View Full Version : Apprenticeship Offer

04-09-09, 10:58 PM
Been offered an upgrade on my apprenticeship today, absically instead of being in work 4 days a week and college one day, they have proposed this,

I will be in work placement full time, 5 days a week and never setting foot inside the college dors, however one week in every four i will be getting whisked off to Birmingham to be trained to be the companys official Land Rover panel beater, which means i will eventually become the Land Rover expert at the bodyshop.

I know at the moment jobs are tight and moneys even tighter, but im in two midns if to go for ti, as i really dont want to have to travel that distance every month, especially when im only 16, the company pays for all ym travel expenses, but im really unsure

Any advice? :(

04-09-09, 11:00 PM
Take every opportunity possible bud, it can and will only further your career prospects in later life, i regret not taking full advantage of things that were offered me in the past, dont look back and wonder, hmmm, what if id done that, do it, do it, do it, seriously!

04-09-09, 11:02 PM
you need to know that taking that route gives you recognised qualifications, and if they are paying for your expenses its no hassle to you money wise. if it feels like the right thing to do for you then go for it, but think of what you want and not the company

04-09-09, 11:10 PM
Take Spudlys advice, spot on.

04-09-09, 11:12 PM
Go for it. If you've got a chance to do it and there paying travel what have you too lose.

It's all experience and will look good on a cv. ;)

04-09-09, 11:14 PM
take it then range rover sport company car in the future lol

04-09-09, 11:25 PM
bite their hand off.....they wouldn't offer if they were'nt serious about giving you a job later in life....think about how much they are paying out to train you up.......and in my experience, 'on the job' experience is worth 10 times what a college qualification is worth to future employers.

if you owned a business, would you employ the guy that has been doing the job for a few years or the guy that has a certificate 'saying' he can do it?

04-09-09, 11:26 PM
spudlys advice. follow it.

04-09-09, 11:32 PM
Go for it. If you've got a chance to do it and there paying travel what have you too lose.

It's all experience and will look good on a cv. ;)

My point, explained in adult terms, seriously dave, do it otherwise you will regret it when youre old enough to figure out 'hindsight'

05-09-09, 12:05 AM
if you have post this thread your not thinking straight :D if your not taking it i will lol

05-09-09, 12:06 AM
Do it!

05-09-09, 12:08 AM
just do it, then if you don't like it just go back to college:thumb:

05-09-09, 09:28 AM
imo i'd take everything you can get, it can only be a good thing to have/do

05-09-09, 09:33 AM
stop being a pussy and get it done!

05-09-09, 10:02 AM
The only downside is you dont want to travel the distance, get somone else to take you, get a taxi, its only once a month.

Welsh Dan
05-09-09, 10:08 AM
Take it, the traveling is no bother. If they're covering the expenses then its trains and taxis :thumb:.

05-09-09, 10:12 AM
Who do you work for? Land rover or is it a land rover aproved body shop?

I work for a land rover aproved body shop that covers warenty I tend to get all the land rover jobs and it a lot better than all the other **** that we get

05-09-09, 10:40 AM
Take it Dave, itll cost you nothing but time.

When i was 17/18 i turned down an Apprenticship with Peugeot Sport (Peugeots Motorsport department) as all i wanted to do was pish about with my own car, go out clubbing an generally pish about.

Looking back that was THEE most stupidist thing ive ever passed up on in my entire life!

16v Nova Kev
05-09-09, 11:11 AM
do it looks like a good opertunity

05-09-09, 11:22 AM
I assume the thread poster is Dave? Anyway do it man, as when I read what Mike put, I blurted out "idiot" without even realising, do you want people thinking about you like that? Although Mike admits he was stupid.

Mike, You FOOL, I would give a testicle to do that kinda job.

When i was 17/18 i turned down an Apprenticship with Peugeot Sport (Peugeots Motorsport department) as all i wanted to do was pish about with my own car, go out clubbing an generally pish about.

Looking back that was THEE most stupidist thing ive ever passed up on in my entire life!

05-09-09, 11:35 AM
you'd be a fool not too kid go for it sounds a great oppurtunity..

05-09-09, 01:47 PM
Mike, You FOOL, I would give a testicle to do that kinda job.

