:12 PM
I aint got a middle name :|

Chris LR
09-03-03, 09:15 PM
I'd offer you one of mine but..........

09-03-03, 10:12 PM
mines james :lol:

10-03-03, 10:35 AM
Mines james... not too keen on it but its a kinda family tradition... all men on mums side of family have had james in their name somewhere for generations... at least back to my Great, Great grandfatehr as far as i am aware so far.

10-03-03, 10:54 AM
lol we got more in common than we thought lol

cept i dont smoke tut tut tut

10-03-03, 10:58 AM
come the end of the next meet i will have you converted mate... i could see you were tempted this time :lol: I reckon it was only your girlfriend hiding in the car that stoppedyou this time lol.

btw - why did you keep her hidden away in the car?

10-03-03, 11:01 AM
i didnt :?
and i aint convertin lol some times i have a smoke wen im rat arsed wen out but havnt done that either for ages

10-03-03, 11:04 AM
you kept her hidden in the back of the car - i never saw her out of it all day. :lol:

as for you convertin - you will. :D
I will stick a patch on you without you knowing about it lol

10-03-03, 11:06 AM
and where u gonna stick it on my forehead lol!!

whats the need to convert some one as innocent as me to a dirty smoker lol

10-03-03, 11:11 AM
I havent got one :cry:

10-03-03, 11:14 AM
unlucky but do u really wantone or not??

the words middles names are these which some kid has that ive known since i was like 5

his full name :?
John Claud Authur Nicholson Alexander now i aint sure if hes got some shite the 3rd afta it :lol:

10-03-03, 11:17 AM
i used to go out with this lad he was Dutch his full name was

Hendrik bartholemue posiart

We used to call him Henk Bart Pussy Art


I dont really want a real middle name people give me them sometimes :wink: for a laugh

10-03-03, 11:20 AM
Hendrik bartholemue posiart

We used to call him Henk Bart Pussy Art

thats class! its rather amusin cant think if we used to slate that geeza with claud etc in his name

10-03-03, 11:22 AM
frillip is there something going on between you and mike as looking at your info under avatar you seem to spend alot of time together.

10-03-03, 11:23 AM
lol nah were just gud mates :? and we spend all day at college basically next to each other fightin or chattin random shite

y wud u think that?

10-03-03, 11:25 AM
just seem to spned alot of time together thats all. But if it is all innocent then you have nothing to worry about

10-03-03, 11:27 AM
lol i aint sayin nuffink bout wat goes on lol ask him about the collection of pictures that are at my gf's house from wen we go out

but ii am innocent from wat i remember aswell

10-03-03, 11:29 AM
mmmmm i believe you

10-03-03, 11:30 AM
tut i take that as a sarcastic remark!

but it takes 2 to tango lol only jokin!

but really i am innocent

10-03-03, 11:32 AM
i will e-mail mike about this later see what he has to say for himself lol

10-03-03, 11:33 AM
lol u best as i aint gettin funny looks at the next meet!

cept ill be werain a name tag and a red wig if mike has his way

10-03-03, 11:37 AM
he has funny taste... wel i suppose its whatever turns you on everyone is different

10-03-03, 11:47 AM
am i reading this right???

have phil and mike finally admitted they are gay and have been sleeping together for sometime????

about time too... we all know.

10-03-03, 11:48 AM
i think i may have upset him as he has gone offline.

10-03-03, 12:32 PM
back to the original subject mine is James too

10-03-03, 12:33 PM

Why does everyone wanna be like me???


10-03-03, 01:12 PM
mines diane :?

10-03-03, 01:14 PM

i expected something much more different and less common place with the rarety of your name, and your sisters.

10-03-03, 01:16 PM
its me mums name init my sisters are danika jade, and brianna leigh << i like her name

10-03-03, 01:20 PM
I like that name too actually...

10-03-03, 01:27 PM
Why does everyone wanna be like me???


They dont

10-03-03, 01:39 PM
i will e-mail mike about this later see what he has to say for himself lol

have no fear mike is here 8) :lol:

well as for phillip. i wont comment :lol: lets just say his missus wudnt be happy if she knew he smoked either!!!!!!!


i am about as striaght as a roman road.

phils more of a welsh twisty country lane :lol: only jokin

nah neither of us are queer FFS :?

10-03-03, 01:40 PM
how the fek can fiillip have a girlfriend who doesnt know u smoke? smoking stinks its the most obvious smells ever

10-03-03, 01:45 PM
Agreed - i have tried all sorts to hide it before now - the only one i found that worked was when i worked in a night club and used to smoke on my break and after work.

Blamed it on the customers :lol: Then again, not convinced she believed me, probably jsut didnt wanna argue about it. lol

10-03-03, 01:57 PM
ffs i had like a drag about a year ago jesus!!

wisewood is the one whos tryin to get me to smoke the poo pusher

10-03-03, 02:08 PM
I am on a contract from benson & hedges group to recruit new smokers as the government has made public advertising of tobacco products illegal.

it is going well so far. :D

Chris LR
10-03-03, 03:34 PM
Smoking is a waste of time.

10-03-03, 03:45 PM
No its not.

If you know of a better long term investment into your own death, you go ahead and tell me what it is, i will be more than happy to try it.

Chris LR
10-03-03, 03:49 PM
Drive a LR

10-03-03, 03:53 PM
Thats not a long term investment... thats short term, everyone i know would kill me if i did :D

Chris LR
10-03-03, 04:00 PM
Most of My Mates Like it.......

10-03-03, 04:09 PM
mine wouldnt.

11-03-03, 12:38 PM
back 2 d original subject :wink:

mines scott :)

11-03-03, 12:51 PM
oh dear mines ramsay

11-03-03, 12:55 PM
geordie ramsay racer ???

11-03-03, 12:58 PM
not quite wisewood my full name is, Christopher Ramsay Thompson n yes ive heard all the jokes u can imagine, geordie_racer is just 1 of many nicknames 2 hide my true shameful identity

11-03-03, 01:00 PM
its not that bad really mate... nota common name ramsay but not bad is it really.

Chris LR
11-03-03, 01:02 PM
I hate my name even more....

Christian Richard Anthony Coleman

Initials.... C.R.A.C (K)

11-03-03, 01:05 PM
I am on a contract from benson & hedges group to recruit new smokers as the government has made public advertising of tobacco products illegal.

i smoke wisewood but if there are free cigs involved then i dont!
recruit me now, save me buyin some more!

mines Adam by the way