View Full Version : Door removal

22-08-09, 04:27 PM
Anyone got any tips on removing the pins that go through the hinges? One came out no problem but the rest are being a complete ****.
Went and bought the tool for removing them but it was useless.

Cant seem to get a decent swing at them without smashing my paintwork to pieces.

22-08-09, 04:40 PM
Hacksaw between the hinges on the door and the hinge thats attached to the shell. Ive seen me having to do that. Its rough but it works. Its easy after that to remove the rest of the pin.

22-08-09, 04:56 PM
i made me up a punch out of an old screwdriver right ******* off a job some come out piece of piss others dont i damaged my paintowrk last time!!
Not really an easy answer mate just stay calm and keep wacking!! hehe

22-08-09, 05:02 PM
Use a bonnet stay thing - it fits a treat! And is longer so you can hammer it away from paintwork.

22-08-09, 05:34 PM
Wilson use the tool but with the door closed and the wing off. Plenty of room for a swing without damaging paint.

22-08-09, 05:46 PM
1. hammer
2. home made punch (screwdriver)

or 3. grinder lol

22-08-09, 05:46 PM
i made me up a punch out of an old screwdriver right ******* off a job some come out piece of piss others dont i damaged my paintowrk last time!!
Not really an easy answer mate just stay calm and keep wacking!! hehe

as above lol

22-08-09, 06:01 PM
Wilson use the tool but with the door closed and the wing off. Plenty of room for a swing without damaging paint.
Ahhh cool, il give that a shot! cheers mate.

22-08-09, 08:17 PM
1,wd40(good spray all round the pins top and bottom)
2,piece of bonnet stay(hacksaw to cut it down to size) as mentioned around 6"long
3,A claw hammer(as the lump hammer was to bulky)in the gap available)

Andthat was it the only awkward part i had was holding/balancing the door on a stack of tyres,getting the pins out was pretty straight forward,didnt even break a sweat lol
EDIT;i also removed 4 pins today(sat) out the doors i have in the shed exactly the same as i mentioned above.realy is simple longest part of the job is giving the wd40 5 mins to set in.

22-08-09, 08:21 PM
with the wing off is best as you close the door , knock all the pins out and open the door and remove.