View Full Version : Test your subs with this...

03-03-03, 01:56 PM
:o WOW!!!

Get the new Fast Car magazine & its got a free CD on with with all sorts of things onit to test your subs performance & just test the general power of your system!!

It's great, I could'nt believe the bass the CD produced, to prove power it blew 2 of my fuses! my fault as I didnt have powerful enough fuses but they had never blew until i used this certain CD :?

anyone tried this CD out on there system? :wink:

03-03-03, 02:07 PM
makes the 15inch throbber very low

04-03-03, 03:39 PM
got it today. Very good for testing bass and finding rattles within the car which need sound deadning

04-03-03, 04:10 PM
yeah i tried it, its heavy, made me realise just how powerful my sub was, felt like the car was movin slightly wen i put it on track10 i think it is.. the one were the bass goes up an down....

04-03-03, 07:54 PM
anyone with kazzaa gonna upload it for us?

cant be doing with the embarasment of buyinf passedcar!

05-03-03, 02:48 PM
Yeah sum1 upload it!! me to tight for spendin 4.25!!!!! lol :lol:

05-03-03, 02:57 PM
i'll make copies for the next mk meet matty is plannin in april :D

05-03-03, 04:49 PM
I cant upload it as only av a PC in work!!

But yeah, defo worth gettin to test your subs performance... If you have got a powerful enough system whack it up full blast & try talkin to your mate next to you!!! Cos of the massive bass sound waves flying through the car you sound like you have been inhaling helium. :lol:

05-03-03, 08:19 PM
I bought the mag specially 4 the cd, so its good then is it? will i be able 2 set up my system with it? or is it not low enuff?
i wanna get some birds in the car and get the 33hz vibrating!
although, iv just had it valeted and dont fancy ne stains lol
(sorry 2 all female novaloaders who found the massage abusive!)

05-03-03, 08:23 PM
yeah it is good for setting your system up on. :lol:
I wanna test the 33hz as well :roll:

06-03-03, 12:00 AM
Ha ive tested that!

The missus just winges bout her ears too much!

Mind you, if she was sitting in the back seat it may not be the same story!

500Watts RMS aimed at one place! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

06-03-03, 11:43 AM
I bought the mag specially 4 the cd, so its good then is it? will i be able 2 set up my system with it? or is it not low enuff?
i wanna get some birds in the car and get the 33hz vibrating!
although, iv just had it valeted and dont fancy ne stains lol
(sorry 2 all female novaloaders who found the massage abusive!)


I think u will find the cd low enuff!!! Actually if anyone no's a cd lower than that let me know it....

its basically for settin ur system up really not got any good music on, got things on it so u can set your trebles & high range up aswell. a plane flying over your head it a gud one!

Messer 1.4 SR
06-03-03, 03:05 PM
Is some one gonna upload it cos if they are ill setup an ftp for it


06-03-03, 03:40 PM
i cant upload mate as only av a pc in work, but you could rip it off the front of the cover in tesco if u dont wanna buy it!! :lol:

06-03-03, 03:41 PM
Plus if u upload & then copy to cd you will be losing sum of the vital sound quality.

Mr Dan
06-03-03, 06:17 PM
its basically for settin ur system up really not got any good music on, got things on it so u can set your trebles & high range up aswell. a plane flying over your head it a gud one!

I agree, don't usually buy Max Pooer or Fast Bra but I don't know where else you can find a set of tracks like it on cd to buy off the shelf. The sound effects are intense, need to witness the 33hz in action!! Me sub loves the cd but my poor replacement 100w 4 inchers wanted to explode out of the dash. 8)

Messer 1.4 SR
07-03-03, 12:46 PM
look like im gonna have to get some scallie to knick it for a fag mix or summat :wink:


07-03-03, 02:43 PM
look like im gonna have to get some scallie to knick it for a fag mix or summat :wink:


or you could put your hand in your pocket & buy it for ?4 odd :wink:

07-03-03, 05:14 PM
Iv been lookin 4 a cd like that for months and months! still aint tried it yet lol