View Full Version : Any runners on here?

07-08-09, 02:41 PM
Just wondering if anyone runs on here and what sort of time you run ect.

Ive running around 11 mins mile and a halfs and around hour and ten mins for around 10 - 12 miles.

07-08-09, 02:42 PM
i run like funk when the police are behind me

or im chasing the next potential mrs damper

as for running for fun, no way - i cant run for toffee. im more a MTBer tbh

07-08-09, 02:45 PM
Yea i like mtb but as im going in the raf ive had to get my fitness up. but tbh ive grown to like it. for that hour or two your mind is free and dont think of nothing at all

07-08-09, 02:46 PM
I use to run 100m for a local club when younger. At 15 was around the ten seconds mark, but found beer and fags so not anymore no. :(

07-08-09, 02:48 PM
I used to love the 100m, like the 400m and 800m more tho and crosscountry

07-08-09, 02:54 PM
i did try running round the local playing fields a few weeks ago - my god it nearly killed me !! i really should get fitter tho, used to be very active untill i passed my driving test and found the joys of all day drinking :(

07-08-09, 02:58 PM
I run around after my dogs.. thats about it.. but i can rack up some miles walking the dogs thru the fields was out for about 5hours the other week

07-08-09, 03:04 PM
I run around after my dogs.. thats about it.. but i can rack up some miles walking the dogs thru the fields was out for about 5hours the other week


07-08-09, 03:07 PM
[BTTF 3 saloon old timer]Run for fun?![/BTTF 3 saloon old timer]

I ran when the register wouldn't open too! Bust a bottle of Jack on that g00k mother fcuker and straight up bailed homes. Word.

07-08-09, 03:22 PM
[BTTF 3 saloon old timer]Run for fun?![/BTTF 3 saloon old timer]

I ran when the register wouldn't open too! Bust a bottle of Jack on that g00k mother fcuker and straight up bailed homes. Word.

Racist :wtf:

That's some quick running times tbf

07-08-09, 03:32 PM
NCB? what ya quote n no reply for lol

07-08-09, 03:37 PM
I was really good at running cross-country and sprints, then I grew a chest and things became troublesome :(

07-08-09, 03:45 PM
NCB? what ya quote n no reply for lol

Theres a picture!!! Oh I forgot your Blind lol

07-08-09, 03:48 PM
Theres a picture!!! Oh I forgot your Blind lol

theres a little white box with a red cross you mean ;)

07-08-09, 03:52 PM
How odd :roll:


07-08-09, 04:23 PM
woohoo ive just done 10 miles 1h and 5mins :d slowly getting better

07-08-09, 04:24 PM
I was really good at running cross-country and sprints, then I grew a chest and things became troublesome :(

Dont worry about that, come to plymouth we can go running together just dont knock me out :roll: lol

Tidy Max
07-08-09, 04:40 PM
i did try running round the local playing fields a few weeks ago - my god it nearly killed me !! i really should get fitter tho, used to be very active untill i passed my driving test and found the joys of all day drinking :(

lol until you passed your driving test and found the joys of all day drinking? those hobbies don't go hand in hand mate!

07-08-09, 04:47 PM
Used to be a really good runner when i was in the army. Was doing mile and a half runs at 9 min 5 sec to 9 min 25 seconds.

Speed marches were done with 65lbs loads and i think 11-12 minute miles! :eek:

07-08-09, 04:49 PM
Used to be a really good runner when i was in the army. Was doing mile and a half runs at 9 min 5 sec to 9 min 25 seconds.

Speed marches were done with 65lbs loads and i think 11-12 minute miles! :eek:

Thats the sort of time i want to get down to. not to far of now. Im hoping i havent got to run with the bags on the back like that. would kill me i think

07-08-09, 04:56 PM
piggy back me for a mile that'l get you fit lol all 20st of me

ben doodar
07-08-09, 05:05 PM
i cudnt run 1/4 mile let alone anything else.
my step dad gave up smoking about a year ago and since has became obsessed with fell running/off road running, he goes for 10-15 mile runs and he absolutly loves it. i could of never imagined him doing it 2 years ago. it just goes to show what you can do when you really put your mind to something.

07-08-09, 05:08 PM
i cudnt run 1/4 mile let alone anything else.
my step dad gave up smoking about a year ago and since has became obsessed with fell running/off road running, he goes for 10-15 mile runs and he absolutly loves it. i could of never imagined him doing it 2 years ago. it just goes to show what you can do when you really put your mind to something.

