View Full Version : Some **** has tried to steal the Nova!

22-09-09, 03:11 PM
Just got a call from my mate saying the Novas lock is bust and he can open my door:mad:

Need to go and see the damage - thank fcuk they never took the whole car!

22-09-09, 03:12 PM
WTF?! :( *******s. I hope there isn't any other damage.

22-09-09, 03:16 PM
your lucky it wasnt torched mate. thats what cnuts normally do if they are to retarded to take it

22-09-09, 03:20 PM
Christ John, hope its all ok!

I have a complete mk1 gte lockset if needed:thumb:

Que my Death Penalty Stick yet again today!

22-09-09, 04:48 PM
All a bit odd - a screwdriver throught the drivers door lock and the door was left open. Nothing taken, the guard around the steering lock is fine, nothing under the bonnet touched. Seems as though it's pulling to the left but that might be because I was giving it some before I parked it up and might have knocked the tracking out.

Mind you if they started it everyone in the local area would have heard it!

Matt I'll be needed those locks from you mate - can you pm me a price.


22-09-09, 06:49 PM
Had this happen to one of my Nova sr's a few years ago. they took the lock out the door.Didnt take anything, the ex wife purse was in passengers door pocket full of cash:eek: . Hope you catch them.:thumb: Alarm & immobliser time me thinks

22-09-09, 07:01 PM
Same thing happened to mine a few month ago, but they bent the door back, car was full of snap on stuff, didnt touch anything..

22-09-09, 07:07 PM
Seriously, who the **** owns a Nova without an alarm or immobiliser? Are you slow in the head? The youngest a Nova should be is 16 lets say, now who the **** would own a 16 year old car without some kind of alarm system :confused:

Say what, £100? for a decent enough second hand system is well worth it, I'm sure that Autoglym "super shine colour restorer with camel spunk and wasp spit" can wait another month!

22-09-09, 07:20 PM
f,uck!!!! thats ****!!! atleast they done the lock and never bent the door!!!!!

22-09-09, 07:20 PM
Seriously, who the **** owns a Nova without an alarm or immobiliser? Are you slow in the head? The youngest a Nova should be is 16 lets say, now who the **** would own a 16 year old car without some kind of alarm system :confused:

Say what, £100? for a decent enough second hand system is well worth it, I'm sure that Autoglym "super shine colour restorer with camel spunk and wasp spit" can wait another month!Yeah you're right...that alarm would stop them putting a screw driver through the lock

22-09-09, 07:22 PM
Seriously, who the **** owns a Nova without an alarm or immobiliser? Are you slow in the head? The youngest a Nova should be is 16 lets say, now who the **** would own a 16 year old car without some kind of alarm system :confused:

Say what, £100? for a decent enough second hand system is well worth it, I'm sure that Autoglym "super shine colour restorer with camel spunk and wasp spit" can wait another month!

aye. totally agree..... not. sure theres plenty on here that dont have a alarm... i leave my keys in my car some nights.

22-09-09, 07:29 PM
Yeah you have been lucky by them not bending thr door back.

i also havent got an alarm on the car, its garaged though, once i finish building it ill be getting a good alarm.

22-09-09, 07:31 PM
dont post on a publick forum that you dont have an alarm. i dont mind as i know EVERYBODY round me.

22-09-09, 07:32 PM
But a lot of the point of a alarm is a deterrent, same thinking as having a motion sensing light on your house.

Seeing a flashing red LED on a dash is enough to scare some crims, Most of them know they if they open the door or even make enough noise there will be more noise than there ears can handle, not to mention if the car is at your house your going to come out and secure your car should the worst happen.

22-09-09, 07:33 PM
Good thinking, but meh, my cars un pinchable, its got no windows, no locks in the doors, no rear suspension/wheels.

nothing to worry about lol

22-09-09, 07:34 PM
thats what a guy with a evo 6 said.

tow truck and winch lol

22-09-09, 07:35 PM
Yeah you're right...that alarm would stop them putting a screw driver through the lock

Don't be pedantic, it may not stop them doing that but once the alarm go's off I doubt they will hang around and try to start it.

22-09-09, 07:35 PM
My point excatly!

22-09-09, 07:37 PM
i leave my keys in my car some nights.

Well if it gets twoked and the police find no damage to the ignition system/keys are in the ignition then what's the chances of your insurance company paying out?

22-09-09, 07:50 PM
car alarms are sh!te... all anyone does when they hear one is turn up the telly & comment that some cocks alarm is going off, then when it gets nicked, they turn the telly volume back down....

whoever screwdrivered the lock was a beginner... & not a very good one..

get it immobilisered quick.

22-09-09, 07:52 PM
thats what a guy with a evo 6 said.

tow truck and winch lol

Jesus lol

22-09-09, 07:54 PM
car alarms are sh!te... all anyone does when they hear one is turn up the telly & comment that some cocks alarm is going off, then when it gets nicked, they turn the telly volume back down....

whoever screwdrivered the lock was a beginner... & not a very good one..

get it immobilisered quick.

Last time I head a car alarm go off I looked out the window to see two smackheads running away from the car, saw the owners father in law the next day and told him who it was. I assume the car owner didn't take it any further though as the smackhead is still walking the streets and driving without insurance or a license.

22-09-09, 07:57 PM
Not a nice thing when someone tries to break into your car. In some cases an alarm just wont do the job.

22-09-09, 07:57 PM
well you are to be commended, as you are pretty much the only person who does this.... i gave up calling the police about car alarms years back, cos they just don't come out for them

22-09-09, 08:10 PM
hope all is alright, i only got my lock fixed the other day from when some tried to nick the stereo from my nova

Joe Richardson
22-09-09, 08:14 PM
That's **** news John !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

Just glad they didn't get away with it:eek:

22-09-09, 08:22 PM
Went to go pick locks up from keV and filled up with fuel...forgot my bank card and bp won't let me take my car away to get back to my house arghh

22-09-09, 08:25 PM
Went to go pick locks up from keV and filled up with fuel...forgot my bank card and bp won't let me take my car away to get back to my house arghh#

Thats a tad harsh mate. Last time I forgot my wallet they just made me fill in a form and come back the next day, that was an esso garage though

22-09-09, 08:27 PM

Thats a tad harsh mate. Last time I forgot my wallet they just made me fill in a form and come back the next day, that was an esso garage though

this is correct..... leave your phone etc:thumb:

22-09-09, 08:39 PM
Signs up at my local Esso says if you do not have a means of payment you have to leave the car, maybe a new thing?

22-09-09, 10:07 PM
But if the owner of the car hears the alarm then its good. If not then meh, if its got a imobliser then theres no chance of them getting away with the car.

22-09-09, 10:12 PM
car alarm wired to a train horn ftw that will get plenty people to their windows.

22-09-09, 10:12 PM
train horn not 24v?

22-09-09, 10:14 PM
train horn not 24v?

air compressor lol

22-09-09, 10:15 PM
you can get 12v, they use them on boats.

i'd, if pressed, put a couple of sets of twin horns under the seats with a latching relay & maybe some sort of central locking. trap the *******s in & deafen them.

22-09-09, 10:54 PM
Alarm would be no good on mine as the cars mains is turned off with a master key.
once that is turned of there is no power in the car.

22-09-09, 10:54 PM
this is correct..... leave your phone etc:thumb:

Not a chance with this rocket - I had £6 on scratch card laying in the car, that I could have cashed in as they had a lottery bit and 3 quid in coins and she wouldn't even take the 9 quid:roll: ... them's the rules she was saying otherwise she'd phone the fuzz.

Phoned my mate and she came over to pick me up.

22-09-09, 11:39 PM
Someone tried to steal my nova the first ngiht it was out of the garage, now i wouldn't mind but...

it still has no wings, the bonnet isn't bolted on, no front bumper, engine not wired up, the front right wheel and hub were in the garage, the front end of the car was sat on a jack so pretty much touching the floor

they bent the passenger door, opened it, bent the door back (in a fashion) when the drivers door was unlocked,

They must have clambered over the passenger seat, not realising the glove compartment, most of the dash and the digidash weren't even there, i would have thought they would have knocked the gear stick....which wasn't connected to anything!

then! took a screwdriver (or similar) to the ignition barrel leaving it with marks....it wasn't actually screwed in!

Hazard light switch wasn't there, battery wasn't connected, and they actually took the handbrake off for when they got it running lol

22-09-09, 11:44 PM
I had the same thing with the blue GL. Bent the door back to get in, and only took the fecking interior light!!!!!

At least the lock is far easier to repair than a door. Bright side and all that.

23-09-09, 07:22 AM
funkin **** mate in it,happened to me years ago,broke in,took stereo and taped up the wires so it wouldnt go up in smoke,made me think it was someone in the village,it was so out came the hammer for a finger massage,just wee maggots mate