View Full Version : Vauxhall Ownership Rant

08-09-09, 06:37 PM
Little Chavs. They always seem to land at my street when they see the 2 or more Vauxhalls sitting there. And they never come to the front door either, oh no, straight down the back of the house where all the rest of the cars are and they have to get looking round all of them.

This evenings installment, a 96 Civic with 4 young lads pull up, well straight down the back, I go out and ask if they're alright. "Any cheap yocks about ye?" to which I give a short sweet "no" but they insist on going around every car asking what it is and if I'll sell it. 5 times I told them nothing was for sale. Then one asks if I have a GSi kit for sale, while standing next to one of my GSis. I replied yep, he then asks if its in good shape, to which I reply Yeah. Can I see it he says, I mean WTF? "Its a GSi kit, you know what it looks like, you're standing next to one". "Ah right" he shrugs. So they all walk back to the car and finially turns and says "So you've no cars for sale then?" How can you reply to stupidity like that?

08-09-09, 06:40 PM
how annoyinglol

08-09-09, 06:42 PM
put a big sign at the end of the drive and get a rottwiler(sp) to suprise the feckers when they ignore it lol

08-09-09, 06:42 PM
A big fcuking bat and an angry dod face should do it i reckon dude:thumb:

08-09-09, 06:43 PM
How can you reply to stupidity like that?

Next time go out there naked with a big rusty knife and start giggling.

08-09-09, 06:46 PM
you need a shot gun!

08-09-09, 06:47 PM
Next time go out there naked with a big rusty knife and start giggling.

08-09-09, 06:52 PM
you need a shot gun!

Dont be silly keith, this is dod, he probably has about four lol

08-09-09, 07:03 PM
cant believe ive just read that.. - they were casing up the joint mate, didnt want to buy **** all - just see what and wheres poss to pinch..
you shouldnt let them get close - hide it, hire a unit somewhere..
nosey fecking.. ide be armed.

08-09-09, 07:06 PM
cant believe ive just read that.. - they were casing up the joint mate, didnt want to buy **** all - just see what and wheres poss to pinch..
you shouldnt let them get close - hide it, hire a unit somewhere..
nosey fecking.. ide be armed.


Get some big cars parked across ware they gained access.

08-09-09, 07:11 PM
Get a big dog. Not Westwood lol

08-09-09, 07:19 PM
Next time go out there naked with a big rusty knife and start giggling.

Now THAT is a genius idea.

08-09-09, 07:28 PM
lol WTF i cant believe i just read that either, if someone just started walking down the side of my house i jump out infront of them and say
"piss of ye little **** of the west!" i just wouldnt allow it. put a fence or a door up or something to stop them going down, they have no right and next time call the police!

08-09-09, 07:29 PM
If ya can afford it Dod, have a skip dropped infront any other skips youve got lol lol

No seriously, Id say there casing the joint matey.

08-09-09, 07:32 PM
electric fence FTW! lol always gets the ****ers when i used to be a little **** i never touched a metal fence id make a mate do it first lol lol lol

08-09-09, 07:43 PM
/\ ive pissed on one of them before and it wasnt pleasant

08-09-09, 08:35 PM
They werent casing the joint, just being nosey little scrotes. I have a 4 legged Alarm system that goes off at the first sign of anything and he is good. He alerted me to 2 lads tackling my Heating Oil tank one night, 2 shots from my Shot Gun (;)) and they both got up, ran into each other and never came back since. I keep a sledge hammer inside the back porch to walk round the house with when someone arrives during the day, it looks mean but is a little less threatening than coming out with the Shot Gun.

Its nothing new, it happens at least once a week. I've now got my Carlton and a Cav blocking the side of the house so I'm not concerned, just ranting.

08-09-09, 09:37 PM
we get gippo's at the yard every so often & as its also my brothers home, he is a farmer too, so he keeps a loaded shotgun handy, in case a 'fox' gets into the sheep........

one day, one of the lads walked home from the job he was on, only to decide he needed his car later on. the prat didn't phone, and just got a mate to drop him off in the dark. after my brother parted their hair with a couple of barrels, reloaded & ran down the yard, he found 2 piles of jelly lying on the ground wimpering.... the lad never did that again

08-09-09, 09:56 PM
Theres an 83yr old living over the road from me. He still runs and works in his Saw mill. He told me one night the dog went mad and as he looked out the window he saw 2 figures climbng over his fence heading away from the house. Before they got over the fence the old guy had reached for his gun and fired no more than 6 shots striaght at the 2 fleeing. When I aaked what did you then, he replied "Went to bed again. I walked up the field the next morning and never found anyone so they must be alright." Indeed.

08-09-09, 11:02 PM
Right.... *note to self* Don't go walking in the dark in Ireland! lol

08-09-09, 11:05 PM
Right.... *note to self* Don't go walking in the dark in Ireland! lol

Ill second that dude lol

08-09-09, 11:10 PM
Well, not in someones back Garden either. Bodies are happily desposed off less than a mile from me in deep Bog land with lots of lakes covered in Algi (sp) and various other undergrowth so they're pretty certain to never be seen again.

08-09-09, 11:16 PM
Any gen on dod having done this before then.........:eek:

08-09-09, 11:20 PM
i think its already posted above spud.

09-09-09, 12:00 AM
get a chainsaw with a knackered piston barrel the smoke will add to the effect.

nova danny1
09-09-09, 01:00 AM
you and your neighbours are seriously mad by the sounds of itlol

09-09-09, 01:22 AM
lol i dont likes the sound of your nieghbourhood, wont be coming for tea anytime soon! lol

09-09-09, 09:05 AM
2 shots from my Shot Gun (;))

09-09-09, 08:58 PM
If you like.....

My neighbourhood is fine, one of the most upstanding communities in the town, just dont **** us off!!

We used to get Joy Riders round here all the time or "Stagers" as they're known locally. Again, these were sorted by less that traditional tactics.

Its priceless to see them **** theirselves when they cant pull away. A few gentle nudges (read Ramming) and a swift turn off kind of scared them all off.

09-09-09, 09:09 PM
Thats a big old face to be 'nudging' you along at speed toward something solid or with a big silence after the skid noise............. smash, bang, BOOM lol

09-09-09, 09:22 PM
Dod. Entrepenuer. Car collector. Mass murderer.

09-09-09, 09:45 PM
just ask them if they fancy a bum!!w**kers

09-09-09, 11:45 PM
Again, we're a close knit community, you have to look after your own. When we were in Hospital with the missus, people checked in on our house and it was greatly appreciated and I'd like to feel I was doing something to help as well.

09-09-09, 11:47 PM
Again, we're a close knit community, you have to look after your own. When we were in Hospital with the missus, people checked in on our house and it was greatly appreciated and I'd like to feel I was doing something to help as well.

Thats awesome, thats when you know youre somewhere truly safe, when youre neighbours will not only keep an eye on your pad for you but will make sure any would be theives are persuaded to go elsewhere too:thumb:

09-09-09, 11:50 PM
Dod is a legend and respected in his comunity :thumb: