View Full Version : attack iraq

08-03-03, 12:50 AM

march 17th

will we be going to war?

just vote yes or no - be interesting to see wether the community think we will be or not.


the poll is wether we will go to war or not come march 17, not whether you personally think we should or not, just what you think will happen........

08-03-03, 01:05 AM
mike, u put me on ignore on msn? u never talk to me???

08-03-03, 01:10 AM
ur not "online" in my list - drop me a msg...................

08-03-03, 01:41 AM
I doubt we will be at war then. there will be another "last chance" for saddam or something that will postpone it.
anything that will keep the media focused on a possible war rather than pointing out the things that matter at home - petrol prices, underfunded schools, shitty hospitals etc.

10-03-03, 04:31 PM
Although i think we should go to war against Iraq to remove saddam from power, and I think we should do it sooner rather than later - mainly due to the weather conditions becoming hotter and hotter as the year moves on...

I think it will be AT LEAST the end of April before anything happens.

Chris LR
10-03-03, 04:35 PM
George dubya is already bombing stuff out there.

March 17th will be the Start

10-03-03, 05:18 PM
either do nothing of level the place. i dont care anymore

i just want them to do something so that the stock markts start going back up, therefore making me more money.

It will be sooner rather than later what ever happens

10-03-03, 07:09 PM
Not a bloody hope.

I dont agree with wot that sudam tw?t is doing, but going to war isnt going to solve a thing.

F*ck Tony Blair
Fu*ck Sadam

FU*ck Bill Clinton or wot ever his name is.

10-03-03, 07:12 PM
im glad this isnt a vote about whether we should and just peoples predictions

im really not being a tit here, but at uni im doing politics as one of my first year courses, and we're going in detail about what its really all about, even this is surface scratch knowledge im sorry but 'your man in the street' really cant give an opinion of MUCH (not 'none') validity

nice one for keeping off this :idea:

10-03-03, 07:34 PM
At first I was totally against this war, but there was an archbishop that said somthing last week that I thought summed it up. He said along the lines of "Remove Saddam now and risk the deaths of a few thousand, or risk the deaths of countless millions if Saddam carries on like he is".

As much as I hate war, and I hate George "I'm the most useless president ever and want to pick a fight because my dad had one" Bush Jr, I think it might save more people in the long run if we get it over and done with now.


10-03-03, 10:07 PM
the bottom line is this - (and I really hop I'm wrong)

Its cost the US and UK millions if not billions to get then troops over there and there are ships leaving all the time (2 MASSIVE supply ships left from the Clyde today - my office is right on the clyde and they went by - ABSOLUTELY HUGE)

They have to justify spending all the money is shipping the machinery, manpower and logistics regardless of whether the UN are on board.

At the end of the day Bush has a one track mine, Powell and Rumsfeld are blinkered by the "power" of it all and Blair has gone too far to do another U turn.

Radio 4 last night revealed that the latest is that the UN are giving Saddam the option of political assylum to get him out so the troops can move in and stop warring factions running the place - allowing a democratic government to be set up.

The daftest bit is that Saddam and his family could actually seek apolitical ssylum in the UK and under the Geneva convention WE HAVE TO GIVE IT TO HIM! As a deposed dictator we are bound by international law and as such we have to offer him a safe haven and as such we camnnot deport him!



Worlds fcuked up man - fcuked up big time.

10-03-03, 10:16 PM
Its a mess and no mistake. Diplomatic positions are becoming entrenched and IMO the yanks have backed themselves into a corner from where they really dont have any option. In reality they can do what the want when push comes to shove so they'll go I reckon, no doubt, although they may hang around a bit longer for us to get ourselves straight. The trouble is it was never really much about removing a despotic nutter from power - its become even less so now. Just about every tin pot country is lining up and tabling some kind of list of demands regardless of whether they are hoping to join the " kiss US ass and get loads of money" or "kiss the French/Russian /Chinese ass cos we dont like the yanks cos they aint giving us any money" camps. Everyones got an axe to grind and boy are they grinding it.
To me it really only serves to show how ineffective the UN is and how daft the decision making process is within it. Despite all thats said with all the best of intentions it more often than not fails in its ideals cos just a handfull of country's can throw the whole thing of course.

I personally cant understand how civilised countries can argue against armed intervention on moral and legal grounds - smacks of double standards to me

10-03-03, 10:30 PM
There wont b a fooking war! everyones tripping out, like everything its all just overinflated if thats the right word to use

10-03-03, 11:07 PM
bomb the place and we lose our oil supply, yet track him down and then make him suffer !! he cant be hidin far !!! get loads of people out there looking for him

They attack is I am on front line !!!!!!

nikki :roll:

11-03-03, 12:02 AM
Everyone noticed how petrol prices have risen by 10p ltr in last month!

Offering Saddam assylum will allow UN to take control of oil fields and stop the US going in and seizing it for themselves.

OIL = power = money = US

biggest power hungry country lands itself some of the biggest oil fields in the world - hmmm tell me theres not a hidden agenda here...


11-03-03, 12:15 AM
All i have got to say is move to Australia and fast! best place to be!

My old man has nearly finished building his house with his own hands and VERY little help and no joke its a mansion! He even made every door, from plain wood, fitted glass in doors, piping, etc etc!

Has made over ?250,000 on what he spent and got a free house in OZ! Now thats cool!

He just sits back and watches coz the Aussies stay out of it as much as possible, you dont see them diving in! And if they were to, a few Nukes by Al Qu'eda (WANK WHATEVA IT IS SPELT) would be like a spec of dust on the land space they have!

11-03-03, 10:31 AM
There wont b a fooking war! everyones tripping out, like everything its all just overinflated if thats the right word to use

You keep telling yourself that mate.
Everything else aside there is NO WAY Bush and Blair are going to have spent the kinda money they have moving troops and equipment out there and then come home again... they will do something - even if only small... and iraq will retalaite: thus there is a war.