Good for him, thats a great effort to do that

07-08-09, 05:09 PM
I started running again recently, but I've slipped off the wagon a bit as I've been busy most evenings. I was managing to do 3 miles in 22 minutes which is around 7 minutes 20ish/mile. I want to try and get it down to 7 minute miles and at the same time increase the distance. My dad is very keen on running and at over 60 years old still does 1/2 marathons in under 2 hours!

07-08-09, 05:12 PM
^ must run in the family then thats very good times for running indeed

07-08-09, 05:19 PM
^ must run in the family
Haha, good pun!

I've always been keen on exercise. Finding the time to do it is the key. I'm currently moving house, so once that's all sorted I should have more time to get into a routine and hopefully go running at least every week day. That's the plan anyway.

07-08-09, 05:19 PM
I run

3 miles every morning without fail
doing roughly 20 minutes or thereabouts
last half a mile is uphill

im fukked after though, really wanna start increasing distances

hoping to do the para10 in sept

07-08-09, 05:25 PM
What sort of fitness tests do you have to do to pass out of RAF training?

07-08-09, 05:26 PM
Haha, good pun!

I've always been keen on exercise. Finding the time to do it is the key. I'm currently moving house, so once that's all sorted I should have more time to get into a routine and hopefully go running at least every week day. That's the plan anyway.

Thats ok run up and down the stairs with the boxes when you box it all up :thumb:

07-08-09, 05:27 PM
I run

3 miles every morning without fail
doing roughly 20 minutes or thereabouts
last half a mile is uphill

im fukked after though, really wanna start increasing distances

hoping to do the para10 in sept

Thats one thing ive never thought of doing when im on the threadmill is putting as you running uphill

07-08-09, 05:31 PM
reading this thread inspired me to go out earlier for a run or at least a pathetic attempt, it quickly became obvious since ive been off work ive got incredably unfit and need to get back into shape, i managed to just about do 1mile in about 15mins lol,
my younger brother whos in afghan regulally(sp) goes for 5mile runs in his full kit

07-08-09, 05:34 PM
Iv actually not ran in a long time. Been partying a hell of a lot this year and hate to think what state my fitness is in compared to when i was still a soldier. Im pretty scared to find out!

07-08-09, 05:34 PM
big's if you was closer id let you run with my dogs.. they'l keep you on ya feet.. and it would keep me of my feet pmsl

07-08-09, 05:37 PM
reading this thread inspired me to go out earlier for a run or at least a pathetic attempt, it quickly became obvious since ive been off work ive got incredably unfit and need to get back into shape, i managed to just about do 1mile in about 15mins lol,
my younger brother whos in afghan regulally(sp) goes for 5mile runs in his full kit

Same here, when i made the thread i thought sod it, its nice and hot im going to go for a run. But if you havent ran for a while it will take some getting back to it

07-08-09, 05:37 PM
I have to admit, the RAF is pish poor fitness level really

you have to get to level 9.10 on the bleep
35 sit ups in a minute and 20 press ups

if i remember rightly

howvere i do believe they are bringing in the 1.5 mile run

Bigs, running uphill is killer! and running on the treadmill is a piece of pi$$ compared to road/xcountry running

i can do 10 miles in 55 mins on a treader!

07-08-09, 05:38 PM
Iv actually not ran in a long time. Been partying a hell of a lot this year and hate to think what state my fitness is in compared to when i was still a soldier. Im pretty scared to find out!

Thats good tho. you have a target to reach if you start running again

07-08-09, 05:42 PM
Thats one thing ive never thought of doing when im on the threadmill is putting as you running uphill
A lot harder than running flat!

Never really looked at my mile times as I do it all in km. I cover about 6k in 30 mins at the gym on the cross trainer, had that up to 8 if I really work harder. Thats on a fat burner program though, so peaks and troughs on resistance - which suits me as I'm a sprinter so run hard for about 60 seconds at a time over the peaks then back off for a bit. Even when I used to cycle everywhere I'd go like a bat out of hell for about 10 mins then stop for a couple mins break lol

07-08-09, 05:50 PM
big's if you was closer id let you run with my dogs.. they'l keep you on ya feet.. and it would keep me of my feet pmsl

Thats ok send them down with dhl and ill send them back for weekends lol

07-08-09, 05:53 PM
I have to admit, the RAF is pish poor fitness level really

you have to get to level 9.10 on the bleep
35 sit ups in a minute and 20 press ups

if i remember rightly

howvere i do believe they are bringing in the 1.5 mile run

Bigs, running uphill is killer! and running on the treadmill is a piece of pi$$ compared to road/xcountry running

i can do 10 miles in 55 mins on a treader!

They have changed, you have to do the 1.5 miles and 35 situps arnt good enough. have to do atleast 50 in a minute now. im doing between 50 and 62 in a minute. and pushups i can only do between 35 - 45 depending how i feel on the day.

Think i might start running uphill even if its once or twice aweek

07-08-09, 05:55 PM
I know what you mean Jack about stopping for a rest. im noway near as fit on a bike as my mate and we go riding about 30miles on the moors and it kills me. id love to stop every 15mins but he wont let me :mad: lol

07-08-09, 06:06 PM
I chase chickens & run to bed when the missus says its on offer............... does this count??

07-08-09, 06:09 PM
I chase chickens & run to bed when the missus says its on offer............... does this count??

:eek: You have to have permision lol :p

07-08-09, 06:11 PM
sometimes ;)

07-08-09, 07:10 PM
I do alot of running, When the local pie shop opens each morning, I'm straight out the door. BELLY'S GONNA GET YA nom nom nom nom.

07-08-09, 07:13 PM
I know what you mean Jack about stopping for a rest. im noway near as fit on a bike as my mate and we go riding about 30miles on the moors and it kills me. id love to stop every 15mins but he wont let me :mad: lol
I'd love to do that but it would probably kill me lol

07-08-09, 07:18 PM
when my dad turned 65, he started running a mile a day, he's now 72 & we haven't got a clue where he is.....

07-08-09, 07:53 PM
when my dad turned 65, he started running a mile a day, he's now 72 & we haven't got a clue where he is.....

pmsl lol lol lol

07-08-09, 08:52 PM
lol Mowgli lol

Well I've just had a massive pizza and I've 8 beers to get through.

I suspect I'll have the runners in the morning. lol

Simon 1867
07-08-09, 10:53 PM
Good luck with the fitness, keep it going matey. It will all pay off when your in the RAF....i have to keep myself fit for the fire brigade. we do mile and a half to two mile runs each tour of duty..I normally hit around 13.5mins for the 2miles

08-08-09, 10:12 AM
umm when i was going to join the army my quickest mile+half was 10.03 that nearly killed me on average back then it was 10.15-10.30, but now days its probably touching 11 as once you stop for a while it takes time to get going again lol, runs are normaly just over 3miles long, but sometimes it was 5-6 then sometimes 8+

11-08-09, 11:11 AM
just ran 5 miles in just under 40 mins
not bad, furthest ive run in ages!

11-08-09, 01:08 PM
I have to admit, the RAF is pish poor fitness level really

you have to get to level 9.10 on the bleep
35 sit ups in a minute and 20 press ups

if i remember rightly

howvere i do believe they are bringing in the 1.5 mile run

Bigs, running uphill is killer! and running on the treadmill is a piece of pi$$ compared to road/xcountry running

i can do 10 miles in 55 mins on a treader!

Out of curiosity, where abouts are you stationed for the RAF?

11-08-09, 01:10 PM

As it says there <<<<<<

And on facebook

11-08-09, 03:55 PM
i cant run, i smoke !

i do love to climb tree's tho whenever i get the chance.

11-08-09, 04:32 PM
Once I have this weekend out of the way, I'll have gained some extra drag for running so I'll make an effort to shake the world and run (even if its only for a couple of mins and then walking for a couple of mins lol)

Pistol Pete
11-08-09, 05:06 PM
Last time i did any running was for a Commando Challenge (http://www.commandochallenge.co.uk/challenge.asp
)i did back i April. 2x 4k runs. First one i did in 22mins, the second in 19mins. Not bad considering i have a rod and three screws in my left femur!!

Used to run for my school in cross country comps and athletics (1500m).

11-08-09, 05:11 PM
I have to admit, the RAF is pish poor fitness level really

you have to get to level 9.10 on the bleep
35 sit ups in a minute and 20 press ups

if i remember rightly

howvere i do believe they are bringing in the 1.5 mile run

Bigs, running uphill is killer! and running on the treadmill is a piece of pi$$ compared to road/xcountry running

i can do 10 miles in 55 mins on a treader!

is that all :eek:

i could do that now :cool:

11-08-09, 06:31 PM

As it says there <<<<<<

And on facebook

Do you know anyone called Dan Wright then?

11-08-09, 06:53 PM
i cant run, i smoke !

i do love to climb tree's tho whenever i get the chance.


11-08-09, 07:34 PM
Do you know anyone called Dan Wright then?

NO, no i dont.

The RAF is quite big, and there are quite a few people at Odiham itself :)

Draper, you would be surprised how many people fail!!!! :O

11-08-09, 07:39 PM
if i was running after a stolen car i could manage a mile in 3 mins

12-08-09, 08:17 AM