View Full Version : The past 2 weeks of my life

24-08-09, 11:38 PM
Ok, its a bit long winded and I'm sorry for the thread length but its something I feel I need to share.

Its funny how you get old without noticing until one day you decide your car is too solid, or you're getting wrinkles or you prefer a night in front of the soaps instead of a night on the lash. For me it was when I found out my Missus was pregnant. It felt so good and made me feel like a proper adult. That was a little under 7mths ago,

Pregnancy was and still is hard on us both, caused quite a bit of friction and more recently some pain. Sunday 2 weeks ago (15 days, or 16 days if today is Tuesday) the missus had trouble sleeping the night before and decided to go to the Doc's with pains in her stomach causing lack of sleep the night before. They recomended a Hospital visit and within an hour of being in our Local Hospital we were rushed by Ambulance to the National Maternity Hospitla in Dublin, some 150 miles from home at 8pm that night.

It turns out our Baby's heart beat was twice wht it should be which usually results in the baby's heart simply giving up and the baby dieing.So they scanned the missus and informed us we were having a baby girl, which is to be called Aiobhean (or Aa-veen). The bad news is out baby is in a state of Heart failure and we need to get her heart rate halved. We're then informed we're the most serious case in the hospital, bear in mind they deliver on average 29 new borns a day. Its not good news.

Staying in my Aunt's house it nice but I'm a country boy and the Circumstances suck, the traffic passing late at night annoys me and knowing Martina and Aiobhean are so ill means very little to no sleep at all. The train into the Hospital everyday gives me a sence of unrest, between the way it moves and the people I dont know, no firendly or framiliar faces, I used to just wish someone would ask me how I was so I could tell my story.

They give Martina some medication to take the baby's BPM down which seems to work but caused Martina to take seriously ill, like seriously ill. They then decided to rush us to another hospital as they fear for her life. At this stage I've slept for funk all length of time so everythings a blur. When we got to the Hospital she's admitted and we're to sit in the waiting room when eventually we're asked to follow one of the doctors into a private smaller room with 2 sofas, a cofee table with a box of tissues. At this stage I have no idea whats going on. "Martina is seriously ill at the minute" the last thing I want to hear. They allow us to see her 3hrs later and she's hooked upto 3 computers, semi consioness and looking terrible.

She makes a full recovery in 36 hrs but the baby is seriously ill and more so now than before. Times running out. They gave us a second medication back at the Maternity Hospital that is basicially our last hope and will distroy our Baby's Thriod Gland, which isnt what we want but its our last chance and at this stage another scan reveals the baby's heart is getting seriously weak and its not looking good whatsoever.

To skip it all on a bit, Martina's doing good, and the baby's made a miricle recovery and everyone at the Hospital is amazed at the progress, but they insist on keeping us in for another 4 or 5 days which is frustrating but we're in the best place we can be. But frustration takes over and we row.

Its after an experience like this that you really get your prioritys straight and so I thought that after nearly 6 years of good, bad and ugly it was time to propose.

A week on and I'm back home and so is my new Fiance. Our baby still isnt born but she's doing well. We're not in the clear yet, birth is going to be a very very delicate touch and go time but hopefully.....

Thanks for reading this folks.

24-08-09, 11:43 PM

Best wishes go to you, your fiance & Aiobhean.

Its stories like this that make everyone else realise just how much they fit into the whole perspective of the rest of the country. and indeed, the world.

All the very best mate.


24-08-09, 11:44 PM
very touching indeed, and nicely writen.

pregnancy can be a frightening thing when the unwanted happens and i wish you and your family all the best for the future.

24-08-09, 11:47 PM
My heart goes out to you and your family mate.

Things like that can really bond you together though, you'll be a very strong family when your baby arrives. I have to say though, that's a gorgeous name for a girl, Aiobhean.

