View Full Version : nova prices are mad

24-09-09, 10:41 AM
havin just sold my nova ill be lookin into building a track/road car end of next year,i really like novas as ive had a gd few but with the cost of gettin a good one an tryin to stop it rusting every year, im lookin into other makes,think it,ll be a mi16 205/206 myself,ive enquired about a few local shells in all u get is its mint,had a new quarter in a sill :tard: ,yours for a £1000 etc:eek: ,eh no funk off u clown,utter madness,anyone think the same or it just me lol---rant over

24-09-09, 10:52 AM
good luckfinding a shell in aberdeen. youll need to travel south to get anything close to solid. salt + rain + 10 year old car = rot. and yes they are not cheep.

24-09-09, 10:57 AM
havin just sold my nova ill be lookin into building a track/road car end of next year,i really like novas as ive had a gd few but with the cost of gettin a good one an tryin to stop it rusting every year, im lookin into other makes,think it,ll be a mi16 205/206 myself,ive enquired about a few local shells in all u get is its mint,had a new quarter in a sill :tard: ,yours for a £1000 etc:eek: ,eh no funk off u clown,utter madness,anyone think the same or it just me lol---rant over

An example of a tool!

If you dont want one, dont fooking buy one!

Find a 10k minter then, or even better, go buy a mk1 escort!

24-09-09, 11:11 AM
Prices have gone silly.

For example some in the forsale section wants £1500 for a nova that needs a arch done. Crazy!!!

Other 80's hot hatch prices have not gone up this much.

General Baxter
24-09-09, 11:14 AM
theres a nice mk1 astra gte rep (2L) on mig for £1500 lol


24-09-09, 11:15 AM
Prices have gone silly.

For example some in the forsale section wants £1500 for a nova that needs a arch done. Crazy!!!

Other 80's hot hatch prices have not gone up this much.


Looked at the prices of MK2 XR2's recently? £700 bought my mate a 35k minter 2 years ago, he's looking to sell it for £3500

24-09-09, 11:30 AM
What I meant was people trying to sell sheds for £1000's

in turn this just bumps prices up even more

General Baxter
24-09-09, 11:31 AM
What I meant was people trying to sell sheds for £1000's

in turn this just bumps prices up even more

ill give you £50 for yours then lol

24-09-09, 11:37 AM
Cheecky fooker

24-09-09, 11:43 AM
i bought a nova 3 weeks ago for £150 lol

has spent the last 3 years going to the mot station once a year for an mot lol

24-09-09, 11:47 AM
Immaculate examples of any car are dear to buy, but there are good spec examples for reasonable money for sale all the time, abandoned projects are you best bet

24-09-09, 11:59 AM
It's called demand and supply, and the market dictates.

Prices might be "crazy", but if thats what they sell for then that's what they're worth.

Supply is down as good Novas are harder to come by, and it will only get worse. Demand for 80's retro is rising rapidly, pushing up the prices further.

Buy now to avoid disappointment :thumb:

24-09-09, 12:00 PM
IMO Nova's and parts for them are very reasonably priced given their age etc.

Also, anyone that moans about the pricing at Vauxhall dealers needs to own something Jap/German to get an idea of OE overpricing!

24-09-09, 12:17 PM
buying a decent nova can cost way over £2k, but if you actually used your head you could build one for much, much less and at the same time enjoy it.

shells and parts are very cheap, most of the time, imo.

24-09-09, 12:17 PM
Parts are respectively priced, but the cars aren't IMO.

I was expecting to reshell the V6 next year, into another 2dr saloon. If I can't find a suitable car for <£500 then it looks like I'll either a) sell it whilst it still has some value, ii) drive it into the ground and scrap it when it gives up, or 4) break the lot and move on with something else.

24-09-09, 12:25 PM
IMO Nova's and parts for them are very reasonably priced given their age etc.

Also, anyone that moans about the pricing at Vauxhall dealers needs to own something Jap/German to get an idea of OE overpricing!

thats not true, i've found vauxhall to be expensive, for my mazda i bought new wheel bearings and new seals/retainers to go with it for around £45, this was cheaper than getting the bearings alone from the bearings suppliers on the industrial estate.

