View Full Version : battery

06-03-03, 02:22 PM
not to sure about this one.
if i put a battery in the boot to run an install how do i keep it charged?
is it just a case of runnin a wire down the car to the bat/alt?
or get red/yellow top an keep it charged?

06-03-03, 08:15 PM
I looked at that a while ago!

Its an alternator jobby really! Just gotta make sure u do it right! However, you will need an uprated alternator too!

However, is your install really that HUGE? An uprated alternator will probably do it unless you got a load of amps! In that case I'd try a power cap or two first! Then comtemplate a second battery!

you could always uprate your main battery and alternator to strat with and then go from there!

11-03-03, 03:11 PM
just link the second batery in paralel with the first, that will just double your batery size...yeah i agree with whitey, use a capasitor.

also car batteries give of fumes...and fumes inside the car aint that clever.

...i wish i could spell!

11-03-03, 07:08 PM
the first thing you should consider is to put an uprated battery in the standard place, i got a huge one fae vauxhall, it was the biggest one they do that fits into the hole!!! it really depends on ur system on what u will need, if you want to use the new battery for starting its better to get a optima red top battery and if you want a second one as well as the standard one get a yellow top as these are deep cycle!! as for connecting them up, u will need a split charging system to power the second battery which cuts off when the cars not running as if you dont the 2 batterys will run each other down

as for the fumes inside the car, yellow tops etc are all sealed and dont give off any fumes, if you want more imfo try www.caraudiodirect.com

hope that helps


11-03-03, 07:13 PM
Agree with most of the above EXCEPT the bit bout getting a better battery FIRST! No good getting a better rated battery if your sound system/lights/heater etc draws too much current from the alternator for it to charge the battery!
You will end up with a dead EXPENSIVE battery! Depends on the situe really!

11-03-03, 07:13 PM
Sorry, i am mistaken :oops: