View Full Version : Help Finding Old Astra Advert

07-09-09, 09:51 PM
Does anyoneone remember the advert for the astra mk3, where it starts off with an astra mk2, it then gets covered i leaves, becomes rusty and gets stolen (like a 10 second timeline) then drives off-screen and crashes, then the new mk3 astra fades in?

I cant find it anywhere on the internet and tis doing my head in, i used to watch it oevr and over again when i was about 4 lol

07-09-09, 10:02 PM
Having wet dreams again Dave lol

07-09-09, 10:04 PM

07-09-09, 10:10 PM
I SWEAR it was real lol, im sure the leaves and rust were to show the mk3's anti-rust protection (whick they must of forgotten to apply) and the theft to show its new chipped key and deadlock system

08-09-09, 12:33 PM
LOL who cares! Sh!t cars.

08-09-09, 12:38 PM
lol mk2's are where its at more comfortable than novas and more room :d but on the other hand would i trade my nova for one ? NO would take a very clean white gte before i would even think about it .

08-09-09, 12:40 PM
mk2 astra came with a redtop as standard , nova never lol