View Full Version : Whos bought an engine off Egay??

13-09-09, 07:54 PM
Just wondering how many people have bought engines off and whether they'd recommend it, seen 1 but not sure as its his 'nephew's', so thoughts are appreciated!

13-09-09, 07:57 PM
Not bought one myself but i probably would want to rebuild it before i used it unless i had seen receipts to prove it had already been done. Definetly wouldnt take anyones word for it.

13-09-09, 07:57 PM
if it is local, then have a good look. if its a long way, then buyer beware.

all this business about a stack of receipts doesn't mean a thing unless you personally know the owner & can vouch that this engine is what he states.......

13-09-09, 08:00 PM
Get them to take the head off it and say you'll give them a fiver for the bolts to be replaced, or just say if they want to sell it they'll take the head off for you lol that way you can have a look at a good 70% of the moving parts, doesn't take long to whip the sump off if you want a really good look too.

Only the same as buying any 2nd hand engine imo, in fact it's probably safer because of all the (supposed) buyer protection etc

13-09-09, 08:04 PM
IMO you should treat it as if you are buying from a scrapyard and if possible check it over properly and if not then as said buyer beware. Just try get as many photos of as many parts as you can.

13-09-09, 08:04 PM
when buying race engines isnt it standard practice to have the engine taken apart so you can see all the good or not so to speak.

i think, if he can back up the spec, with pics or letting you see inside then yeh go for it.

13-09-09, 08:26 PM
Take someone who knows engines with you! I didn't and ended up buying one with 14 bent valves and 7 broke guides! You live and learn though i suppose..

13-09-09, 08:31 PM
I sold a few, but only ever bought one (ITR engine & box for our kids Civic conversion) never hand any issues with that engine either.

Id still say buyer beware tho!

13-09-09, 08:47 PM
I kinda got my Let from Ebay, but i txt the guy and then rung him. Then drove up there the next day and picked it up. Did the simple checks..
Turned over by hand, no major oil leaks, no oil in the turbo out let, oil in the sump, cam belt and such looked ok.

13-09-09, 09:00 PM
make sure the username isnt GSi-XE lol

13-09-09, 10:34 PM
Yeah been looking at the chaps feedback, has a few negatives, all to do with cars/car bits, so I think I'll give it a miss

13-09-09, 10:40 PM
try to see it running if not check things like the crank moves n make sure it has everything on it you need to run!

13-09-09, 11:56 PM
I drove ~120 miles in my ex's shonky Polo to pick up a completely unknown 20XE which I bought for £150. Ran it for a year, no problems at all (even when all the oil fell out due to a duff filter) then sold it for a considerable profit :d


Also bought a B308i with a car still attached, it was in a bit of a mess but ended up making most of my money back by selling the aforementioned XE and various bits n bobs.

14-09-09, 12:18 AM
I bought an E16SE off of here with massive scores down all the bores (didn't know that at the time obviously lol) for £120 with all the loom etc, and a new block head etc for £40... £160 for a 1.6. Fail :( Did have a 4 branch manifold though