View Full Version : Pronunciations/Spelling Gripes!

12-09-09, 11:17 AM
When you purchase an item, you say Bought!!!! NOT BROUGHT!!

FFS really boils my blood for some reason!
Soooo many people are saying it nowadays too.
Are they teaching it at school?

A - I Brought a new car this weekend!
B - Oh yeah? Where did you bring it from?


I also despise

Ickle/Lickle - Its LITTLE!!
Bockle - Bottle
Keckell - KETTLE!

Its not hard you bunch if illiterate chimps!

Any others people care to add????

12-09-09, 11:20 AM
LOL, this also annoys me, dont mention it to mr spudly

i think "keckell" is a manchester thing, its how they prenounce it anyhow

12-09-09, 11:24 AM
hah youd love it over here stoo all the wee belfast rats say feeeeee instead of three makes you wana hit them such a slap round the back off the head

12-09-09, 11:28 AM
People who spell can't as carnt, there is no r in can't but cant is acceptable. Wondering not woundering, probably more but I just got up, and anyway this thread wont succeed in getting people to spell properly although it is worth a try.

12-09-09, 11:30 AM
It's not an attempt to make people spell correctly.

I'm simply airing my gripes at the distinct lack of education apparent these days!

Predominantly in the spelling sector of the curriculum.

12-09-09, 11:31 AM
People are too used to text speak now-a-days.

12-09-09, 11:34 AM
Text speak is pure laziness in its finest form.

There is alot of claims of dyslexia thrown about too when people are told to stop text typing.

Again, lazy. Just admit you were too lazy to type it all out instead of lying :)

12-09-09, 11:36 AM
Stoo is an hero <3

12-09-09, 11:37 AM
I think kekkle is more lancashire, along with tospital

text type is used by people with budget keyboards, they're going ot break eventually, so they try and make them last as long as possible

oh and something that annoys me is round about.....its a damn roundabout lol

manchester has the thing about the th's and f's

I also know someone that can't say prelude, and calls it a prilude!

12-09-09, 11:39 AM
Th'ospital is just a colliquial term for lanacastrians really. Along with alot of sayings.

Fundamentally, It's still spelt correctly.

Wmnmwmwmnnwmwm AN Hero! I am impressed. Most would say a hero :)

12-09-09, 11:39 AM
text type is used by people with budget keyboards, they're going ot break eventually, so they try and make them last as long as possible

My keyboard is a budget one, I still manage to type properly although I will admint the following keys have no or little letters printed on them: N M H T R E A S D M O

The letters are especially worn on N S A and E.

12-09-09, 11:42 AM
Wmnmwmwmnnwmwm AN Hero! I am impressed. Most would say a hero :)

an hero
When you pwn yourself IRL for a really really funny reason.
habbo: i can't get in the pool.
NlGRA: the pool is closed. the pool has aids.
*habbo becomes an hero.

An hero.

12-09-09, 11:45 AM
but you see wwmnwwmnwwmn, the chavs arn't as willing as you to just go out and buy another lol

12-09-09, 11:45 AM
but you see wwmnwwmnwwmn, the chavs arn't as willing as you to just go out and buy another lol

I aint willing, I can still make out most of the keys and I type without looking at the keyboard anyway so I am ok for now lol

12-09-09, 11:47 AM
more willing than the chavs, they have to go to the job centre to get thier money, and most of that goes on weed, they'll have to steal to get another keyboard!

12-09-09, 11:48 AM
Actually thinking about it, It's A Hero.

An is used when the succeeding word begins with a vowel or in exceptional cases H.

12-09-09, 11:56 AM
Freedom fighters right, but an hero might be right as its a different meaning, of when you own yourself (probably came from urban dictionary)

Tidy Max
12-09-09, 11:57 AM
when people put stoo instead of stu, or stuart lol

haha im only kidding, brought annoys me aswell, i dont understand how that ever came about as they have two very differant meanings!

12-09-09, 12:01 PM
Freedom fighters right, but an hero might be right as its a different meaning, of when you own yourself (probably came from urban dictionary)


12-09-09, 12:13 PM
Actually thinking about it, It's A Hero.

An is used when the succeeding word begins with a vowel or in exceptional cases H.
The usage of "an" over "a" is an odd one, most people think its down to vowels as written but its actually vowels in pronunciation.

So for example, you'd say "a hero" because the H on hero isn't silent. Compare to "hour" where the H is silent, ergo you say "an hour".

As an aside, the u on the start of "university" is pronounced as "yoo", so that uses a leading "a" instead of "an". Most people get that one wrong.