Last time i went to vauxhall was for the crappy black plastic thing that slots into the cam from the dizzy on the 1.4, that alone was £9:eek:

24-09-09, 12:26 PM
i bought a mint saloon in 2000 for £20 result lol

24-09-09, 12:37 PM
i think, there are LOADS of factors which drive prices up and down

yeh supply and demand has alot to do with it. if i WANT a nova i will pay what ever is needed.

the scrapage scheme, it wouldnt suprise me if this is driving it up if some people can get 2k for a nova, then they are not gonna sell it for 500 are they?

ireland, generally speaking i think things go for higher prices in ireland. so some people might think, it is worth 2k in ireland, why shouldnt i list it for 2k in england.

some people probably think, because they have drove it, it demandsa higher price.

the fact that there are so many nova's which have been ruined in many ways. so trying to find a good untouched one, and then an untouched one which isnt rottern, certainly narrows the market down ALOT

peopel will see them as a good first car,

easy to work on.

cheap to work on.

and lastly because novas are cool as ****.

so i think people would see all these benefits. and in their eyes it might mean the car is worth another 100 quid or so. so they will "bid" another hundread. which over time drives up prices.

24-09-09, 12:49 PM
yeh supply and demand has alot to do with it. if i WANT a nova i will pay what ever is needed.
^ This is what drives up the prices. People with the "want now, fcuk the cost" mentality (which is what got us into the current economic situation, but thats another rant). I WANT an R33 GTR, or Supra TT, but as the costs are still beyond me I don't buy one. I WANT another saloon, but I have yet to find a reasonably priced one so haven't bought one. If buyers were only prepared to pay a few hundred for Novas, sellers would drop the prices.

the scrapage scheme, it wouldnt suprise me if this is driving it up if some people can get 2k for a nova, then they are not gonna sell it for 500 are they?
Not everyone is gullable (lol), most prefer to own a cheap car rather than finance a new one. Plus buying a car with the intention of scrappage is pointless as you have to own it for >12 months.

ireland, generally speaking i think things go for higher prices in ireland. so some people might think, it is worth 2k in ireland, why shouldnt i list it for 2k in england.
More pertinently, people see "mint" 1.2's, or LETs etc, selling for a few grand, so think thats the base price and adjust their rusty sheds to match.

peopel will see them as a good first car
Not by modern standards.

and lastly because novas are cool as ****.
Need I say anything? lol

24-09-09, 12:50 PM

Looked at the prices of MK2 XR2's recently? £700 bought my mate a 35k minter 2 years ago, he's looking to sell it for £3500

i'l second that. 30k - £1000 5 years ago, Now 48k and it'l easily sell for £3000 !

Fords are generally more desireable/collectable though

24-09-09, 01:45 PM
havin just sold my nova ill be lookin into building a track/road car end of next year,i really like novas as ive had a gd few but with the cost of gettin a good one an tryin to stop it rusting every year, im lookin into other makes,think it,ll be a mi16 205/206 myself,ive enquired about a few local shells in all u get is its mint,had a new quarter in a sill :tard: ,yours for a £1000 etc:eek: ,eh no funk off u clown,utter madness,anyone think the same or it just me lol---rant over

got a non text typed version of that kicking around?

if not this is a first/last warning about it :p

24-09-09, 01:46 PM
I have been trying to find replacement for about a year and i think there is alot of over priced sh1t out there! . Ebay is to blame as there are some people that think there 1.2 merit is worth more than a tidy valver going for £15/1800 so they think grannys nova will fetch £2000! pr1cks is what i call them at the moment there is a nova sr on there and i must say it does look like a tdy little weapon but £3750. F%ck me you could get a c20let beast for that money and still have money left over

24-09-09, 01:52 PM
its all looking good for me selling the 1.4 granny wagon :d

24-09-09, 01:54 PM
Just be thankful they wear the wrong badge to be accompanied by OSF tax! lol

24-09-09, 02:02 PM
I'm thinking i may just give up on buying another one, there's never any for sale in Scotland and when there is the price seems to be double that of elsewhere in the country, even for a shed. Reason i liked them was because they were cheap and a laugh to drive but im not willing to do a round trip of nearly 1000 miles for a Nova!

24-09-09, 02:12 PM
Buy another car then.. bye !

24-09-09, 02:14 PM

24-09-09, 02:22 PM
Prices are only high if your looking on forums and the like, my mate picked up a MK2 SR in white (looks just like spuds) for £75 the other day, and my nova, which has very very little rust i got for £120 last year.

But its not just novas, im looking to buy a corsa for a daily driver, where as about 6months ago you could get one for £100-200, now its more £300-600 even for a ****ter.

24-09-09, 02:26 PM
I think alot of the Nova's on places like this site are worth the money, like mint low mileage ones etc that have been owned by an enthusiast, cars like the Jamaican yellow SR 2.0 are worth £3k IMO all day long but i enquired about a MK2 SR last night in the local classifieds and the boy wanted £700 for a non rolling shell with a load of random bits, there were no rear quarters on it either!

24-09-09, 02:29 PM
I guess it depends on how much money you have extra per month - I drive a 3 series for my everyday and as much as I like it the Nova is far more fun.

I paid £1750 for the Nova and now have it for sale at £3000, I have, in total spent £4600 on it...so do I have it for sale too high? I don't think so because I'm making a loss on it so if it doesn't make near what I want I'll not sell it. So alot of what folk are asking is related to how much they have spent on the car too.

Even after spending all that on it, it's far less that what I paid for the 3 series and looking long term if I don't spend it on the Nova it'll just be wasted on day to day rubbish.

There are nice ones for 1600, like the Red K plate GRI Rep but I like mine to have a bit of character - not too say the red gsi is a bad car though:thumb:

24-09-09, 03:03 PM
any money you spend on a car is lost money

24-09-09, 03:20 PM
any money you spend on a car is lost money

Yeah, the majority of the time that's the case:cry:

24-09-09, 03:21 PM
Music instruments / electronics is where it's at.

Got a Hughes a Kettner Head, it's lost £150 is 8 years ! oh yeah !

24-09-09, 03:54 PM
Music instruments / electronics is where it's at.

Got a Hughes a Kettner Head, it's lost £150 is 8 years ! oh yeah !

i disagree, unless you buy and sell in a very close time period, because with electronics, there are always technical advantages in the same products. so the older ones are becoming worth less.

and back on the nova scene. i dont think i could spend anywhere close to 1k on a standard nova. unless i already had a buyer. because you can get a XE for under 1k and it would be funner. and a LET for about 1300.

i would be looking at different cars for over 1k. and lets be hounest, im sure its apretty small market for people who wanna look at mint nova's other people will just say we are sad.

24-09-09, 07:17 PM
and it would be funner.

24-09-09, 08:38 PM
grammarbot is needed......

i have to agree, most of what is around now is either:

A. overpriced tat


B. exceptional and higly priced.

there is no middle ground. but lets face it, the days of turning up a decent gte for less than a grand are long gone.
the issue for me is unscrupulous dealers and traders inflating prices cos its "rare, cool, retro" bollox at the end of the day its a bit of a nova, itsa worth all of 10p. (so to speak) like i posted before, nows the time to buy a mint corsa sport/gsi/sri and put it away for 5-10 years.

General Baxter
24-09-09, 08:44 PM
grammarbot is needed......
i looked at that, and the first thing that come into my head was

sloth you bellend lol

24-09-09, 08:59 PM
cheers gb, you utter winkylicker.

24-09-09, 09:07 PM
a LET for about 1300.

:wtf: Bloody hell, point the rest of us in the right direction, i've never seen a LET nova sell for that price :thumb:

24-09-09, 09:18 PM
havin just sold my nova ill be lookin into building a track/road car end of next year,i really like novas as ive had a gd few but with the cost of gettin a good one an tryin to stop it rusting every year, im lookin into other makes,think it,ll be a mi16 205/206 myself,ive enquired about a few local shells in all u get is its mint,had a new quarter in a sill :tard: ,yours for a £1000 etc:eek: ,eh no funk off u clown,utter madness,anyone think the same or it just me lol---rant over

see where your coming from mate but at the end of the day eaither keep searching or buy an mi16 iif i had 3k spare or to buy a nova id buy johns straight away ! and id never turn round to him and say 3k for a nova that prie is mad ? or the red gsi look at the car the underneath its lovely ! i gave good money for my gte and have done some bits to it and it probably stands me at 2.5k and if i was to sell it id ask 2k for it but its my nova at the end of the day demands growing people want mint stuff im not going to outprice myself but im not washing it away for peanuts im not so handy with a welder and engines learning though! but if i was going to do a track project now i know id rather take a tottally solid low milage shell and pay 400 quid more for it better base makes sense surely?

