View Full Version : today i mainly dislike....

07-08-09, 04:48 PM
small cars with body kits
lexus rear lights
dodgy filler work
chavs who lean out of car windows
chavs who throw stuff out of windows
new drivers who think there cool doing handbrake turns in there dads rover
twist and go riders who think the valantino rossi
saxo drivers
people who have all there windows down whilst playing ****e music in a jam
rattle can paint jobs
large sun strips
dragon decals
caravan holidayers
illegal imigrants
cyclist who insist on riding in the middle of the road when there's a cyle path 4 ft away.
the words.. 'mush' 'init' 'bruv' 'bangin' 'safe'
mother in law jokes

that is all :)

07-08-09, 04:49 PM
Your a happy chappy, innit blud safe!

07-08-09, 04:50 PM
Huh i did'nt see corsasport on that list :confused:

07-08-09, 04:52 PM
saxo drivers lol your a legend

07-08-09, 04:53 PM
I like saxo driver tbh, who else are we ment to own and laugh at

07-08-09, 04:53 PM
small cars with body kits
lexus rear lights
dodgy filler work
chavs who lean out of car windows
chavs who throw stuff out of windows
new drivers who think there cool doing handbrake turns in there dads rover
twist and go riders who think the valantino rossi
saxo drivers
people who have all there windows down whilst playing ****e music in a jam
rattle can paint jobs
large sun strips
dragon decals
caravan holidayers
illegal imigrants
cyclist who insist on riding in the middle of the road when there's a cyle path 4 ft away.
the words.. 'mush' 'init' 'bruv' 'bangin' 'safe'
mother in law jokes

that is all :)

so you liked all them before today ???

today i mostly dislike the fact ive wasted another day off work lol

07-08-09, 04:56 PM
so you liked all them before today ???

today i mostly dislike the fact ive wasted another day off work lol

nope these are the things that have pissed me off today and i now realise how much i hate them :)

07-08-09, 04:58 PM
I like saxo driver tbh, who else are we ment to own and laugh at

i know one of my mates drives a vtr ....if only i had a gsi, id make a wee boy out of him lol

07-08-09, 04:59 PM
i know one of my mates drives a vtr ....if only i had a gsi, id make a wee boy out of him lol

Fit a 16xe and have fun :d

ben doodar
07-08-09, 04:59 PM
lmfao!! cudnt agree more with you, on all of these.

edit safe, like.

what do you call a chav in a filing cabinet?.......


07-08-09, 05:00 PM
my sri130 badged as a 1.2 suprises a few, especially when they over take you, just a simple change down into third usually does the trick lol

07-08-09, 05:00 PM
You dont need a GSi to make a mug of a saxo driver. The fact that he owns a saxo is enough.

07-08-09, 05:11 PM
haha, my cousin hates saxo's he calls them a **** take on novas

07-08-09, 05:15 PM
You dont need a GSi to make a mug of a saxo driver. The fact that he owns a saxo is enough.

Exactly, having the common sense to laugh heartily when these little rodents fly past you giving it death in their little 16v yoghurt pots, is far better than engaging in races with them, as christian said to me before, if youve got a 2ltr nova then plastic boy racers aint worth the extra fuel, bigger boys like beemers and scoobies are where its at lol

I had a saxo trying to egg me on into a race earlier on, my cav is a pretty good turbo rep (to the untrained eye) and he couldnt figure out why i wouldnt race him so he screamed off, only to get caught in the outside lane by another car turning right, without so much as a change of gear or even revs, i easily passed him and LOL'd to myself:thumb:

07-08-09, 05:16 PM
twist and go riders who think the valantino rossi

Driving home front Martins last night I saw some moped-ers and one of them kept yanking his handle bars up to do super awesome wheelies thyat lasted about 1 second a time innit lmao

I just sat at the traffic lights watching him thinking 'oh wow you're well cool bruva!' lol

07-08-09, 05:18 PM
i had no idea we had so many saxo haters lol

07-08-09, 05:31 PM
i had no idea we had so many saxo haters

I hope your being sarcastic lol

07-08-09, 05:39 PM
im sorry i cant keep away. The mark 1 saxo's are the worst and when standard look like there on stilts

07-08-09, 05:50 PM
my sri130 badged as a 1.2 suprises a few
My 24v badged as a 24v surprises a few. I swear they think I just stuck that on there as a chav accessory lol

I must admit I did LOL earlier though. There's a guy round here - who it turns out, is an incredibly homosexual looking young man (having a neatly quaffed girlish young fellow sat next to him didn't help either) - who has a silver Mk4 escort cabriolet, with a gayhat bodykit and blue neons, stripes and wing to make it look like the R34 from the start of 2 Fast 2 Furious. Imagine my shock as I came round a small acrossabout earlier to see that. Couldn't help myself but blurt out NICE SKYLINE PAL, he was like :confused: lol

07-08-09, 05:54 PM
There both as bad as each other imo.

When I were younger one of my friends decided to get a saxo, we told him not to as one of us would just go and buy a £300 car and show him up. Sure enough he came back with (in his words) "a gorgeous red VTR". A couple of weeks later another friend went and bought a shed of a 205 XS (1.4 carb). So we told the saxo owner it was a 1.1 just for sh*ts and giggles. They both headed to the local bypass to commence battle. Naturally the little 205 flew past and the poor saxo. We never saw the saxo driver after that...

07-08-09, 06:11 PM
My 24v badged as a 24v surprises a few. I swear they think I just stuck that on there as a chav accessory lol

I must admit I did LOL earlier though. There's a guy round here - who it turns out, is an incredibly homosexual looking young man (having a neatly quaffed girlish young fellow sat next to him didn't help either) - who has a silver Mk4 escort cabriolet, with a gayhat bodykit and blue neons, stripes and wing to make it look like the R34 from the start of 2 Fast 2 Furious. Imagine my shock as I came round a small acrossabout earlier to see that. Couldn't help myself but blurt out NICE SKYLINE PAL, he was like :confused: lol

lol I wish i could give you rep for that

08-08-09, 02:16 AM
I've done it for ya Bigs;)

08-08-09, 02:19 AM
My 24v badged as a 24v surprises a few. I swear they think I just stuck that on there as a chav accessory lol

I must admit I did LOL earlier though. There's a guy round here - who it turns out, is an incredibly homosexual looking young man (having a neatly quaffed girlish young fellow sat next to him didn't help either) - who has a silver Mk4 escort cabriolet, with a gayhat bodykit and blue neons, stripes and wing to make it look like the R34 from the start of 2 Fast 2 Furious. Imagine my shock as I came round a small acrossabout earlier to see that. Couldn't help myself but blurt out NICE SKYLINE PAL, he was like :confused: lol

I love you RJ, I really do! Some one rep this man for me I need to spread my disease around before I can rep him again :(

08-08-09, 02:22 AM
If only you'd have asked sooner i've just rep'd him for Bigs sorry!

08-08-09, 02:23 AM
If only you'd have asked sooner i've just rep'd him for Bigs sorry!

No worrys, I'll start spreading my disease around by neg repping you :p I joke, Slap hands!

08-08-09, 02:26 AM
lol you crazshy!!!! :)

08-08-09, 02:33 AM
lol you crazshy!!!! :)

No I'm Not, I am!

08-08-09, 02:35 AM
No I'm Not, I am!

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??????? Thats so confuzzlin!!! explain, unless even you possibly don't know!!hahahalol

08-08-09, 02:37 AM
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??????? Thats so confuzzlin!!! explain, unless even you possibly don't know!!hahahalol

Its a schizophrenic thing, You wouldn't understand, I do, And so do I.

