View Full Version : Selling a car...

15-08-09, 02:14 PM
This is to the people who usually sell cars...

I've solda few cars in the past but never really advertised to an open audience.

The imprezas going up for sale once its been painted, but what advice would you give if you were to sell something like this.

I guess im going to get a heard of nobbers/tyre kickers and general gob****e messers, is there any magic words to rid these homo's? lol.

As said, Its usually easier for me to break the car and make double the list price but im well over the 2k mark with the subaru so thats well out the question.

So any selling advice would be greatly rewarded with reppage :D :thumb:

15-08-09, 02:15 PM
not one for the chav's usaully scares them away.

15-08-09, 02:19 PM
hope you keep the roof red seen as you're selling.

i found that selling a car with more of an asian backgorund was a pain in the ass because they want it for as cheap as possible and knock the price down for every little thing even if you have priced with the faults in mind.

i would chuck it on PH first seen as its free just to see what interest you get. if its still there in a few weeks try autotrader and forums where people will buy a scoob.

stay clear of egay.

15-08-09, 02:24 PM
Have had good success with Pistonheads of late, price it reasonably youll have loadsa calls.

I sold my VX220 to the 2nd person, 1st one was an 19 year old lad who was dreaming.

15-08-09, 02:30 PM
I took it for a part ex against an rx7 and they offered me 5k for it. But the rx7 was ****e and i was only messin about taking it out tbh.

Its staying 100% standard just a de-dent and stone chip removal basically im going to bring it back to a nice standard.

The subaru isnt really a Paki car anymore, they seem to of ****ed off to audi's and the like. and its just about above the 3k chav limit... so hopefully i'll get somebody half decent on it.

Just a little worried about some gob****e trying to lift the ****er, as ive nothing that will touch the car at the moment lol.

steve rdf
15-08-09, 02:35 PM
use a decent advertiser like auto trader you seem to get the better person looking on there un like ebay like you also say it above 3k so you not goin to get someone whos got a grand to spend looking at it.

15-08-09, 02:52 PM
If you paranoid just have someone about when they are but not by your side as dont want to intimidate people.

That never bothered me i would hand them the keys and let them test drive it alone as then they get genuine feeling for the car.

be honest and detailed in description, more details you give less questions they will have, put the mileage on even if its high as its the first thing people will want to know, if its high puting it in advert will scare off those that arent really intrested.

Be confident and polite but straight to the point.

Is this your red one?

15-08-09, 02:53 PM
Also dont put stupid things like no tyre kickers or messers allowed as this just gets peoples backs up straight away, if they pay cash get it in the bank asap or store it away from the house that they buy the car from!

15-08-09, 02:56 PM
I wouldn't use Pistonheads tbh, its flooded with Imprezas. Local papers? Most have a free ads columns for cars which could be handy, plus its more likely to stand out there.

15-08-09, 03:03 PM
Sale it to me lol

15-08-09, 06:00 PM
yes ben, its the red impreza.

I want an sti Blobeye, its lovley but its not me and there is no point playing with it just to match the spec on an sti.

Its been on my mind for a good few weeks to be honest and its not financially viable to throw a 3k into the car just to make turn it into the sti spec... Then you have the reliability issuses if yu go above 350 brake the transmission will be stressed as the torque figs increase.

There is the other option of getting an evo, But thats far too agressive for what i use the car for.

So i think the STI will suit me perfectly in honesty. went to take on out today but.... it wasnt there as the owner had taken it home lol. Then we went chatting to a guy who had a rs500 hidden away oh and a stag both under covers :D. He was selling a bug wrx :( meh. the RS 500 was lush tho :D

15-08-09, 06:05 PM
just make sure in the advert you state. no tyre kickers. for a test drive a valid licence and insurance should be presented. and as said if your not sure have someone there with you. if your set on a price dont go below it.

15-08-09, 09:24 PM
been half looking at one for my mrs, but with wedding etc needs to go on hold for month or so.