24-09-09, 09:18 PM
:wtf: Bloody hell, point the rest of us in the right direction, i've never seen a LET nova sell for that price :thumb:

me to one thats worth having anyway ??

vx kev
24-09-09, 09:29 PM
IMO if an entuisiast has spent a lot of time, effort and most importantly a lot of money on there little treasured nova then it has to have a resale value that makes it worth their while selling..... Its likely its going to be sold to another Nova lover so prices may be high but you could spend as much or possibly more buying and building one, depends how enthusiastic about novas you are really!
As with anything if you really want something and can afford it then you will have it, if you cant you wont :p
The prices of clean standard granny & grandad nova's are very steep but again i would point the finger at ebay & partly the scrapage scheme. Seen a few minters go through the scheme that could have gone to a likely enthusiast but someone looking to buy a punto or the likes at £6000 or whatever they are now, £2000 against it is a big plus for buying a more modern runaround and is a hell of a lot better than £500 & the hastle of selling private!
At the end of the day availability, condition, location and the love the owner has for his/her nova all contributes to the price ;)

24-09-09, 09:44 PM
As with anything if you really want something and can afford it then you will have it, if you cant you wont :p

exactly........ im not being funny in any way but if you had 1500 spare and you found a mint one for converting to track youd buy it straight away with the thought of oh yeah it was few extra quid but it was worth it in the longs run. thats just the way of everything in life if you have the money you can have it.

24-09-09, 09:45 PM
I wouldn't buy a "mint" nova for £1500, unless was modified in a way that would save me about a grand's worth of parts/work.

As for a LET for £1300, you could probably buy the engine for that lol

24-09-09, 09:51 PM
I wouldn't buy a "mint" nova for £1500, unless was modified in a way that would save me about a grand's worth of parts/work.

As for a LET for £1300, you could probably buy the engine for that lol

each to their own.

you can have the seam welded decent shell for £1300 or the engine its up to you lol

and to be fair in the last few weeks few goodens have gone on ebay for little money.

24-09-09, 11:27 PM
Well just to update, my eBay auction finished on 1030, so it'll be going nowhere soon. It's all about timing! The folk who loved novas when they were younger like me have grown up...unlike me. Most will still like the nova but have kids or an a4 for work and not actually take the plunge but in my eyes the xe nova is more fun than my zx 6 and the nova is only gonna get more expensive-like the mk2 escort. Maybe only sports and early sr models will but...they still will

24-09-09, 11:31 PM
its places like Piston Heads that make me giggle... overprice isn't an overstatement!

i bought a nova 3 weeks ago for £150 lol

has spent the last 3 years going to the mot station once a year for an mot lol

amen brother!

24-09-09, 11:38 PM
i bought a nova 3 weeks ago for £150 lol

has spent the last 3 years going to the mot station once a year for an mot lol
I only mot my car once a year too though....But when I stayed in n.z it was twice a year and called a wof

24-09-09, 11:46 PM
the scrapage scheme, it wouldnt suprise me if this is driving it up if some people can get 2k for a nova, then they are not gonna sell it for 500 are they?

DONT! I missed out on a mint GSi because of that stupid effin scrappage scheme!! :mad:

25-09-09, 12:08 AM
To be fair if you look at the prices of 205 GTI's then Nova's are cheap in comparison, although between the two i would probably go for the 205 :thumb:

25-09-09, 10:35 AM
To be fair if you look at the prices of 205 GTI's then Nova's are cheap in comparison, although between the two i would probably go for the 205 :thumb:

25-09-09, 10:50 AM
lol 205 FTW. You can't deny it beats the Nova in almost any respect - popularity, retro-ness, speed, style - lets face it, although the interior is ****, they are a classic shape. The only downsides are reliability and the fact its french lol

its places like Piston Heads that make me giggle... overprice isn't an overstatement!
"Pistonheads Tax" lol

25-09-09, 12:26 PM


25-09-09, 08:59 PM
There is still some bargins out there, you just need to know where to look. (Not piston heads/ebay/here) lol

MK2 Cat
26-09-09, 03:53 PM
Innit. I only want a nice cheap 2nd car project. Not to pay £1000 for nearly standard.

Joe Richardson
26-09-09, 04:18 PM
like i posted before, nows the time to buy a mint corsa sport/gsi/sri and put it away for 5-10 years.

I dont think corsa's will be worth anything near nova's are when there 20 years old,nova's will always be worth more than them :thumb: