View Full Version : Opinions needed-not car related

22-09-09, 02:01 PM
I have to design a cd cover in college for a project. So i decided to base it on pendulum and propane nightmares.

Just need to know what peoples thoughts are of it.

How i came up with it was basic, I looked at the lyrics and took some out

She’s a gunshot bride

In a trail of fire I’ll burn before you bury me

From the drawn into the fire

chose these as they are repeated a fair amount in the song!

so used this lovely lady courtesy of Bing.co.uk

and then changed it in to this, Bearing in mind its no where near finished as i have 5 more lessons to go on it! (plus all the paper work)

Constructive criticism is needed in order for me to get past this stupid block i now have!

help :cry: lol

22-09-09, 02:23 PM
Thats bloody good imo! :)

22-09-09, 02:26 PM
Looks great :thumb: looks like a meat loaf album cover :d

22-09-09, 02:38 PM
come up with another version as it wasnt quite right!


22-09-09, 03:11 PM
1 - You should definetly change the quality of the background image. This will probably also mean you dont have to darken the middle section of "propane nightmares"

2 - Some blackening/Smoke to the burning are of the vail (subtle)

3 - The Pendulum lettering is kinda off-centre in the way it's cropped by the flames. It really stands out to me. How about using a highlighted line lettering, i.e the middle of the text will be transparent; and make the lettering run across the entire bottom of the image (with a small margin on either side)


Kinda like ths, the fill of the text is Actually translucent. Work path'ing your text in photoshop will allow you to play around with Stroking and filling it !

Infact, you're whole image "setup" is very Death Metal ! There are tons of TERRIBLE Death metal sleeves, but some right gems.

3 - Your Image size is incorrect to the ratio of a CD Sleeve !?

4 - To me, "pendulum" and "propane nightmares" should be the other way round ? Band Name TOP, Album BOTTOM makes more sense to me ; You can bang on about hierarchy in your write-up !

5 - Remove the bit of grass growing on the left of the bridge

6 - Try blend the bottom lines of the dress out.... The flames flowing up into a dress is nice, but the still visible outline ruins it.

22-09-09, 03:32 PM
1 - You should definetly change the quality of the background image. This will probably also mean you dont have to darken the middle section of "propane nightmares"

2 - Some blackening/Smoke to the burning are of the vail (subtle)

3 - The Pendulum lettering is kinda off-centre in the way it's cropped by the flames. It really stands out to me. How about using a highlighted line lettering, i.e the middle of the text will be transparent; and make the lettering run across the entire bottom of the image (with a small margin on either side)


Kinda like ths, the fill of the text is Actually translucent. Work path'ing your text in photoshop will allow you to play around with Stroking and filling it !

Infact, you're whole image "setup" is very Death Metal ! There are tons of TERRIBLE Death metal sleeves, but some right gems.

3 - Your Image size is incorrect to the ratio of a CD Sleeve !?

4 - To me, "pendulum" and "propane nightmares" should be the other way round ? Band Name TOP, Album BOTTOM makes more sense to me ; You can bang on about hierarchy in your write-up !

5 - Remove the bit of grass growing on the left of the bridge

6 - Try blend the bottom lines of the dress out.... The flames flowing up into a dress is nice, but the still visible outline ruins it.

top man!, right ill crack on then :thumb:

(not to sure on the writing thing on how you do it how ever!...)

Oh and also i know its not the right size (yet) little more to happen yet with the finished project!

22-09-09, 03:38 PM
One thing to consider, Grey/Red and Cream/Red are both classically compliment colours. Can look old fashioned unless the tones are correct though ! Grey & Orange works VERY VERY well.

In terms of heirarchy, you can meerly comment on your observations of images/displays/adverts e.t.c Most images/adverts e.t.c will have a order of heirachy within it's text. I.e Most important at the top - Which to me is the band. When you look at an cover/image/advert you will often notice the image first, but text is automatically viewed from top left to bottom right - Human instinct, as this is how western literature is formatted.

I is an architect, so 50% of my job is presentation and using that to convey information correctly.

22-09-09, 03:55 PM
Had fun then trying to work out what you ment about the grass...it was a light from the chip pan fire i used for the flames lmao!!!!!!!! HOW EVER

BAR the font and blackening of her veil thing (doing that in a sec...)

hows it coming along now

22-09-09, 04:01 PM
Also i hope none of you mind, if you do just say, but i would like to take some of your oppinions and make a chart, or just put it in some of my paper work?

would you all be okay with this...trying to get distinctions in my work so need as much explinations and pictures as i can possibly have for the final design! (still yet to start ideas and research opps lmao!)

22-09-09, 04:18 PM
Quick thought - being a cd cover does it not want to be square?

