View Full Version : Any 'Gym Heads'?

25-09-09, 10:34 AM
As the title

Anyone else a massive gym/fitness freak?

I'm currently in the early phases of 'Project Massive'

Basically, im 13stone, quite strong and toned, but not massively muscular.

Due to the position/s i play in rugby, i'd like to have a bit more weight behind me.

So, target weight is 15 1/2 stone lean. Not fat.

I'm running 4 miles every morning to shift any bodyfat i have left (currently at 13%)

Weights training every lunchtime, only on workdays though, weekend rest.

Also 3 evenings a week rugby training, 2 days a week actually playing rugby in a game.

Biggest issue is the food bill!
6 Meals a day now, and always hungry!!!

Lots of protein and carbs, minimal fat.

In 3 weeks, ive put on 4kgs and lost 1% bodyfat :)

Anyone else in a strict training regime??

25-09-09, 10:37 AM
jesus, how dya manage to be so strict with your food intake? i can never be arsed eating and just graft graft graft and keep on going. then nearly die as iv realised ive done a full day on a bowl of shreddies. lol

Would love to be bigger but i just do not have the same sorta of self control.

25-09-09, 10:44 AM
You have to be strict, really strict. You can have a free eating day by all means though.

At the moment, this is my diet

Im doing roughly 3-3500 cals

No sugar, no shiite (crisps, biscuits, chocolate)
Water only - No fizzy pop, squash, fruit juices.
No white bread/pasta (granary bread, brown rice and pasta)

4eggs scrambled
4weetabix with skimmed milk.

Mid morning snack (10AM)
2 slices of toast or bagels with peanut butter or low fat cottage cheese
Protein shake

Dinner (post weight training)
Jacket spud with beans or tuna
or Tuna pasta
or similar
Protein shake

Afternoon snack
same as morning without the shake

Anything with chicken or
Steak with steamed veg or
Pasta bake with tuna
Anything high protein/carbs/ low fat

Evening snack (930pm)
As morning/afternoon with protein shake

Training is 10% Gym, 90% nutrition

25-09-09, 10:46 AM
I need to start some proper training as I'm 15 stone, kinda weird, my legs are muscly as fook but my upper half is flabby as fook, basically my ideal weight is 12 1/2 stone (or just under, I was 12 1/2 when I went went to RSC in Glencourse and was told I was 4lbs overweight) anyway I need to shift some flab as I want to join the marines, but I have no idea of what kind of training to do.

25-09-09, 10:49 AM
I used to be in the marines, Shhhhhhhh

Run, run some more, then run a bit more, until you are sick. Then run even more!

And do lots of press ups and sit ups!

As i said though, nutrition is key, little and often!

25-09-09, 10:54 AM
Typically running is the one thing I cant do well :( just gave up smoking though and feel the benefit already, I'll do my best to get where I want to be though as the life I lead right now is a bit **** to say the least.

25-09-09, 11:11 AM
I'm the same, massive legs which are pretty much all muscle, and my chest/arms is starting to tone up from the gym, but most of my weight is on my belly lol

I just can't be doing with giving up alcohol/crap food lol

25-09-09, 11:14 AM
Sounds like a lad at work, he is pouding the gym, martial arts, cage fighting the lot, and the diet he is on he has to eat every two hours, he has cereal and toast about eight, then same again at ten, then at dinner two jacket spuds with beans cheese and tuna, even drains the sauce off the beans, then he has a tuna sarny about three and not sure about the rest of it but he says he is always feeling hungry but has to eat all the protien stuff to attack the fat and burn it off, not too gen'd up on all of that but i could do to be as i wanna shift my beer belly tbh :cry:

25-09-09, 11:18 AM
I can press 300KG with my legs, but they are tiny! Just dont seem to put on any size at all, hopefully thats gonna change!

wmwmmwmw i quit smoking 11 months ago and feel sooo much beeter for it now!

Cutting the crap is hard, but if you do it gradually you will find its easy :)

Spudders, he sounds just like me! I'm always hungry. Ive just had my mid morning snack and im starving already!!

25-09-09, 11:25 AM
My real weakness is crisps, I ****ing LOVE crisps, truth be told I don't really know what is the best diet for me, obviously vegetables are a good start, gonna have to go to the gym and see if they do diet sheet thingys.

