View Full Version : Piper Cross Socks Fitting

04-09-09, 09:31 AM
Ive currently got trumpets on my 45's but no filters. I have borrowed a set of 4 filter socks that will do, but is there a safe distance that the end of the filters need to be away from the end of the trumpet in order to let enough air through and not suck the end of the sock in?

Has anyone used these on Webers? Where they ok?


04-09-09, 09:34 AM
I've not used them personally but found this. :thumb:

Air filters.
Once the carbs are on there is not much room for filters. I eventually ended up with a PiperX manifolded filter rather than trumpet socks. Trumpet socks can be have disasterous effects on air flow around the trumpet intake and hence power - be very wary about using them. I had to have a slimmed down version from the standard (the supplier should be able to tell you what to use). Even then I had to shorten the trumpets to get it to fit and its not very satisfactory because of the lack of space and will have effected performance. What many people do to avoid this is to modify or remove the baulkhead panel behind the trumpets to give more space

04-09-09, 09:38 AM
Thanks for that :)