Yes well, at that age you do stupid stuffs lol

I know peoples there who could shoe horn me an apprenticship again, but means a massive drop in wages to what im used to really :(

05-09-09, 02:04 PM
Yes well, at that age you do stupid stuffs lol

I know peoples there who could shoe horn me an apprenticship again, but means a massive drop in wages to what im used to really :(

Which in turn isn't worth it, or is it?

05-09-09, 02:07 PM
Which in turn isn't worth it, or is it?

Worth a 5 year wait, 3 years of uni all for a massivly increased salary maybe, company cars, travel europe an stuff like that but meh, im happy as I am TBH.

I still get to mince around with some kick ass french rally cars a lot of the time anyway so on the whole it wouldnt really be nothing new to me, merely letters after my name & stamps in my passport.

05-09-09, 02:26 PM
dont do it landrovers are a ball ache to strip, most panels are alloy so just get replaced

but being a expert in something is good so dont listen to me lol

05-09-09, 02:38 PM
Do it! I felt the same about the travelling on my apprenticship. Once you do it once its easy. My apprenticship is the best thing ive done and now im fully qualified. i wouldnt turn it down unless you really dont want to follow that career

Joe Richardson
05-09-09, 03:38 PM
Take it from me who is an Audi apprentice technician,that had searched for an apprenticship for ages when i left school,it was/is very hard to get an apprenticship:)

I would take this opertunity,because not many come up like this often:thumb:

let's us know what you go with;)


05-09-09, 03:48 PM
Who do you work for? Land rover or is it a land rover aproved body shop?

I work for a land rover aproved body shop that covers warenty I tend to get all the land rover jobs and it a lot better than all the other **** that we get

A land rover approved bodyshop dude, it soudns like your in the job ive been offered lol:p

05-09-09, 04:04 PM
Ye but in paint shop,take it mate I'm not going to blow smoke up your **** but it allways looks good on your CV

MK2 Cat
29-09-09, 08:13 PM

29-09-09, 08:20 PM
basically if you dont take it, they wont offer you anything cool in future as they wont think you are worth it.

29-09-09, 08:33 PM
yeh deffo take it, in the job i just got, i asked the person who intervied me and who looked at my CV what they looked for, and he said, what degree i had and what past experiance i have.

this seems massive IMO and i would deffo go for it

29-09-09, 09:01 PM
How long do you have left on your NVQ?

Sounds like a good opportunity though. I'd look at the training path, make sure its legit with a well structured plan and recognised qualification at the end - as the cynic in me is saying they're pulling you off a legit NVQ, using the "great sounding in-house training scheme" as a golden carrot, then they've got you by the short and curlies if they want rid as they're not bound by the NVQ terms.

Mattig Nic
29-09-09, 09:24 PM
bite their hand off.....they wouldn't offer if they were'nt serious about giving you a job later in life....think about how much they are paying out to train you up.......and in my experience, 'on the job' experience is worth 10 times what a college qualification is worth to future employers.

if you owned a business, would you employ the guy that has been doing the job for a few years or the guy that has a certificate 'saying' he can do it?

fair point....but thats not how the world works....as much as i hate to admit it, formal qualifications mean everything to a potential employer.

29-09-09, 09:28 PM
fair point....but thats not how the world works....as much as i hate to admit it, formal qualifications mean everything to a potential employer.

imho no they dont.

this current job I got was purely from experience and about 1% on my qualifications.

29-09-09, 10:55 PM
imho no they dont.

this current job I got was purely from experience and about 1% on my qualifications.

especially true in a trade where experience shows . however this week at a training centre seems to be the norm these days:thumb:

30-09-09, 05:26 PM
fair point....but thats not how the world works....as much as i hate to admit it, formal qualifications mean everything to a potential employer.

No they don't! How many people graduate from uni and never manage to get the jobs they're trained for?

Dougie has no journalism qualifications and is now the editor of TV :thumb:

I think you should do it kissy. Birmingham isn't that far, just get your iPod and a good mag/book and the time'll pass quickly. Or get a bottle of JD and drink it straight, that's what I used to do when I get the train Manchester- Bristol :p LOL

30-09-09, 05:34 PM
No they don't! How many people graduate from uni and never manage to get the jobs they're trained for?

3 outta my 4 sisters went to uni, only 1 has a job related to what she trained for lol