25-09-09, 11:25 AM

25-09-09, 11:30 AM
Bah, I find riding an oversize BMX takes care of my fitness / Makes me smile.

25-09-09, 03:01 PM
RJ, the same as me, legs are big and mucscle, but im just big on top.

i wanna loose it.

25-09-09, 05:02 PM
I want to start training, its just finding the time/being arsed after work. Im 10St atm (which is about as heavy as i get before i start feeling ill/sh1tty all the time) 5ft 10" tall, skinny as fook arms and legs, almost flat belly and i eat like a horse as it is, im forever hungry so I cant imagine what it will be like when i do eventually start training :(

How do you be so strict on yourself? I tell myself 'right gunny, no kfc this week, seriously' then i find myself stood at the counter all confused asking for the largest meals with extras ;tard:

25-09-09, 05:51 PM

Dont get me wrong gunny, i still have the odd takeaway, but not often.
You can allow yourself a binge day once a fortnight without undoing too much work!

Eating like a horse, but all the right stuff??

It's all in the motivation and your goals.

I play alot of rugby, so i NEED to be bigger to be a better player IMHO

Also, having a motivator such as a book or a piece of music or dvd is a great help.

Ie my book is Arnie's 'Education of a bodybuilder'
OR Pumping Iron on DVD.

Makes me wanna go work out at daft hours!

If i ever feel de-motivated, my gym partner eggs me on too. Thats anopther thing i cannot stress enough, a training partner.

25-09-09, 05:59 PM
I eat anything thats availaible really. :roll: There is a truck load of chicken in my 'diet'. A binge day sounds good, break it down a bit.

I can see music being motivating, I always have to be listening to music when at work/doing the cars etc. I wasnt planning on going gym alone either, me and my mate Simon have been on about it for a bit now and it needs to be done really, were both un-healthy and feeling it lol

25-09-09, 06:01 PM
Well there you go then.

I find i can always lift heavier and for more reps with someone to spot me and push me.

Diet needs to packed full of complex carbs, LOTS of protein and a little bit of good fat.

Bit of cardio and a good weights regime and you will pack it on in no time!

25-09-09, 06:03 PM
Think i need to research the diet part a bit then go for it.

25-09-09, 06:05 PM


25-09-09, 06:05 PM
Cheers dude :thumb:

25-09-09, 06:21 PM
i used to be in perfect shape at 15 1/2-16 stone when playing rugby,only to quit the game and join the dirty dozen down the boozer literaly every night, plus a burger/kebab or pizza on the way home,which seen my weight "ballon" to 20.10 stone:eek: this made me think,and since ive been taking my son down for his rugby training(tues/thurs),ive been doing a good few of laps around the field they train on over the last 5-6 weeks plus plus in the pool wednesday/sunday doing aroun around 40-45 lengths plus the cut down on only visiting the boozer when there is a decent footie/rugby game on has since seen my weight drop down to 18stone 9:)
i plan to keep this up and lose at least another 2 stone:thumb:

25-09-09, 06:29 PM
Nice going matey

What height are you out of interest, and what position did you play?

25-09-09, 06:36 PM
Nice going matey

What height are you out of interest, and what position did you play?im 6ft 2" and played centre, loose forward and the odd time second row

25-09-09, 06:39 PM
I was gonna say at 16st you must have been in the big 8 .

If not front row, definitely 2nd.

25-09-09, 10:52 PM
im starting a new diet soon. having the new fitness trainer in work sort me a bulking diet out. when i started training maybe 3 years ago i was always around 12.8/13 stone. then 2years sept i had collapsed and lost nearly 2 stone in 2 weeks, due to not being able to eat. then last new year when i started training again within 6months i was up to 14.5/14.9stone.

i would train twice a day.

cardio and med weights early morning by myself. followed by heavy/intense at night when i had a mate to spot.

i would eat maybe 5 or 6 meals aday. with several pro-peptide/creatine mixes. cnp MR shakes. and usual chickens, tuna, potatoes, pasta's, lots of veg.

im in work at mo so not got loads of time for my diet(+not trained for about 3 months so all gone to **** anyway)

i peaked at 15.4 stone, and im not about 14.-14.3 stone, 5ft 11. i used to be in very good shape. but i could never seem to build as much arm wise...so if anyone has any tried.tested methods...fire away. i still get people taking the piss as i cant put my arms flat to the side, as stil have quite a large back, but after seeign a pic of me a mate took while i was on a lathe, ive got the motivation to train hard again, my back was massive. haha.

weight wise for bulk i always found 3 sets of 8 good. positive and negatives. and for strength maybe 4 or 5 sets of 3 reps with heavier weight. cables were always good for defining after the core lifts

26-09-09, 09:57 AM
What's your day job Stoo?

26-09-09, 10:06 AM
As the title

Anyone else a massive gym/fitness freak?

I'm currently in the early phases of 'Project Massive'

Basically, im 13stone, quite strong and toned, but not massively muscular.

Due to the position/s i play in rugby, i'd like to have a bit more weight behind me.

So, target weight is 15 1/2 stone lean. Not fat.

I'm running 4 miles every morning to shift any bodyfat i have left (currently at 13%)

Weights training every lunchtime, only on workdays though, weekend rest.

Also 3 evenings a week rugby training, 2 days a week actually playing rugby in a game.

Biggest issue is the food bill!
6 Meals a day now, and always hungry!!!

Lots of protein and carbs, minimal fat.

In 3 weeks, ive put on 4kgs and lost 1% bodyfat :)

Anyone else in a strict training regime??

im into my gym regieme mate but my diet is pretty **** at the mo tbh. I do think your doing alot of cardio to put on that amount of weight but the main thing is eat eat eat! as you probably know 6 small meals a day lots of tuna,pasta red meats etc etc. Also doing less reps and more weights builds muscle i was doing a warm up set and then either 4 sets of 6 reps or 3 sets of 8 reps and going to fail on each set.

26-09-09, 10:09 AM
im starting a new diet soon. having the new fitness trainer in work sort me a bulking diet out. when i started training maybe 3 years ago i was always around 12.8/13 stone. then 2years sept i had collapsed and lost nearly 2 stone in 2 weeks, due to not being able to eat. then last new year when i started training again within 6months i was up to 14.5/14.9stone.

i would train twice a day.

cardio and med weights early morning by myself. followed by heavy/intense at night when i had a mate to spot.

i would eat maybe 5 or 6 meals aday. with several pro-peptide/creatine mixes. cnp MR shakes. and usual chickens, tuna, potatoes, pasta's, lots of veg.

im in work at mo so not got loads of time for my diet(+not trained for about 3 months so all gone to **** anyway)

i peaked at 15.4 stone, and im not about 14.-14.3 stone, 5ft 11. i used to be in very good shape. but i could never seem to build as much arm wise...so if anyone has any tried.tested methods...fire away. i still get people taking the piss as i cant put my arms flat to the side, as stil have quite a large back, but after seeign a pic of me a mate took while i was on a lathe, ive got the motivation to train hard again, my back was massive. haha.

weight wise for bulk i always found 3 sets of 8 good. positive and negatives. and for strength maybe 4 or 5 sets of 3 reps with heavier weight. cables were always good for defining after the core lifts

for biceps i do

3 sets of 8-12 reps - Preacher curl bar sitting down
3 sets of 8-12 reps - hamer curl
Barbell curl doing 21's 7 low 7 middle 7 high

gets the burn going like funk!! i did biceps on wed and still feeling it today!

26-09-09, 10:18 AM
see this is something i have wanted to do/sort out for a few years now. Those of you that know me, know i'm not the smallest guy around and averagely built for my size (5' 8" and 15 stone), i was 15.5 back in the winter and shed 1/2 stone by the last combe show.

But at the age of nigh on 34 i would like to get my fitness back up and maybe try to get back to how i was say 10 yrs ago, abit bigger with more toning/fitness.

My problem is i am up at 5.45am to have my breakfast and get to work, i do a fairly physical job anyway, and then i get home from work about 7pm-7.30pm after i have tied up the loose ends paperwork wise/had a banter with the main man. SO as far as time goes i have virtually NONE. I did buy one of these home gym things with helped me work down the weight along with abit of cycling etc but its not the best as its only 120kg on the bench and most exercises. ok i know its only a machine and free weights are better but for the weight tbh its crap as i wasnt far of the maximums when i first used it lol.

I suppose i am not in the position to get a partner to join in, dont have the realistic time, and tbh dont know enough as i have never done anything like it before, anything i have is from hardwork and graft rather than tailored training regimes. Worst of all i dont have a goal or anything to drive me into it (if that makes sense)

I could just be being a dick and am fine, but in myself i dont feel that way as i was obviously alot better in my youth and for my age i would like to get some of that back and maybe continue with it.

I hate gay threads like this lol lol lol lol

26-09-09, 10:21 AM
As the title

Anyone else a massive gym/fitness freak?

I'm currently in the early phases of 'Project Massive'

Basically, im 13stone, quite strong and toned, but not massively muscular.

Due to the position/s i play in rugby, i'd like to have a bit more weight behind me.

So, target weight is 15 1/2 stone lean. Not fat.

I'm running 4 miles every morning to shift any bodyfat i have left (currently at 13%)

Weights training every lunchtime, only on workdays though, weekend rest.

Also 3 evenings a week rugby training, 2 days a week actually playing rugby in a game.

Biggest issue is the food bill!
6 Meals a day now, and always hungry!!!

Lots of protein and carbs, minimal fat.

In 3 weeks, ive put on 4kgs and lost 1% bodyfat :)

Anyone else in a strict training regime??

You seem to be saying and doing the right things, I'm sure if you stick to it you will reach your goals. My biggest issue is eating enough. If you don't mind me asking what shakes do you use? I'm looking for a good quality alternative to the ones I use because there cost me a fortune lol!

26-09-09, 10:36 AM
i go to the gym quite alot but i dont go there to loose weight or anything.
im not the biggest build lad but im 6ft'1 and i weight 9st'1
im underweight but i lost alot of weight when i started going gym and now im in the process of building it all back up.
i dont have a diet or anything, i just run 15 miles a day at night, gym 4 days a week for atleast 3 hours. and eat pasta before i go.

i dont drink anymore (which is keeping my weight down) but i do smoke and i also have astma :(

which isnt a good mix but im happy with my body type although the doctors constantly moan at me for being under weight "/

26-09-09, 11:19 AM
i cant afford the gym and to be honest haven't got that much motivation as ive never had an ideal body, im 6ft'6 and weigh 15st but am built like a rake with a small bump in the middle lol, in an ideal world id like to weigh just over 16st, my brother bought a home gym which ive been using on and off for a few weeks now, altho ive got stronger id like to bulk up a little but i dont know what suppliments would help (ive heard creatine is good but it was from a complete muppet), my diet could be better as i make the mistake of buying my food day by day rather than doing a weekly shop and planning my meals

26-09-09, 11:41 AM
i go to the gym quite alot but i dont go there to loose weight or anything.
im not the biggest build lad but im 6ft'1 and i weight 9st'1
im underweight but i lost alot of weight when i started going gym and now im in the process of building it all back up.
i dont have a diet or anything, i just run 15 miles a day at night, gym 4 days a week for atleast 3 hours. and eat pasta before i go.

i dont drink anymore (which is keeping my weight down) but i do smoke and i also have astma :(

which isnt a good mix but im happy with my body type although the doctors constantly moan at me for being under weight "/
Your bmi must be mega low! I weigh similar to you, but im not as tall.

I also find it impossible to gain any weight no matter what i do lol
Eat/Drink anything (well above the "recommended" daily calorie intake), and i still gain nothing.

26-09-09, 12:03 PM
between 2005 - 2007 i was a gym regular, nothing major just got fit and decently toned, but since starting my current job in june 07 i stoped and put on 3 stone (18kg) ive recently just started gyming it again dont seem to have lost much yet but feel fitter!

ive lost around half a stone this year but still unhappy as i want to be 12stone, currently 14st 7

26-09-09, 07:58 PM
i started going to the gym 3-5 times a week a few months ago with the intention to bulk up, i'm tall and slim and wieghed 10 stone, but luckly i have wide shoulders so it won't take much to get big. i only started because i want to look good at the beach etc. bt i'm going to start rgby and mma so i want to get hench lol. jst been eating loads of meats, potatos etc and the odd protien shake and all ready starting to look bigger and now weigh 11.5 stone! :d i'm a truck mechanic so i get a good work out 8 hours a day aswell lol

26-09-09, 09:43 PM
Eat/Drink anything (well above the "recommended" daily calorie intake), and i still gain nothing.