All the best fella, congrats on the proposal :thumb:

24-08-09, 11:47 PM
Firstly, I hope and pray that everything will stay on course for you, your finance and your daughter; when's the due date?
I can totally understand your amount of concern and the things which it can do to you, your fiance and relationship. You will lose sleep/weight etc and worry yourself stupid, but the more you talk, the easier it will be to get your head around and the easier it will be to sleep.
The important thing is that you are on the verge of one of the most amazing things to happen to you and the experience is and will continue to bring you and your wife-to-be closer.
All the best

24-08-09, 11:50 PM
Ah Dod, it's nice to see you've changed since our xbox days. :p

Seriously though, I hope it all works out, glad they are better now, you will have to let us know when she says yes!

24-08-09, 11:58 PM
That was very touching i can only imagine how that must have felt as im in the position our unborn baby and my missus are doing great.
Im glad everything is much much better and i hope for you the absolute best in your's your fiance's and your childs future and hope all goes well

25-08-09, 12:01 AM
fair play to the two of ya for stickin out,i cant even think of thge stress levels the pair of yee were goin through,and congratulations on the proposal,id say its epic being home in donegal after your ordeal,keep your head up and good luck

25-08-09, 12:07 AM
Thanks everyone.

I'd just like to point out, I'm not looking for sympathy, just pointing out that you really cant afford to take anything for granted because you dont know whats happening and although people on here that are having their first kids, and I know theres quite a few, hopefully reading this will make their experiences a little more special.

25-08-09, 12:09 AM
You know, knowing you I was expecting a punch line at the end!

But really glad after all that your wife to be and little girl are looking good, and hope that all goes smoothly for you now mate.

25-08-09, 12:15 AM
good to hear your all fine and hope it all works out for you's on the end.

25-08-09, 12:18 AM
You know, knowing you I was expecting a punch line at the end!

lol me too

Good to know that everyone is doing ok, Hope the birth goes to plan without any problems.


25-08-09, 12:22 AM
I hope evrythign goes to plan for you Dod, hope everyone makes a miraculous recovery mate, stay strong :thumb:

25-08-09, 12:32 AM
repped for an enlightening post, something we can all read and take something from

I hope all goes well

25-08-09, 12:33 AM
Glad to hear baby and mum are doing well now. When is the baby due to arrive?

25-08-09, 12:40 AM
Thanks folks. The Baby is due on the 29th of October but Martina's gonna be enduced 2 weeks early as theres going to be enough complications when she's full term and as Aiobheen has been given steroids to mature her lungs, there should be less hassle giving birth and she should still be strong enough to put up a good fight.

25-08-09, 12:55 AM
sounds like it will be out near enough when mine and the missus's is due
again i hope all goes well for you buddy

25-08-09, 01:12 AM
Just read it and I don't really know what to say apart from good luck to the 3 of you from now on and Aiobhean (Aveen) is a nice name!

Jim Mcrae
25-08-09, 01:28 AM
Quite a tough time you've had then. Hope it alls goes well for you.

25-08-09, 07:25 AM
Its good to hear that they are both doing very well!!

I have had the misfortune of my partner going through a miscarride, and i must say that it is the most soul destroying thing you can go through! however, things are looking bright for all 3 of you, I wish you all the best & hope the remainder of the pregnancy goes well and you have a healthy baby girl!

However whatever you do dont let the arguments consume you both, discuss this with your partner & make sure that she knows you are only doing it to keep things calm but the best thing you can both do in the moments an argument brews is to walk away from each other & take some time to yourselves, if she is asking you to do something, do it, if not take a walk around the block or something. This gives the bad air between you a chance to dissapate & when you come back together you can talk about what you were gpoing to argue about. This has worked brilliantly with my Current Fience who understands that sometimes you need to do this in order to clear the air. Just remeber to talk about it first & when the baby arrives things will calm down & the arguments will subside as you will no longer have time for them.

Best of luck to you all and i hope that I have been of some use to you :D

25-08-09, 07:53 AM
My wife went into labour at 24weeks,they said chances are slim and expect bad news.I was sick.

They put a stitch in the wife and gave her medication to slow labour down which made the baby heart race and go into distress.

Then she arrived 4 days over due!

25-08-09, 08:25 AM
that is touching dude

i hope your missus and soon to be baby are fine

and when you said in the PM your wife was in hospital i didnt think much of it and while reading that it suddenly clicked.

25-08-09, 08:52 AM
theres not much more i can say than has already been said, but congrats on the proposal, and i wish you all the best of luck for the future.

25-08-09, 09:04 AM
wish you all the best of luck and hope everything goes smoothly for the 3 of you

25-08-09, 10:02 AM
Good luck to you both + 1

25-08-09, 10:10 AM
genuinly bought a tear to my eye that, im very pleased that all is on the mend, there clearly both fighters and wont give up easy, i really hope to god that this all works itself clear for you mate, as we all do.

25-08-09, 10:17 AM
We're not out of the woods yet but its a start. Its good to know that theres so many people to support us and that people have had similar experiences. It makes it a little scary.

25-08-09, 10:36 AM
A big hug from me. :) Not gayness but I'd like to think it's what people need more often.

All the best to you and your family. :thumb:

25-08-09, 11:03 AM
You've done well dude - it always puts things into perspective to me when you hear of some of the stuff that others go through - makes me think why do I whinge about anything!

Heres hoping from here on in is smooth sailing for you and you can look back on this as a challenging time with a good outcome. :thumb:

25-08-09, 11:16 AM
See what I mean about how most day to day stuff is pretty irrelevant now ;)

Good to hear that the worst didnt happen :)
I'd have thought they would opt for the sun roof delivery rather than the sheer randomness of a "normal" labour.

If Your other half is upto it, get her to go swimming/do aqua yoga as it helps to a) keep her chilled and b.) keep the baby relaxed too. (and gets them out so you get some home Dod time)

Man love for you xxx

25-08-09, 11:49 AM
A C-section was never an option because due to the baby's ill health and very young age, she'd never have survived. It was a harsh time and its still playing on my mind a LOT. As for the swimming, she's been in bed for 2 weeks and at the minute is still very stiff and non mobile so we'll have to give her a while to recover properly.

25-08-09, 11:54 AM
I meant C section come proper delivery time...

25-08-09, 12:09 PM
No, they're going to enduce her at 38 weeks as apparently its the best time for both Mother and Baby.

25-08-09, 01:19 PM
hope everything goes well for you and your missus dod .

25-08-09, 05:24 PM
I've recently become a father. Whilst we had a few complications just before he was due, they were nothing compared to what you and your family have already been through.

I really hope everything goes as well as it can from now on.

25-08-09, 05:33 PM
Hope it all works out ok for you and your family :thumb:

25-08-09, 05:34 PM
Touch by it all mate.
Good luck to you all for the futor.

25-08-09, 06:35 PM
Text you earlier on bud as had to leave png (boss said something about working and not being here whilst at work, wtf)

Had tears welling in my eyes reading that and i hope to hell thats the last of the complications you have to go through, best of luck to you all and it sounds to me like your mrs is a fighter and so is the little one!

25-08-09, 07:07 PM
jaysus, good to see there both doing ok, its moments like them that shows you whats important in life, i was wondering where ya had gone as i hadnt seen you on jon44 in a while,

25-08-09, 08:22 PM
Dod, an old friend of ours trained as a midwife in the maternity hospital in dublin. it is a good place. they probably know more about babies than anywhere else in europe. your missus will most likely have a c section simply cos they can get the baby out in seconds without the stress of the labour.
I have been thru the mill with my 3 daughters. it was a long hard road to getting them, but they are worth it, and as a few people on here with testify, they are fit & very healthy......and little sods as well.

remember. ask your friends & family for help if you need it. the vast majority will help if they can, and the rest are just not nice people. so many people have had a baby health scare in their family, that they will know what you are going thru.

ps. if you think the pair of you are tired now, just wait for teething

Tidy Max
25-08-09, 11:03 PM
fackking hell mate, im glad everything is working out for you, bet you need a really good nights sleep! congratulations on the engagement matey

26-08-09, 12:01 AM
jesus mate thats a nightmare

congrats on the engagement tho, and hope everything goes smoothly now for you all

26-08-09, 12:13 AM
harsh times man, glad things are more stable now.
aiobhean the soldier.

26-08-09, 05:15 AM
Got my hairy toes crossed for you all.

I was born 6 weeks early and had a spontaneous bilateral hemothorax (both lungs collapsed) My rents were told my chances were pretty slim.

But im doing pretty well 27 years on :)

More man hugs from me xxx

26-08-09, 11:54 PM
Dod mate, nice touching read, and i am starting to see ware your coming from with some of what you have said, i think it's not far off that me and the missis are going to be living together, swiftly followed by her popping one of mine out if she has her way! lol

I do wish you both and your baby girl the best for the future, you need to come over to a PNG event, so many of need to meet you mate.


27-08-09, 10:23 AM
After recently having a baby (she's 4 months old now) I know that the childbirth process is a scary thing even without any issues. It changes your perspective on everything, especially when they are born and you start to spend time with them.

Theres things like when they wake you up in the middle of the night and your knackered the following morning but when you see them smiling up at you it's all OK.

I wish you all the luck mate and keep your chin up.

27-08-09, 10:38 AM
Cheers folks.

Mowgli, the Hospital itself is fantastic, the staff (apart from the catering staff that is) are so nice and couldnt do anymore to help. Its a tough time but as previously said, the aim of this thread id to make all you recent and long time parents make your experience that little more special. Thanks again.

04-09-09, 09:59 PM
Just a small update, we've had to travel to The Capital (Dublin, 3hrs each way) twice this week alone for scans and have to visit our GP at least once a week to get checked out. Today, after 4hrs traveling down due to traffic, we were in with the Doctor for no more than 5 minutes for him to tell us that Aiobhean and Martina are doing fantastic and that its unbelievable how much progress they've made. Origionally we were told a 50/50 chance of survival but as theres been such a magnificant upturn he felt it was ok to tell us that realisticially, baby's in the same circumstances as ours is had a 70% chance of dieing and not a 50% chance. The reason we were told 50/50 was to keep our spirts and hopes us and so not to give up. Anyway, after the news we're both beaming and couldnt be happier.

04-09-09, 10:12 PM
Fcuking awesome man, i told you she was made of strong stuff being part of you my friend:thumb:

04-09-09, 10:12 PM
keep the faith Dod. it will be well worth it in the end

04-09-09, 10:28 PM
Cheers lads, its all looking pretty good at the minute and long may it last. Also, Martina booked the wedding venue yesterday, how the fukk am I gonna get out of that one now?

04-09-09, 10:33 PM
LMFAO, guess you shouldntve proposed to her then silly:p

Tell her you will get rid of six cars if she puts it off till next year, its only six so you wont miss em lol

04-09-09, 11:08 PM
Nah, **** it. Something like this'd make or break you, and we're still here so full steam ahead!!

04-09-09, 11:10 PM
Spot on mate, i think dod the child has just become 'Dod the MAN' i mean, youve created life, dont get much more manly than that:thumb:

04-09-09, 11:13 PM
Except that it's his lovely fiance that had to do all the hard work :roll:

Congrats Dod, and best wishes :thumb: x

04-09-09, 11:13 PM
And I still have 6 Novas, 7 Cavs and my E39. RESULT!!

04-09-09, 11:14 PM
Except that it's his lovely fiance that had to do all the hard work :roll:

Whats that supposed to mean? I got her pregnant, my works done!

04-09-09, 11:24 PM
Whats that supposed to mean? I got her pregnant, my works done!

Epic fcuking LOL lol

05-09-09, 12:54 PM
congrats hope all works out for you

05-09-09, 12:57 PM
Ive been married 1 year on sunday!

05-09-09, 01:22 PM
Ive been married 1 year on sunday!

Unlucky mate.

03-05-10, 11:35 PM
Just thought I'd update this thread. All went fantasticially, baby and fiance are brilliant and we're going for another 4mth scan tomorrow morning. :D

03-05-10, 11:42 PM
Good news lad!!!


03-05-10, 11:50 PM
Just thought I'd update this thread. All went fantasticially, baby and fiance are brilliant and we're going for another 4mth scan tomorrow morning. :D

Sorry to say I have only just nioticed this thread mate.

I am glad things have taken a turn for the better and if I was a religous man I would pray it continues. However, I will keep my fingers crossed for you all instead. :thumb:

I'm sure Martina and Aiobhean have turned the corner now and the next news you receive will be for the better.

Congratulations on the proposal mate. All the best for your future family!


04-05-10, 10:36 AM
Wow, great that things have improved, life has a funny way of putting things right that start badly. best of luck to you all:thumb:

puss puss
04-05-10, 10:57 AM
woah fork me i didnt know were ever to cry or be sick at your story. I seriously hope you and your baby girl are fine. Also am glad i wasnt a one of them random people on the train because i do usally ask people how they are doing and if you told me that i think i would of been sick :(

My son is turning a year end of the month time half does fly!

04-05-10, 11:18 AM
Just thought I'd update this thread. All went fantasticially, baby and fiance are brilliant and we're going for another 4mth scan tomorrow morning. :D

implying number 2 is on the way?

get a new TV lol

04-05-10, 12:23 PM
no good mate! Hope the baby is fine at the end off it all mate!

04-05-10, 12:43 PM
LMAO @ everyone not reading the whole thread.

Everything is Fine, its A1, both the girls have come out of it perfectly and are both doing great (edit, should read doing my head in lol)

The point I'm trying to make is that things went from almost certain death to a stage that couldn't be better than it is and yeah Stupot, no. 2 is on the way and after todays scan, its yet to be confirmed with a 3D scan, but its looking like this ones a boy!!!

04-05-10, 01:16 PM
how the funk did i miss this thread :s, kinda at a loss of what to say. just so glad everything is pukka now dude

04-05-10, 06:23 PM
Woo number two in the oven eh Dod, good skills mate glad your little one is doing well now:thumb:

04-05-10, 06:24 PM
go dod, png dad of the year!!!

04-05-10, 06:26 PM
Go on my son.Supersperm Dod

04-05-10, 06:32 PM
long cold winters in ireland eey lol

nice work dod ;)

04-05-10, 09:09 PM

I honestly never thought I'd see the day I could laugh and joke in this particular thread but its arrived and couldn't be any better.

Also, if anyone needs help concieving, I can supply a 25ml of Dods own Baby Gravy thats garanteed to do the deed at a very reasonable price. lol

Lads, thanks very much for all the support, it really does mean a lot. Its amazing how so many strangers for want of a better word can help you feel better.

04-05-10, 09:13 PM
Bloody hell Dod, having little mini-me's has definately changed you, youve gone all soppy ya plum lol

Only kidding matey luvs ya really:thumb:

04-05-10, 09:25 PM
Wow well done dude, glad everything whent OK, and good luck with the 2nd one on the way. Congrats.


04-05-10, 09:28 PM
Glad to hear it all turned out for the best. Great news on number two, fair play Mr Dod. Kids are AWESOME!!!!

04-05-10, 09:43 PM
I havent been on here in ages....So much to catch up on!

Totally agree with spud, Dod it seems like youve turned into a bit of a woman lol

Good to hear everythink turned out ok :) keep ya head up pal

04-05-10, 09:48 PM
^^^Bloody hell theres a username ive not seen post in a long time lol

04-05-10, 10:04 PM
why have there been no pics? or have i missed them?

04-05-10, 10:41 PM
I've not gone Soppy, I've bought 4x GSi Cavs and an XE'd Cav and I intend to V6 another Cav, XE Numerious Corsas and Novas.

Parenthood makes you more a man than anything else, and I'm sure all the Dads in here will agree. So whos the woman now? LMAO!!

Cheers again lads. See you all at Billing 2025! lol

04-05-10, 10:54 PM
Just read this. Must have been something of a huge shock mate, going from normal to nightmare.

Glad to hear both the ladies are fine but as I was reading further down I felt it wasn't getting any better.

Hope everything goes well at birth, and I know what you mean by years flying by and not realising it.

Best wishes pal.

craig green
04-05-10, 11:16 PM
F**k man! Best wishes for the future, really. :thumb:

04-05-10, 11:21 PM
We got a 3D scan which turned out to be very very interesting! The clip is very short but it speaks for itself.

16v Nova Kev
04-05-10, 11:24 PM
your a dobber lol