View Full Version : 12. to 2.0 8v nova saloon

21-08-09, 07:49 AM
here is my little project that only stands me at 750 pound including the 2nd engine! any ideas on how to inprove i am all ears!
this is when i frist got the car it wasnt in that bad condition no serious rott just surface rust!

the origanal 1.2


owt with the old and in with th new

this was the first of 2 engines

after only an hour and a half most ov been ashleyed the engine dicided to throw a rod approching the main roundabout at corton wood not good
got it towed home by a friend and then put the higher bhp c20seh in it!!

on with the boady work


the final result

i yesterday had an exhaust fitted at exhaut uk a 3" owtward rolled tip looks good will up load pics when i have time

21-08-09, 09:27 AM
looking good that buddy.
just a thought why dont you upload you images to photobucket then you make it so people dont have to click them.

21-08-09, 01:09 PM
looking good that buddy.
just a thought why dont you upload you images to photobucket then you make it so people dont have to click them.
Al av a luk at doing it mate!

21-08-09, 02:35 PM
Stop with the text speak, makes you sound like a muppet. Please sort out the photos as its gash going through facebook. Setup a photobucket account and upload them to there. There is a guide in the articles section of this forum.

Other then that, looks good 4 door sleeper for the win.

21-08-09, 06:33 PM
this site isnt a spell checker pal and each and every 1 to ther own with the 4door saloon what u got like?

21-08-09, 06:43 PM
It may not be spell checker but whats the point in posting if you can't read what you've written, if you carry on expect to get banned.

I have a GTE and an XE'd luxe hatchback.

21-08-09, 06:45 PM
i like that revery much so !

21-08-09, 06:45 PM
indeedy i have p.m'd spudly, so expect an official warning. then a ban. dont say we didnt warn you.....

21-08-09, 06:49 PM
this site isnt a spell checker pal

This may be true, but the forum rules (which you are advised to read before you click the "yes ive read them" button) clearly states....

14. Txt Type. If u txt type u will b asked nicely 2 type properly. If u refuse 2 comply, u will probably b banned innit!

So, please refrain.

22-08-09, 08:46 AM
my good god i do so verry much offer my appologises!!! dont see what you lots problem is luking through everyones posts spell checking and then go running and snitching on a spelling mistake to try get me banned, im here to get info bye bits and talk about my nova to other people who have them! what the big problem? if its txt type dont read it! bet if ther wa a let engine up for sale for £100 and all ritten in txt type you wouldnt be complaing then would you! just drop it! ill do my bst to talk propa

22-08-09, 08:50 AM
didnt mean to post then sorry

22-08-09, 09:14 AM
i like that revery much so !
ceers pal av u got your motor on here

22-08-09, 10:06 AM
honestly mate stop the text typing or the natzis will ban you

liking the more door loonage tho :thumb:

22-02-10, 12:02 PM
Come on ash get some more pics up of the beast people may have some ideas you may like or somethings you could improve :thumb: .