View Full Version : home parking issue!!!

22-09-09, 08:51 PM
right my neighbour next door has passed his REtest(after being banned in his first two years),now i have the problem of parking on the front,its a first come first serve,as we live on a row of terrace house with either side of us owning cars,which leaves enough space for one car between the two of us.
he was parking down the bottom,but when i got home from rugby a hour ago hes on the front(half mine half his).
so i asked next door if hed kindly pull his car back to let me in,which he did so now i have reversed up to his bumper.i told the neighbour if there are any marks on my bumper ill be claiming,but they must have been ear wigging through the door as his missus came out all guns blazing calling me a child,telling me he has a right to park there etc,he wouldnt even come out and say anything.so i says any marks on my car due to him trying to get out and ill tow it off the front with the van,
the major issue is that he "lives there on the side" "working on the side",and is a dope smoking little cnut with a big mouth,as in shouting/arguing with his missus every five minuates which i hear through the walls).got a good mind to phone the council and blow the the fcuker in(but i wont as i wouldnt tell tales,but what option do i have have????:mad:

22-09-09, 08:53 PM
get a drive way.... i have the same problem so i came home early and parked 3 cars there. and i only use the 4 car the astra atm. lol

22-09-09, 08:55 PM
Im not sure you have many options, you could phone the council but the chances are they will just tell you its nothing to do with them and/or that it is not a designated parking space for your house so other people can park there if they wish. I would avoid having any conflict with them as it dosent sound like it will get you anywhere at all.

22-09-09, 08:57 PM
dob them into the benefits hotline, cos i guess she is on housing benefit due to being single......

22-09-09, 08:58 PM
im seriously considering moving when the girlfreind finnishes her teaching course,atm as i say im on a row of terraced houses which dont have drive ways, oh and one other thing that winds me up is that im working through thick and thin just to make sure the mortgage is payed there rent payed for them!
mowgli you are right,they are claiming everything, i used to talk to him so i know the score with him until i seen the whole of itand thought i dont want to be involved with there cheap scams

im well p!ssed off:mad: :mad: :mad:

22-09-09, 09:05 PM
benefit fraud website (http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/BenefitFraud/DG_10014876)

22-09-09, 09:08 PM
Yeh drop them in it if they are cheating hard working people out of taxes, pisses me right off when people take advantage of the benefit system.

22-09-09, 09:08 PM
report him for dealing/fraud etc.or just knock him out.lol

22-09-09, 09:10 PM
annonymous phone call to the police of a car doing handbrake turns lol

22-09-09, 09:15 PM
drag his car down the street for his birds abuse.

22-09-09, 09:15 PM
buy a bag of coke and plant it then call in the dogs.lol

22-09-09, 09:24 PM
buy a bag of coke and plant it then call in the dogs.lol

best filling small bags with flour lol and spill some on the door step :thumb:

22-09-09, 09:59 PM
rent a miniskip in his name & park it outside his house.

or get some well rotted manure delivered.

22-09-09, 11:24 PM
fishhook his keys and go through a speed camera twice;)

22-09-09, 11:39 PM
TBH if id just moved my car so my neighbour could park, and then they said 'if theres a mark on my car, i'm claiming', id probably deliberatley ram the snidey little twunts car for the hell of it.

Just my opinion :) Its not YOUR car parking space, and he didn't have to move his car so you could get in. But his reward was a sideways comment from you.

Obviously the other stuff you mentioned probably gets your back up, but at the end of the day, people like that are best kept friendly. I wouldn't be surprised if something does happen to your car now, id keep an eye open

22-09-09, 11:50 PM
wft is wrong with you lot, just shag the **** out of his missus, will really **** him off lol lol lol

just to **** him off even more tell him he could have watched if he liked :thumb: lol lol

23-09-09, 12:07 AM
"lives there on the side"
Anybody else live there? If the house is registered as single occupancy, the council would very very much like to hear from you if a second person is living there. Council tax fraud will see them with a large bill on their doorstep and more than likely eviction ;)

23-09-09, 12:13 AM
it wouldn't see them evicted, i had a 2k bill because i never paid when i rented a flat lol

23-09-09, 12:15 AM
In that case then, have a poo on his bonnet.

23-09-09, 12:17 AM
would you do a poo into a bag and then put it on his bonnet, or would you poo directly onto his bonnet? lol

23-09-09, 12:19 AM
Directly on of course!

23-09-09, 12:23 AM
On the windscreen :cool:

23-09-09, 12:26 AM
wow, you 2 have balls! i'd have to do it in the comfort of my own bathroom, then run with a bag giggling like a schoolgirl lol

23-09-09, 12:26 AM
just phone up some pikey's (can be found in most areas just look for the caravans ) tell them the cars for scrap and hey presto the car will be on the back of a transit tipper and weighed in before he notices it gone , problem solved :thumb:

23-09-09, 06:08 AM
we use to have the same problem out the front of mine.Not the same situation as we have a drop kirb for the drive.
We also have 2 pet ambulance's which are on 24hr call out.They soon stopped parking in the way after a few wake up calls at 4am lol.

23-09-09, 05:03 PM
personally i think its best to leave it sounds like a proper little k#*b to me an if you report him you end up having your car damaged or him dumping **** load of cars there when youre not there i had a neighbour like that once

23-09-09, 05:11 PM
id leave it for a few months to cool down.

23-09-09, 08:33 PM
In that case then, have a poo on his bonnet.

reminds me of ali G laying a bricklol some neighbours are really good, then you get the breeders. i got one of them across the road from me. she works for the council and thinks she is the council! nothin doin!

24-09-09, 12:46 PM
TBH if id just moved my car so my neighbour could park, and then they said 'if theres a mark on my car, i'm claiming', id probably deliberatley ram the snidey little twunts car for the hell of it.

Just my opinion :) Its not YOUR car parking space, and he didn't have to move his car so you could get in. But his reward was a sideways comment from you.

Obviously the other stuff you mentioned probably gets your back up, but at the end of the day, people like that are best kept friendly. I wouldn't be surprised if something does happen to your car now, id keep an eye open

Yep, thats exactly what I thought. BUT you should definately tip off the council/benefits, however wait a few months for it to blowover.

24-09-09, 02:35 PM
The neighbours at my mum's house are the same. She lives in a terraced house, so we have neighbours with cars either side. Luckily, we do all have drives, but also more than one car per house. The scummy, thieving, dirty, druggy c***s next door used to park right over our drive, often blocking a car in. He made me late for work countless times as he wouldn't answer the door when I knocked for it moved. They sell ecstacy to their teenage daughter and her friends, and she earns cigs/ cans of alcohol by doing housework. It's pathetic. I hate them. I hope they all die of AIDS. I dobbed them in and a few days later, their car got towed away! :thumb: :cool: :d Nothing seems to have happened about the relentless benefit fraud they have been committing but they have had the bailiffs round. I hate those c***s. The wife came round once to go mental too, she must have been off her tits on somehting as usual. They have a tree in the garden which has grown absolutely massive. My mum asked my stepdad to go round and ask them to cut it back a bit (it blocks about 90% of the sunlight out of our garden) and the fat w***e came round shouting her mouth off," If you want me to cut the ****ing thing down I'l cut the ****er down" etc etc.

But like Lee says, you want to stay friendly to their face. Just report them online for anything and everything they're guilty of. It's such a good feeling! lol

24-09-09, 02:48 PM
But like Lee says, you want to stay friendly to their face. Just report them online for anything and everything they're guilty of. It's such a good feeling! lol

:thumb: Its the Ninja way of sorting things, undercover ftw!!