12-09-09, 12:13 PM
Spellbot approves of this thread

12-09-09, 12:23 PM
The usage of "an" over "a" is an odd one, most people think its down to vowels as written but its actually vowels in pronunciation.

So for example, you'd say "a hero" because the H on hero isn't silent. Compare to "hour" where the H is silent, ergo you say "an hour".

As an aside, the u on the start of "university" is pronounced as "yoo", so that uses a leading "a" instead of "an". Most people get that one wrong.

The more complex version of what I was getting at.
I was just too lazy to type it all out! :D

12-09-09, 01:34 PM
Stoo, i love you for this thread my good man and i would rep you if i were allowed to again lol

A lad i work with says 'ast' and it drives me up the wall, "yeah ill just go ast him a question" no its fcuking ASK you uneducated gibbon!

12-09-09, 02:24 PM
u r buche of mony ole barstewards! http://www.wineberserkers.com/images/smilies/middle-finger.gif

12-09-09, 03:12 PM
People just need to remember that brought is the past tense of bring, easily remembered because they both begin with br, simples!!!

My friend Sarah is very blond and always gets words wrong but so far I'm not bored of correcting her. Talking of bored I hate is when people use the wrong spelling of a word such as bored and board, their and there etc.

A common one down here is "I wook up" instead of "I woke up" and "I rit it" instead of "I wrote it". Oh and Martin pronounces have as hef, drives me insane!

Anyone else read their post about 500 times to make sure the spellings and punctuation are correct so as not be be ridiculed? lol

12-09-09, 03:18 PM
I hate people who text type. takes me so long to understand what they're actually saying.

Obviously bought/brought is one of the worst things I come across. Really don't understand why it's so hard to understand.

Also, why do people put a 'k' on the end of words like something. For example when people text type they say 'sumfink'. why is there a k in there? years ago i asked a girl the same question and she really didnt understand what I was trying to ask her, she thought these words actually had a k in them.

Tidy Max
12-09-09, 04:10 PM
Oh and Martin pronounces have as hef, drives me insane!

is he the bloody queen or something?

'Hef you got my jewels old chap"

Pistol Pete
12-09-09, 04:53 PM
Anyone else read their post about 500 times to make sure the spellings and punctuation are correct so as not be be ridiculed? lol

Not you then....


Does it not have an E??

12-09-09, 04:55 PM
Brakes and Breaks drives me mad!

'Ive got new breaks for my car'.
'Hopefully i wont brake it'


12-09-09, 04:58 PM
Excellent thread Stoo! :) I fully agree with you. I wonder has school really changed that much since i was there? Instead of English, we now have inglish innit. I also wonder, is texting is part of the national curriculum? What the fcuk DO they learn at school nowadays?

12-09-09, 05:45 PM

Pistol Pete
12-09-09, 06:22 PM
How to be a bigger chav than your peers lol

12-09-09, 06:24 PM
Lol at you two, seems very true though! ( jack, i learned sex at school, just not in lessons lmao lol)

12-09-09, 07:00 PM
Well my spell check didn't pick up on blond and just wrote it in a word document both ways and neither was picked up as a wrong spelling. Can it be spelt both ways? Or is one an Americanism?

12-09-09, 07:03 PM
Blond is american

Blonde is correct.

John, APPARENTLY kids cannot be marked down for using txt language in exams now. EVEN English !!!!!

12-09-09, 07:24 PM
Blond is american

Blonde is correct.

John, APPARENTLY kids cannot be marked down for using txt language in exams now. EVEN English !!!!!

LMFAO Stoo!! That's ridiculous! Text speak isn't even any form of the queens english!

Yeah i agree, there's far too may "americanisms" on here; (color for example). I also wish people would use fcuking punctuation!! And capital letters!

12-09-09, 07:26 PM
^ No, blonde is a noun whilst Blonde is an adjective; however they're often used interchangeably.

Allowing txt speak in an English exam is ridiculous tbh.

12-09-09, 08:07 PM
i personally despise the huge amount of apostrophes in modern life.. you cannot pass a cafe without seeing a sign for bacon roll's and market stalls use them on everything...

12-09-09, 09:05 PM
Brought instead of bought just ****s me right off :mad:

16v Nova Kev
12-09-09, 09:17 PM
plus rep mr stu this brought pish does my tits in

12-09-09, 09:45 PM
When you purchase an item, you say Bought!!!! NOT BROUGHT!!

FFS really boils my blood for some reason!
Soooo many people are saying it nowadays too.
Are they teaching it at school?

A - I Brought a new car this weekend!
B - Oh yeah? Where did you bring it from?


I also despise

Ickle/Lickle - Its LITTLE!!
Bockle - Bottle
Keckell - KETTLE!

Its not hard you bunch if illiterate chimps!

Any others people care to add????

I don't usually rant but.....carn't... always makes me wonder, how the hell is an 'r' any good in that word. Do some english people actually pronounce it in that way? No offence to english people btw I couldn't give a flying sheite against the walls, but it makes me wonder.

I usually hate people who post up rant threads but this one is perfectly vaild lol.

12-09-09, 09:48 PM
John, APPARENTLY kids cannot be marked down for using txt language in exams now. EVEN English !!!!!

Wtf, wise the head lol. Serious? Thats a joke

General Baxter
12-09-09, 09:51 PM
Tho lol
Thu lol
Thru lol

13-09-09, 12:37 AM
"Thru" is used a lot by designers & engineers for some reason.

13-09-09, 08:11 AM
The thing nowadays there's too much telly watched and kids nowadays never seem to want to read anything "well apart from text messages or naff forums".

Bring back hanging I say.

13-09-09, 11:42 AM
The use of MOM pisses me off, we are english therefore it is MUM!

13-09-09, 12:18 PM
The use of MOM pisses me off, we are english therefore it is MUM!

Dont say that to Baxter then lol

13-09-09, 03:42 PM
ill - i'll

I caught Donna using the wrong bought the other day lol had to bite my tongue.

To be fair I can't spell for **** but I do try.

13-09-09, 06:20 PM
To be fair I can't spell for **** but I do try.

And more people should have this attitude, rather than simply rolling out the 'im dyslexic' card when others try to put them right, were not having a go, simply putting you right and suddenly high horses become mounted....wtf lol

13-09-09, 07:09 PM
Haven't read this all.

You're and your as well as they're/there/their are always being used in the wrong context.

Particuarly on this forum. lol

General Baxter
13-09-09, 07:11 PM
Dont say that to Baxter then lol

nom, theres nothing wrong with nom nom nom nom lol

13-09-09, 07:20 PM
nom, theres nothing wrong with nom nom nom nom lol

Get some glasses you ghey, he said MOM not NOM lol

13-09-09, 07:44 PM
Baxter wants to NOM his MOM?

13-09-09, 07:47 PM
Baxter wants to NOM his MOM?

wrong, so wrong on too many levels........

13-09-09, 07:49 PM
Baxter wants to NOM his MOM?

:eek: lol

14-09-09, 01:53 PM
I hate it when people get things the wrong way round, such as;

'I'm itching it.'
'He learnt me it.'

Why? WHY? It's not hard!

14-09-09, 02:10 PM
One of my favourites is 'ennoyin'

anybody ponder a guess as to what that means?

14-09-09, 03:00 PM
The "He learned me it" is actually valid grammar lol

14-09-09, 06:40 PM
Another good old Suffolk saying: "He give it me" courtesy of my friend, Sarah!

14-09-09, 07:38 PM
People that sell Gay, ghey.

People love of 's where it's not needed.

14-09-09, 07:59 PM
All you pronunciation/apostrophe soldiers

(join the L33t G33k club)Buy a book called

Eats shoots and leaves.

Awesome book :)

14-09-09, 08:05 PM
When you purchase an item, you say Bought!!!! NOT BROUGHT!!

FFS really boils my blood for some reason!
Soooo many people are saying it nowadays too.
Are they teaching it at school?

A - I Brought a new car this weekend!
B - Oh yeah? Where did you bring it from?


I also despise

Ickle/Lickle - Its LITTLE!!
Bockle - Bottle
Keckell - KETTLE!

Its not hard you bunch if illiterate chimps!

Any others people care to add????

I take offense to that :d

14-09-09, 08:10 PM
I take offense to that :d

Should do, it was obviously aimed at you lol

14-09-09, 11:44 PM
People using question marks at the end of statements pisses me off.

14-09-09, 11:47 PM
People using question marks at the end of statements pisses me off.

"I'm Ron Burgundy?" lol

14-09-09, 11:53 PM
"I'm Ron Burgundy?" lol

:mad: I used to luff you Benjamin?

15-09-09, 12:15 AM
Another good old Suffolk saying: "He give it me" courtesy of my friend, Sarah!

is this a sexual phrase from your area ??????lol

15-09-09, 12:19 AM
Would you say an SR or a SR?

i would use an

15-09-09, 12:21 AM
an SR

15-09-09, 12:22 AM
an SR


15-09-09, 12:37 AM
People using question marks at the end of statements pisses me off.


15-09-09, 08:20 AM
:mad: I used to luff you Benjamin?

I hope you got the joke in there tho?

15-09-09, 11:30 AM
So heres a thread on text speak-why isnt FTW TBH IMO etc etc text speak?
Thats just lazy.Is this how people speak in person??? "Well i went to the pub earlier and IMO it was crap,TBH it was expensive" "yeah definately supermarket prices FTW".
Also ebay and pistonheads house the worst offenders.I recently ebayed a set of Astra digi's....here is a message about them-
"oryt m8 is it ez 2 wirer in 2 nov m8"
What a tool.
Another classic sig anyone?

General Baxter
15-09-09, 11:35 AM
the only thing i want to nom is RJ

15-09-09, 03:05 PM
I hope you got the joke in there tho?

lol Yes I did.

craig green
15-09-09, 03:26 PM
Nice thread Stoowart.

15-09-09, 04:01 PM
Very welcome Craigos

15-09-09, 04:13 PM
Everyone is VERY quick to tell people to stop text typing, and rightly so,

but why are people allowed to put, iirc, tbh, IMO ??

Some people even seem to construct a sentance so they can fit ALL of the above in.

Just as annoying as text typing.

15-09-09, 04:42 PM
And more people should have this attitude, rather than simply rolling out the 'im dyslexic' card when others try to put them right, were not having a go, simply putting you right and suddenly high horses become mounted....wtf lol

i'm not dyslectic.. i'm just foreign :d

i guess my spelling isn't great either, but i'm trying...

15-09-09, 05:04 PM
i'm not dyslectic.. i'm just foreign :d

i guess my spelling isn't great either, but i'm trying...

Youre spelling and punctuation is ten times better than most tbh bud, so it shows if you can take the time to do it then others should/can....:thumb:

15-09-09, 05:26 PM
So heres a thread on text speak-why isnt FTW TBH IMO etc etc text speak?
Thats just lazy.Is this how people speak in person??? "Well i went to the pub earlier and IMO it was crap,TBH it was expensive" "yeah definately supermarket prices FTW"
Yes lol. It's sneaking in there loads lately. Can always be controlled though. Originates from seeing a funny and uttering 'LOL'

15-09-09, 05:28 PM
Is this fukcing thread still going!
You lot remind me of these people

Or maybe

15-09-09, 05:28 PM
Because they're abbreviations, we gonna start clamping down on "reg" "dizzy" and "FPR" too? lol

15-09-09, 06:20 PM
i can see and understand why people text type in a text message,as there is a 150 character limit per message and thus costs more every text you send,i never do this as im on contract and they are included in my tariff anyway so i can send essays.But the internet pages are FREE for fukks sake! Ebay messages and forum posts are FREE so why type in that fukkspakretard language?? Another point-I can type proper sentences a hell of a lot quicker than i can in fukkspakretard and i dare say so can everyone else.

15-09-09, 06:25 PM
Is this fukcing thread still going!
You lot remind me of these people

Or maybe

Thanks :)

15-09-09, 06:36 PM
Right im **** at spelling, as some of the regular members will know, but i try my hardest to make sure i get it right, i use the online dictionary, and regularly check for different ways of spelling things, i was extremely bad at spelling at school, it's only in the lat 10 years i have learned so much more.


craig green
15-09-09, 06:38 PM
I fink I sust it now.

15-09-09, 06:41 PM
Silly craig :p

Scott, youre exactly what we mean, you openly admit youre not the worlds best at spelling, but youve taken the time to take note and try to spell things correctly, so why cant anyone else when they type however the hell they want!

craig green
15-09-09, 06:44 PM
What is amusing, is to search out your oldest posts & look at your spelling/posting style. Mine isnt too clever tbh.

15-09-09, 06:45 PM
What is amusing, is to search out your oldest posts & look at your spelling/posting style. Mine isnt too clever tbh.

I did that once on an R/C racing forum I used to be a part of and realised I was just like the stubborn know it all newbies I didn't like lol

15-09-09, 06:46 PM
People that cant spell (me in that group) will try to be better, alot of people tho just cant be arsed to type/spell use grammar.

What is amusing, is to search out your oldest posts & look at your spelling/posting style. Mine isnt too clever tbh.

My first useage of the net was in chat rooms (picking up girls..lol) So i picked up really bad txt typing and such. Look at my first posts on Mig, i talked like a utter tw*t.

15-09-09, 06:49 PM
What is amusing, is to search out your oldest posts & look at your spelling/posting style. Mine isnt too clever tbh.

Ooh god i dont know if i dare tbh lol

15-09-09, 06:50 PM
You can normally tell when someone is lazy or just bad at spelling because the person that's bad at spelling usually makes an attempt at it and if you read it it *sounds* the same, the lazy ones just sound like retards.

15-09-09, 06:55 PM
i'll try use good grammar on here :thumb:

15-09-09, 07:07 PM
Mint, any ideas where bouts on the corsa`s they r cos i couldnt find it ne ware lol, didnt have too long cos the garage was tryin to pick the car bk up at the time lmao, ahem "i left er my pen in the car mr garage guy" lol

15-09-09, 07:12 PM
Errr, where did you find that dar lol

15-09-09, 07:20 PM
People that sell Gay, ghey.
What if they pronounce it "ghey"? lol

"I'm Ron Burgundy?" lol
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Benn again.

Fcukit lol

Would you say an SR or a SR?

i would use an
"an" is correct, as the S sound is pronounced "ess". There's a post earlier by moi about the usage of "an" and "a".

So heres a thread on text speak-why isnt FTW TBH IMO etc etc text speak?
Thats just lazy.Is this how people speak in person??? "Well i went to the pub earlier and IMO it was crap,TBH it was expensive" "yeah definately supermarket prices FTW".
Nope, FTW, IMO, TBH, etc are acronyms so different to jst typin lyk a retard innit.

What is amusing, is to search out your oldest posts & look at your spelling/posting style. Mine isnt too clever tbh.
Can't find my very first post lol

15-09-09, 09:30 PM
I was going to say that too, ghey, what the **** is that about I pronounce it as its spelled g-hey. Just put gay for ****s ****ing cock chops sake.

15-09-09, 11:36 PM
lol i have seen/read some of my old post on here, and MIG and yes they extremely amusing!

16-09-09, 07:41 PM
What if they pronounce it "ghey"? lol

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Benn again.

Fcukit lol

If they say it like that they need a smack, glad you got the joke tho.. I want my rep!

16-09-09, 07:43 PM
If they say it like that they need a smack, glad you got the joke tho.. I want my rep!
You want, you got!

16-09-09, 08:12 PM
Love you xx

18-09-09, 02:07 PM
As the F5 tornado blew across southern england, everybody thought Nath was going to be abliterated in his 1.2 nova, but nobody knew nath was qaurter australian,Nath" come on lads wack a sale on her we get 100mph" LMFAO!

18-09-09, 02:42 PM
As the F5 tornado blew across southern england, everybody thought Nath was going to be abliterated in his 1.2 nova, but nobody knew nath was qaurter australian,Nath" come on lads wack a sale on her we get 100mph"


Tut tut stoo.

Whack :p

18-09-09, 02:44 PM
If they say it like that they need a smack, glad you got the joke tho.. I want my rep!
Rep has landed :cool:

18-09-09, 02:49 PM
LOL I'm having an off day today!!! :d

18-09-09, 02:51 PM
Your smiley didn't work either. :d

18-09-09, 05:11 PM
Your smiley didn't work either. :d

Um, yes it did lol


19-09-09, 10:53 AM
This was taken from another site, and thought it would be much fun to post this up...mainly because i have no idea what he is on about for a start, all i know is its somthing to do with design him a tattoo lol

a couple of people hav given me som wesites to go on nd thanks for that but i cant find wot im after.

does any1 on here do tattoo desings if i dive u idears and if i like wot i see i will pay ya for your troubles

20-09-09, 10:56 AM
Thats easy^

20-09-09, 11:05 AM
Bit of a random thing to ask, but ive heard that the bleepy thing u get in new vaux`s ie mk4 astra`s an new corsa`s (the one that tells u uve left your lights on when u open the drivers door) can be put into a nova simply by changin the buzzer box on the bk of the fuse box, is this true cos that buzzer is well annoyin lol, if it is where abouts in corsa`s an astra`s is the bleepy thing cos i looked in a corsa courtesy car me mate had for where it was an couldnt find it at all!!!!!
pls help or tell me to shut up lol!!!


20-09-09, 11:52 AM
Oh dear

20-09-09, 12:42 PM
Something else that gets me is when people do this, i,m unable to spell as i,m dixleskik honestly. :mad:

20-09-09, 01:08 PM

Meh, rule 15 lol

Pistol Pete
20-09-09, 07:56 PM
lol i have seen/read some of my old post on here, and MIG and yes they extremely amusing!

+1. :eek: :tard: lol @ some of mine. What a numpty!!

20-09-09, 08:00 PM
+1. :eek: :tard: lol @ some of mine. What a numpty!!

But i imagine were all young and stupid when we first join up to sites such as this, it just goes to show that we all can learn spelling and pronounciation and can fit into the rules regs and etiquette expected of us:thumb:

Pistol Pete
20-09-09, 08:07 PM
Nail and head TBH dude lol