It's looking good - id be careful about overusing the flames tho, maybe use something else for the top background (bring the nightmares into it might give you some scope to play?) as the bottom and highlights look good.

I think maybe you need a bit more dark/detail on the font?

22-09-09, 04:21 PM
looks good

22-09-09, 04:25 PM
Personally, i'd have section cut a Propane Canister, and PS'd the inside. Then Filled it full of cartoon scribbled imaginary beasties.

Straight forwards; but so much fun.

22-09-09, 04:27 PM

sorta playing with fonts with this one, I am contemplating putting in like a grim reaper or death angel things (monster things) in the back, how ever i dont want to over do that either...'tis' a careful scale you dont want to tip the wrong way if you get me?

22-09-09, 04:34 PM
I am contemplating putting in like a grim reaper or death angel things (monster things) in the back, how ever i dont want to over do that either...'tis' a careful scale you dont want to tip the wrong way if you get me?

You're breaching into Cannibal Corpse territory, however... Pendulum cannot handle the L337ness

22-09-09, 04:48 PM
got to admit made a bloody nightmare for my self using a rectangle..........

think this may have to be a dvd case lmao!

22-09-09, 04:52 PM
The white text is a little dull imo

22-09-09, 04:54 PM
The white text is a little dull imo

Should definetly go nu-rave !

22-09-09, 04:54 PM
got to admit made a bloody nightmare for my self using a rectangle..........

think this may have to be a dvd case lmao!

How about moving all the text to the bottom (have to treat it a bit granted) and then making it square but chopping the majority of the height from the top - then fill in the top with a distant/desolate landscape to look as if the woman is shying away from walking over the bridge to her 'nightmare' or something?

:wtf: maybe i should shut up lol

22-09-09, 04:59 PM
Orrr two black borders either side to make up the squareness and stick pendulum in one, propane nightmares in the other

22-09-09, 05:15 PM
How about moving all the text to the bottom (have to treat it a bit granted) and then making it square but chopping the majority of the height from the top - then fill in the top with a distant/desolate landscape to look as if the woman is shying away from walking over the bridge to her 'nightmare' or something?

:wtf: maybe i should shut up lol

Put the groom over the other side, lol

22-09-09, 05:23 PM
How about moving all the text to the bottom (have to treat it a bit granted) and then making it square but chopping the majority of the height from the top - then fill in the top with a distant/desolate landscape to look as if the woman is shying away from walking over the bridge to her 'nightmare' or something?

:wtf: maybe i should shut up lol

yeah maby u should because i just made my life so blooody complicated and you definatly came up with the easy way lmao! (fail by me) lol


off i go to do it the bloody easy way :wtf:

22-09-09, 05:32 PM
Lmao do the groom running away!


(done the easy way as suggested...)

22-09-09, 05:35 PM
Can you not make her wabs bigger?

They seem a tad small:thumb:

Looks well apart from the flat chest!

22-09-09, 05:36 PM
chest looks fine to me...

22-09-09, 05:37 PM
i think the top part needs a set of very dark clouds or something. to get away from the to many flames. but then you have a problem with the sides of the bridges.

but its looking good,

also another thing. you are spending all your time making this one perfect. but if you sketch out a few other ideas, or use some more imagery then you might come up with an even better idea.

i always had this problem, while doing model design. i would be fixed on one idea and then i would sketch up some more ideas and come up with better solutions and i looked back on the other "great" idea and thought it was ****.

22-09-09, 09:03 PM
i think it needs a combine harvester & some wurzels on it.

22-09-09, 11:05 PM
Lmao do the groom running away!


(done the easy way as suggested...)

im liking the way the text is working there definately - as bmw said I reckon the top would work better darker/grey/washed out too - to bring the focus onto the flames (and hence text)

another good point re the more ideas - u dont even have to spend any time on them, jus pen and paper and scribble - even if you're the only one that can read them lol :roll:

22-09-09, 11:10 PM
Had fun then trying to work out what you ment about the grass...it was a light from the chip pan fire i used for the flames lmao!!!!!!!!

Nope, he meant there's a tuft of weeds growing out of the tiles on the bridge on the left hand side lol

Jim Mcrae
23-09-09, 01:39 AM
Liking the evil face in the flames.

23-09-09, 09:00 AM
Liking the evil face in the flames.

eh?? evil face!? do a screen shot and circle it in paint!...i haven't purposely put an evil face so I'm intrigued

Jim Mcrae
23-09-09, 11:57 PM
It was above her head on the last pic, cant really see it now. I wasnt as clear headed when i posted it..... If you squint you might get it lol

24-09-09, 11:57 AM
The 'face' lol
Gotta admit it's the first thing I noticed after checking out the bride. lol