08-08-09, 02:39 AM
AAAHHH I see:wtf: lol

08-08-09, 02:39 AM
Do you, Do you really?

08-08-09, 02:49 AM
Do you, Do you really?

Well i understand one of you anywaylollol:p

08-08-09, 07:03 AM
as christian said to me before, if youve got a 2ltr nova then plastic boy racers aint worth the extra fuel, bigger boys like beemers and scoobies are where its at :thumb:

Just noticed this thank you and just a shame all we had to play with was puddles lol

08-08-09, 11:38 AM
Mission for today, find pic of said escrote.

I'm certain its on barryboys - whilst going to look, I just found this on their font page:


LMFAO, landing fail

08-08-09, 11:39 AM
i hate everything and everyone. your all a bunch of cnuts

08-08-09, 11:42 AM
i hate everything and everyone. your all a bunch of cnuts

Awwwww some one needs a huggle :) C'mere <:D>

My hate for today is that I slept pretty good last night and feel fooking knackered today and I have to work 2-11 and hope to god I don't miss the bus tonight or its a long dark walk home.

08-08-09, 11:45 AM





^ Old pics though, pretty sure it had a gash front bumper on it now as well

08-08-09, 11:47 AM
****ing hell that's a monstrosity.

08-08-09, 02:15 PM
Holy shat!!

Thats one screwed up 'scort!

08-08-09, 06:13 PM
I have to ask, you said that paedopiles pissed you off today? Why? How many do you know?

08-08-09, 07:51 PM
i think it was a generalised hate list & there were lots of people who were just hate figures, as opposed to people who had pissed him of that day specifically......

08-08-09, 10:57 PM
small cars with body kits
lexus rear lights
dodgy filler work
chavs who lean out of car windows
chavs who throw stuff out of windows
new drivers who think there cool doing handbrake turns in there dads rover
twist and go riders who think the valantino rossi
saxo drivers
people who have all there windows down whilst playing ****e music in a jam
rattle can paint jobs
large sun strips
dragon decals
caravan holidayers
illegal imigrants
cyclist who insist on riding in the middle of the road when there's a cyle path 4 ft away.
the words.. 'mush' 'init' 'bruv' 'bangin' 'safe'
mother in law jokes

that is all :)

what about subaru drivers who think they own the road :tosser: 's

09-08-09, 01:45 AM
Today i mostly hate emmets :(

09-08-09, 01:59 AM
today I mostly hate my cats stinky breath. yawning on my knee ftl :(

09-08-09, 02:30 AM
that when i tried to log on here at 10.00pm, when my ban was suposed to be up it wouldent let me!

09-08-09, 02:46 AM
that when i tried to log on here at 10.00pm, when my ban was suposed to be up it wouldent let me!

meh. ur on here now, quit whining... lol

09-08-09, 03:23 AM
meh. ur on here now, quit whining... lol

this is the whining section lol

09-08-09, 03:51 AM
this is the whining section lol

feck, ummm, keep up the good work,... lol

09-08-09, 07:27 AM
Today I mainly dislike those stupid "display ready" boxes that always fall to bits!!

09-08-09, 08:02 AM
Today I mainly dislike those stupid "display ready" boxes that always fall to bits!!

i dnt get it? might be because i havnt been to bed, but... meh, lol, redbull gives you wiiiing, ahem, heartburn even,

09-08-09, 08:07 AM
Today i dislike my nova as ive got to fix the exhaust as it fell off on friday.

09-08-09, 09:05 AM
today i dislike nothing, its sunny, got a lazy daymincing planned and tonight i have free beer and guranteed sex

09-08-09, 10:19 PM
today i dislike nothing, its sunny, got a lazy daymincing planned and tonight i have free beer and guranteed sex

lucky man :)

10-08-09, 03:30 AM
Today i hate stupid truck fitters that turn up to fix a boost pipe on my truck, with no bar to lift the cab and no hose clips that are big enough.