Same deal, race driver metabolism ftw lol

26-09-09, 09:51 PM
I used to do the weight's yrs ago, can't be bothered anymore. If i do get to the gym it's only for cardio vascular stuff.

I'm only a dwarf. lollol.. 5ft 7, used to weigh 14.5 stone.

Got my backside back on the bike. 90 mile's a week soon got rid of 3.5 stone. Been lazy recently, gonna get back in training. I prefer winter training TBH.

27-09-09, 08:16 AM
for biceps i do

3 sets of 8-12 reps - Preacher curl bar sitting down
3 sets of 8-12 reps - hamer curl
Barbell curl doing 21's 7 low 7 middle 7 high

gets the burn going like funk!! i did biceps on wed and still feeling it today!

im just waiting on new diet before i start back. but when i was training. is was doing a combination of:

hammer curls
concentrated curl(minds gone blank to correct name but where you sort of have your elbow on the inside of your knee)
cheater curls with big bar+ wieghts
negative curls on the eazi bar
dumbell curl

3x8sets then as many as possible on a lighter weight than final(positive/negatives)

been told to train arms once maybe twice a week tops

27-09-09, 11:42 AM
see this is something i have wanted to do/sort out for a few years now. Those of you that know me, know i'm not the smallest guy around and averagely built for my size (5' 8" and 15 stone), i was 15.5 back in the winter and shed 1/2 stone by the last combe show.

But at the age of nigh on 34 i would like to get my fitness back up and maybe try to get back to how i was say 10 yrs ago, abit bigger with more toning/fitness.

My problem is i am up at 5.45am to have my breakfast and get to work, i do a fairly physical job anyway, and then i get home from work about 7pm-7.30pm after i have tied up the loose ends paperwork wise/had a banter with the main man. SO as far as time goes i have virtually NONE. I did buy one of these home gym things with helped me work down the weight along with abit of cycling etc but its not the best as its only 120kg on the bench and most exercises. ok i know its only a machine and free weights are better but for the weight tbh its crap as i wasnt far of the maximums when i first used it lol.

I suppose i am not in the position to get a partner to join in, dont have the realistic time, and tbh dont know enough as i have never done anything like it before, anything i have is from hardwork and graft rather than tailored training regimes. Worst of all i dont have a goal or anything to drive me into it (if that makes sense)

I could just be being a dick and am fine, but in myself i dont feel that way as i was obviously alot better in my youth and for my age i would like to get some of that back and maybe continue with it.

I hate gay threads like this lol lol lol lol
If you want to improve your fitness, first thing to do is quit the fags ;) I don't mean Lee and Stuart, lol

27-09-09, 08:20 PM
Hardest part of these regimes is sticking with it.
Every so often i will start (again) with good intentions,buy all the right foods and go to gym every day,then i will get blasted or ill and be too hungover/ill to go to gym so i lose it.Im 5"8 and weigh just over 14stone i want to be around this weight but with no fat.I have a beer gut and my back end is looking rather enlarged of late lol
Also dont have a training partner which makes it difficult to progress as much as i would like to.
Just want to know the right things to eat/drink to shift the fat and tone.
I can run for ages so dont have a problem cardio wise and have protein shake aswell just need a plan i reckon???

27-09-09, 10:22 PM
to put on weight you need to be lifting 90% of max lift 5 times and not be able to lift much more. try taking ketine i think it is iwll find out tomrrow to be sure try also protine addtives and powders.

Matt Pickering
28-09-09, 05:36 PM
For a defined muscular body you need to hydrate your muscles, this enables them to work harder for longer, and gives better recovery rates!

You can get suppliments (legal ones) such as HMB which helps you with strength and definition, should be able to get these at your local supplement store! Also the obvious supplements such as a fat burner, protein shake, mass gainer and creatine! Also Alcohol reduces your testosteroine levels which are required to build up muscle, this can take 3-4 days to build back up from your night out!

Just dont get to impatient and want the muscle to build within weeks, thats how you end up taking illegal supplements, books that i've read have said on average you can only expect about 12lb of muscle to be gained in a year!!

Try reading books about Bodybuilding and nutritiion


28-09-09, 07:29 PM
I train. Just in the middle of it now. 2-3 times a week. I don't do huge ammounts but if I don't exercise I feel crap.

Motivation is really a problem for me though. It's much better if there are two of you, it gives you a nice bit of competition.