View Full Version : BUMMED out to the max :( best mate died :(

13-08-09, 12:39 PM
hi all im damm bummed out at the moment. my best mate went on holiday with a few other friends and went missing and has now been idedentified as dead. :( they dont know how yet.
reaaaaaaly bummed out and dont know what to
do with myself :(

heres the link to sky news
http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/British-Teenager-Andre-Young-Dies-From-Head-Injuries-After-Night-Out-in-Malia-Crete/Article/200908215360058?lpos=UK_News_Carousel_Region_3&lid=ARTICLE_15360058_British_Teenager_Andre_Young_ Dies_From_Head_Injuries_After_Night_Out_in_Malia%2 C_Crete

13-08-09, 12:40 PM
thats **** man :(

13-08-09, 12:48 PM
**** mate. Thats hit a nerve with me, and nothing anyone can say can be of any help.

The only thing you can do is be there for his other friends and family and they will do the same.

Chin up mate, and do him proud :thumb:

Thoughts are with you and anyone else invloved.

13-08-09, 01:02 PM
thanks stan

13-08-09, 01:04 PM
It might sound daft, it might not, but here goes.

Try to imagine he is still around you, watching what youre doing? And do stuff to make him smile :)

13-08-09, 01:06 PM
sorry to hear that mate my thoughts are with you,family and friends.

13-08-09, 01:07 PM
Sorry to hear that Curtoise, as said keep your chin and stand firm.

13-08-09, 01:15 PM
Sorry for your loss, The only gripe I have with this is, His mates let him walk home, Drunk as **** and in a foreign country? Or did I read it wrong?

13-08-09, 02:32 PM
yhes thats the truth, they have a lot to answer for. dont know the full story yet am waiting anciously (sp) thanks for your comments.

13-08-09, 02:35 PM
Are thoughts are with you all.

13-08-09, 02:47 PM
yeh thanks, im only 17 aswell so its very unfair that hes gone so early. very hard to deal with.

13-08-09, 02:56 PM
Real sorry to hear mate, can't imagine what you or his family are going through.

13-08-09, 03:00 PM
sorry to hear that bud. thughts are with all those involved.

13-08-09, 03:02 PM
as said on msn mate, keep strong an as said above, be there for family and friends,

some mates tho eh, pi55es me off!

as you know, im normally on msn, so if you need a chat or to let off some steam, jus gimmia a shout mate

13-08-09, 03:05 PM
yhes thats the truth, they have a lot to answer for. dont know the full story yet am waiting anciously (sp) thanks for your comments.

Obviously I don't know the full story either but if they let him walk home alone drunk as **** then they have more than alot to answer for, I wouldn't be taking it as well as you are if one of my mates died while away with the lads.

Anyway I will wait to hear the full story before I comment, Wouldn't want to get things all mixed up, Real shame though.

13-08-09, 03:13 PM
yeh, im guessing they were all pretty drunk aswell.

13-08-09, 03:15 PM
Truly sh1t, I cant imagine what id do if i lost my best mate, Just be there to support his family and for them to support you :thumb: Thought are with you mate

13-08-09, 03:48 PM
Thoughts are with you and his family buddy. It's the last thing you should be having to worry about at 17 years old.

13-08-09, 04:22 PM
Im sorry to hear this fella :( as the boys have said head up and be strong thoughts with matie..

13-08-09, 04:36 PM
Im very sorry man,kept getting shivers when i read it:( Do him proud and chin up bud!

craig green
13-08-09, 04:45 PM
Sorry to hear about that. Sadly all you have is memories etc.

Are you friendly with his parents or family? maybe see them, I'm sure they will appreciate support/friendly face etc.

13-08-09, 05:07 PM
Really sorry to hear that. Hope you're holding out ok.

13-08-09, 05:12 PM
Sorry to hear mate. Ive been there so i know how you are feeling. Chin up, and as Stan so very well put it, dont be down too much, im sure he wouldnt want you to. Keep happy memories of him alive.

13-08-09, 06:00 PM
When i was having a bad time when my girlfriend was in a coma after a car crash, i kept chatting on here. It helped a hell of a lot!

The constant messages of love and sorrow from people really do help you!

13-08-09, 06:11 PM
Call me cold hearted, but death comes to everyone in some shape or form, it wont be the last bereavement of a friend in your life chap.

