View Full Version : some tosser trashed my car

16-08-09, 09:54 AM
lets just say im un impressed , heard a thud last night woke up like a shot wasnt in bed long to see a black fiesta driving like a maniac down the road from my house ok so damage is windows ffs and the black strip that seperates the two pains of glass , glass over the interior .

im just severly hung over waiting on police i know they will do **** all and make no effort to do a thing whats the best way to get the little bits of glass off my upholstery

16-08-09, 09:55 AM
a decent vacum mate!

did they try nicking anything or did they drive into it, bit hard to make out/

16-08-09, 09:59 AM
Aww thats shoite man i can never figure out why people do things like this as if theyve got a problem with you then theyre clearly not men enough to come and have it out with you so they sneak up and damage your car and run away and hide, fcuking cowards imo.

Unfortunately glass is the mother of all barstewards to remove from upholstery, your best bet is to just go at it with a hoover with the little nozzle attatchment on it and it will take you ages and you will always find little shards of glass in your car, even if you swap all of the interior now you will still find it everywhere lol

did they try nicking anything or did they drive into it, bit hard to make out/

Sounds to me like someone has gotten out of the car and put the window through with a bar or a bat and crushed/dented the alu window surrounds (which the poor lad has only just fitted too i might add)

16-08-09, 10:00 AM
looks as thow its been directly targeted at me , there was 2 bricks one in the car and one on the drive where it bounced off the window strip thingy im uploading pics now , think this has been people trying to piss me off , there is 2 other cars in my drive way just seems to be the nova im doing up atm that was targeted its not the window frames mate its the black metal on the door

16-08-09, 10:08 AM




16-08-09, 10:09 AM
coont. atleast the doors or panels are fine or that would be real crap

16-08-09, 10:12 AM
Looks like youve been upsetting someone then mate, theyve actually got out booted off your mirror and made sure youre windows have gone through, good job youve got spares on your other nova but id be taking precautions to prevent them doing it again, or a cctv camera for incase they do!

16-08-09, 10:16 AM
gutted for ya mate, i know the feeling well, hope you get it all sorted. and if you find who it was (if its kids/young scrotes) i find talking to their parents makes a difference.

16-08-09, 10:17 AM
thats crap.Hope you catch them.

16-08-09, 10:19 AM
the brick bounced off the metal strip and cracked the mirror theres orange dust and a mark on the mirror glass , is the black strip replaceable ? its proper funked i honestly iirc wouldnt have pissed anyone off , i keep myself to myself and dont get into any paramilatary gangs , drugs or any of that crap the head units been stole and few shifters that i had on the floor

16-08-09, 10:24 AM
the brick bounced off the metal strip and cracked the mirror theres orange dust and a mark on the mirror glass , is the black strip replaceable ? its proper funked i honestly iirc wouldnt have pissed anyone off , i keep myself to myself and dont get into any paramilatary gangs , drugs or any of that crap the head units been stole and few shifters that i had on the floor

Sounds like they were just looking to steal stuff from it then. They probably put the back one through then saw the rollcage 'thought tw*t I can't climb in there,' and then did the front.

16-08-09, 10:24 AM
Yeah there are two possiedrive screws at the top of that metal strip and a 10mm (iirc) nut inside the door and it just comes out, be careful with the screws as chances are they will be solid/rusty and round very easily, use an impact driver if you have one trust me!

Well fingers crossed for you it wasnt anyone taking offence to you and just a random one off then!

16-08-09, 10:32 AM
Yeah there are two possiedrive screws at the top of that metal strip and a 10mm (iirc) nut inside the door and it just comes out, be careful with the screws as chances are they will be solid/rusty and round very easily, use an impact driver if you have one trust me!

cheers spud + rep your way

il have it repaired by this afternoon just absoultly dieing with a serious hangover , its drizzling and hoovering the car and glass everywhere inside fs

Tidy Max
16-08-09, 10:47 AM
proper ****ter that mate! iirc someone was flogging a cctv set up in the misc section for dirt cheap?

but if you have a laptop/super long usb cable you can go and buy a decent webcam and use that as cctv, i had to do it a while back and the software came with motion detection, it would upload any stills it took to the internet and even text them to your phone,

worth while if you think they might come back, i didnt think they would so i didnt bother at first, and you don't half kick yourself when it happens again!!

sorry to hear about the car, its good that you can get it repaired so quickly, and i hope your hangover goes too fella lol

16-08-09, 11:18 AM
Sorry to here that, makes me crazy.

16-08-09, 11:18 AM
Thats well ****, i hate the idea of how some ass holes can just go round doing this!

Grrr if i caught anyone trying it on with one of my cars i would be in **** with the police as i would hunt the ****ers down!

16-08-09, 11:56 AM
thats a ******* ,sorry to hear that but just start stoping every black fiesta :thumb:

16-08-09, 12:37 PM
the bad thing is they only realise what pride and joy realy means as they get older,probaly done for a dare or summat daft like that!same happened to mine a few years back where windscreen,sunroof rear window and the rest,all but the two front quarters,oh and a few dents they put to the bodywork aswell,tell me if im sad but i did actualy:cry: ,when its your pride and joy as i say, then its personal:mad: hope you find who it was!

alan b
16-08-09, 12:47 PM
sorry to hear ****in cunts, sweet nova you have an all. hope you get it sorted bud

16v Nova Kev
16-08-09, 12:53 PM
must be pussies folk that do that have no balls

16-08-09, 01:00 PM
Sorry to hear about that dude, if someone did that to mine i would well and truley make sure they were incapeable of having children after id caught them!

I might have a spare black window bar if you want it? if i can find it ill send it out free :thumb:

16-08-09, 01:11 PM
this is wa*k would of gone leet me and every time you see a black fiesta take a glance and if its two lads and there looking at you get them :thumb: i have spare window for drivers side door and that metal think thats dented if only you was closer pal hope u find out who did it and make them feel how u felt

sr jack
16-08-09, 01:37 PM
what a bunch of to***rs i hope you catch them. if it happend to me the 12 bore would be coming out to play :mad: they obviously didnt know what they was doing otherwise they would of just bent the door out or something without the noise.

16-08-09, 01:48 PM
fuking :tosser:'s

16-08-09, 02:23 PM
hope u catch them , b***ards , might be a good idea to get one of those security cameras from argos / diy shop hook it up pointing or entrance to drive at your car and set it to record on lp video incase they come back, at least u might be able to tell who it is thats got it in for u , incase they decide to pay another visit

16-08-09, 02:56 PM
Sorry to hear it mate, at least it wasnt any worse, just hope you find them so you can teach them a lesson.

16-08-09, 03:08 PM
ok been talking to a lady who works in the chemist she says that if i call in on Monday i can have the cctv , i know this was done between 2:45 and 3:15 am they had been robbed before and they got the reg from the cctv the car headed that direction so im going to pass the reg on to police its not worth retaliating as i dont want my car burnt or the house targeted .

Joe Richardson
16-08-09, 03:21 PM
****ing cunts:mad:

kieran jackson
16-08-09, 03:52 PM
fu**ing cnuts hope u find them n make them suffer in return

16-08-09, 07:59 PM
What B8stards Hit Them Back But Harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16-08-09, 08:02 PM
yeh lucky they didnt hit the body work! if my car had to be bricked id rather it be glass then body work, the easy things to replace! cause thats a little monter there