I feel for ya none the less tho bud. I nearly need 3 hands to count up my deacesed friends :( just be thankful you didnt have the displeasure of being there at the time of death but not being able to do anything to help :(

13-08-09, 07:30 PM
Thoughts are with you mate and try and keep happy thoughts. :thumb:

13-08-09, 08:31 PM
yeh thanks for the comments it reli helps. i think i had the lowest moment of my life today, as i walked into my house and my dad asked me to go round the back got there, and my mum was crying and my dad had tears in his eyes, as my 13 yr old german shepard was colapsed on the floor as his back legs have compleatly gone :( looks like he is gonna have to get put down in the next few days :( :( :(

13-08-09, 08:46 PM
hi there this is well upsetting im 17 and was wanting to go away on holaday on my 18 this has totally put me off

hope u feel ok and sorry to hear about your dog aswell when mine got put down because of heart problems iit just so upsetting not being able to do nothing hope u get trough this mate chin up and keep talking on here keep your mind off things Rob

13-08-09, 08:47 PM
yeh this does help a fair amount

13-08-09, 08:59 PM
mate i truly feel for you, my cousin lost his wife to cancer on tuesday, and its just so wrong. she was 22. to be taken so young is insane. i feel for you, and hope you learn in time to look at the happy times.


13-08-09, 09:12 PM
God thats horrible, I am fortunate never to have lost a friend or family member. Its bad enough when my cats die :(

Had a distant mate die in Afganistan a few years back and that was horrible, didnt even know him that well.

I believe things happen in 3's so maybe the 3rd will be something better

Hope your ok

13-08-09, 09:14 PM
Thoughts are with you and the family. I lost my best mate about 2 years ago now. Your doing the right thing talking about it, keep doing it. As Craig said it would be very good to see his parents (for both of you)

Chin up matey.

13-08-09, 09:17 PM
yeh, i dont know his parents too well tho

14-08-09, 08:18 AM
Sorry for your loss mate, It's 2 years ago wednesday just gone now since 2 of my mates died in a car crash, they were only 16 and 18. And the funeral was on my birthday. Best thing to do is just be around your mates.

14-08-09, 10:40 AM
Really sorry to hear about your losses fella.
Day after my 17th birthday my 16 year old best mate died instantly after hitting his head on a stone wall out of the open window of a crashing landrover.
Stuff like that happening takes it out of you but you've just got to keep getting on with your life, best piece of advice in this thread is what Stan said-
"Try to imagine he is still around you, watching what youre doing? And do stuff to make him smile :)"
I live my life like that and sometimes I do believe that he can see me. Its more like wishful thinking though.
Keep your chin up fella, the pain never disappears but it does dissapate slowly.
My deepest condolonces to you, your mate's family and everyone involved.
Look after yourself bud.

14-08-09, 11:34 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your loss mate. I had a friend die in a motorbike accident when I was a simialr age to yourself. I think the main thing which help the group of friends grieve was being able to go and lay some flowers down. Maybe you could ask other mates if they know of, or want you all want to go and put down flowers somewhere that your mate liked to go?
If you can, maybe arrange to see the parent(s) or siblings. It is often the case that people who've been bereaved want to be given a chance to talk, just let them talk and listen, you'll be helping them a lot. My view was that if I'd do it for my mate that died, I'd do it for his family.
Try not to say 'I know how you feel at the moment' sort of thing, the family will all be taking it different ways.
You cannot blame anyone though, even if you feel you can point the finger at a person or group or people. This won't help anything and they'll be grieving too in their own way.
I hope this helps you in some way mate, keep focussed, don't wallow in grief for too long, keep eating and if you do drink or have a blaze to keep you sane, don't indulge yourself in it too hard/for too long mate.

14-08-09, 12:28 PM
ok mates sounds good, i think i really want to get some stickers made up like the png urls but a bit longer saying some words, coz most of our mates have passed so would b nice to have his name on our cars... .does anyone know who can help or make some up ?

14-08-09, 02:43 PM
sorry to hear

14-08-09, 03:20 PM
You might not want to be doing too much like that at this moment; maybe wait a while as it might be upsetting for the family to see their sons name plastered on a load of cars so soon while they're still grieving.

14-08-09, 07:55 PM
yeh i will

also my dog died at home today,

could things get any fkin worse?
iv known my dog all my life :(

16v Nova Kev
14-08-09, 08:30 PM
yeh thanks, im only 17 aswell so its very unfair that hes gone so early. very hard to deal with.

sorry to hear about your mate. its quite hard to deal with someone close to your age or younger. my 7 year old nice died a few years back and it totally knocks you cos you expect older people to die first.chin up bud:thumb: