View Full Version : The biggest fail of all time....

06-08-09, 12:11 PM
i was just on my driving lesson. going along a small road at 30mph. i get overtaken by a PRIUS

driven by an old lady. :(

06-08-09, 12:15 PM
She's cooler than you lol


06-08-09, 12:37 PM
Good lord I hate other drivers around learners! >:(
When I was learning you used to get some right pricks. Even if I was travelling at the right speed they would do anything to not be behind me like pulling out of side roads at the last minute so as to be in front of me instead of behind.
I once had another learner driver coming towards me on the other side of the road and the car behind overtook on my side of the road and nearly caused a head on collision with me!

What is the point we'll jsut catch up with you at the next set of traffic lights anyway!

06-08-09, 01:03 PM
lol that is pwnd. i was going down the motorway the other day and looked to my right and a friken motorhome was overtaking me, so i thougth fk that and put my foot dwn and left it lol. but i do need a fith gear

Pistol Pete
06-08-09, 01:12 PM
Not sure whats the bigger fail TBH. You getting over taken whilst on a lesson.. by a granny.. in a Prius OR the fact you came on an internet forum to tell all of your fail??!! Weird lol

06-08-09, 01:24 PM
don't worry, once you past your test get out and find that old women in her prius and overtake her :p

06-08-09, 01:50 PM
^ Euphemism? lol

I recall my first lesson; driving along, checked mirrors, indicated right to turn down a side road (and you know what learners are like, indicate a good 1/4 mile before the junction lol), the guy behind me then decides to overtake me just as I'm about to turn. An excellent display of failing at life.

06-08-09, 01:53 PM
Meh, don't worry, that's part of driving. I was driving last night, already doing 50 down a 40 road, and still got overtaken by 2 people one after the other. the roads are full of idiots like that.

06-08-09, 01:56 PM
Thats because learners take longer to get going again once youve come to a stop.... And who wants to be reminded your a **** driver by having a learner infront!

06-08-09, 02:16 PM
Meh, don't worry, that's part of driving. I was driving last night, already doing 50 down a 40 road, and still got overtaken by 2 people one after the other. the roads are full of idiots like that.

Illegal! Illegal! :roll: lol

06-08-09, 02:16 PM
anyone see jason manford on live at the apollo last night on dave talking about his learning to drive days lollol

06-08-09, 02:27 PM
Meh, don't worry, that's part of driving. I was driving last night, already doing 50kph down a 40mph road, and still got overtaken by 2 people one after the other. the roads are full of idiots like that.


06-08-09, 04:26 PM
i remember a truck behind me. was doing 30. indicated to turn left into a junction. truck RIGHT u the back of me. feared putting on the brakes as he would plow straight into me. hit the brake pedal just enough to put the lights on so he could see i was slowing. still right up behind me. eventually i had to brake. so slowed down and then he just takes the wrong side of the road. almost takes out another car then swerves back in.

Sir Sideways
06-08-09, 04:39 PM
anyone see jason manford on live at the apollo last night on dave talking about his learning to drive days lollol

"I threw the bottle out the window and failed me for it"


06-08-09, 05:35 PM
pmsl at yet another qualitay thread!

06-08-09, 09:42 PM
Not sure whats the bigger fail TBH. You getting over taken whilst on a lesson.. by a granny.. in a Prius OR the fact you came on an internet forum to tell all of your fail??!! Weird lol

how is it weird? i just wanted to share my experience with my bestest friends on png :d

06-08-09, 09:46 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to NovaBoi92 again.

Damn it.

06-08-09, 09:48 PM
you call that a fail!

i was on a bloody lesson an got hit up the **** by a grannie in a 1,2 nova spin! then she done a bloody runner....

road rage lool

06-08-09, 09:57 PM
you call that a fail!

i was on a bloody lesson an got hit up the **** by a grannie in a 1,2 nova spin! then she done a bloody runner....

road rage lool


novas are out to gecha :p

06-08-09, 10:01 PM
She's cooler than you lol


you seem to have a picture for every fail lol

06-08-09, 10:19 PM
you call that a fail!

i was on a bloody lesson an got hit up the **** by a grannie in a 1,2 nova spin! then she done a bloody runner....

road rage lool

i smell a porkies :wtf:

07-08-09, 05:06 PM
you seem to have a picture for every fail lol

thats coz he clearly has not enough photoshop requests and has too much time on his hands, lol

07-08-09, 06:40 PM
thats coz he clearly has not enough photoshop requests and has too much time on his hands, lol

oi send me my bumper

Joe Richardson
07-08-09, 09:56 PM
unlucky matelol

wait till you get out in your nova though,once you pass your test,then she wont overtake you:thumb:

07-08-09, 10:01 PM
wait till you get out in your nova though,once you pass your test,then she wont overtake you:thumb:

If he has any sense he wont own a nova lol

Joe Richardson
07-08-09, 10:04 PM
If he has any sense he wont own a nova lol


07-08-09, 10:25 PM
lol unlucky mate :)

07-08-09, 11:00 PM
I will overtake most learners too, even if they are obeying the speed limit at the time. providing it is safe to do so.

The vast majority panic at junctions/meeting traffic etc. I have paid my road tax and I am not going to be held up by some 'tards vehicular incompotence and lack of spacial awareness.

The ones that are content with sub 20mph in built up areas and 30/40mph on national speed limit roads sometimes get the horn and main beam.
They shouldn't be aloowed to mince along that slowly.

IMO there should be a ghey learner road netowrk where they can hone their 'skills' before being unleashed on the public roads if the suck ar$e that badly.

Before anyone says it, no I was never a nervous learner. Go with the flow of traffic at all times. Even had a cool instructor who didn't fart on with the dual controls all the time as you so often see.

Watching them do manouvers is hillarious. Sheer ignorance coming to an empty industrial estate to learn when I am also learning - drifting.

Their faces. lol

Joe Richardson
07-08-09, 11:33 PM
I will overtake most learners too, even if they are obeying the speed limit at the time. providing it is safe to do so.

The vast majority panic at junctions/meeting traffic etc. I have paid my road tax and I am not going to be held up by some 'tards vehicular incompotence and lack of spacial awareness.

The ones that are content with sub 20mph in built up areas and 30/40mph on national speed limit roads sometimes get the horn and main beam.
They shouldn't be aloowed to mince along that slowly.

IMO there should be a ghey learner road netowrk where they can hone their 'skills' before being unleashed on the public roads if the suck ar$e that badly.

Before anyone says it, no I was never a nervous learner. Go with the flow of traffic at all times. Even had a cool instructor who didn't fart on with the dual controls all the time as you so often see.

Watching them do manouvers is hillarious. Sheer ignorance coming to an empty industrial estate to learn when I am also learning - drifting.

Their faces. lol

FPMSL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

07-08-09, 11:46 PM
lol @ horn and main beam :D I thought you went sideways on roundabouts etc too just to throw them off (a)

I try to be patient with learners.

07-08-09, 11:49 PM
If roundabout is wet or skid worthy and I have my King Kong balls on I will drift it, but yeah indicate to the other traffic as per highway code.

I still want people to know where I am going lol. Especially when someone is approaching from the other direction so you can inform them they can go if they wish.

z0mg he r going to crashz0rzzz

07-08-09, 11:52 PM
lol lol

You thoughtful driver :P

08-08-09, 12:19 AM
Thanks. I feel the need to paint over the national speed limit signs with '60 MPH not FKN 40!' also.

08-08-09, 12:56 AM
rofl, when i was learning my instructor was majorly annoying on the dual controlls,
for example he would say, "bring the clutch up"
so i did and it stayed dwn and i was like WTF and he had his foot on it.
and also he was like start breaking now, about a mile from a roundabout and i was like wtf i cant even see one, and then he braked..

this pissed me off sooo much i had the rest of the lessons in my nova and passed in my nova!!

08-08-09, 01:56 AM
my lessons consisted of me driving like a cock and talking about horses and football.
the duel controls only got used once when coming up to a roundabout and thought if i floor it ill make it, she thought differant
as for learners now they seem to get worse with every month that passes im with l14mnp on that one i just dont tend to distract them and make them nervous lol

08-08-09, 11:11 AM
but im a good learner!! :(. its annoying that you have go the exact speed limit everywhere, like some roads are so wide and long that it looks like they should be national speed limit! (which is 60mph on single carriageway roads - see im good lol lol) but sometimes on a 30 road, i try and sneak a cheeky 31 in :p 32 if im feeling dangerous. :eek:

08-08-09, 12:03 PM
I will overtake most learners too, even if they are obeying the speed limit at the time. providing it is safe to do so.

The vast majority panic at junctions/meeting traffic etc. I have paid my road tax and I am not going to be held up by some 'tards vehicular incompotence and lack of spacial awareness.
I prefer to stay behind them unless I'm in a hurry. Overtaking learners by speeding panics them (as if they're doing 30 in a 30 zone, the last thing they expect is to have someone overtake). I also leave a massive gap and pull up slow at junctions, but thats mainly as I've seen one put it in backwards instead of forwards at a junction...

Plus as well, I'd rather have them in front where I can keep an eye on them and avoid if required, instead of them being behind me and having a temporary leg + middle pedal failure.

The ones that are content with sub 20mph in built up areas and 30/40mph on national speed limit roads sometimes get the horn and main beam.
They shouldn't be aloowed to mince along that slowly.
They're not, their instructor should be telling them to speed up - going too slow will fail them as well. The number of times I've seen learners crawling along at <50 in a 60, which is a test fail.

[edit] I drive differently depending on who's about, learners and buses get my courteous driving. Chavs and taxi drivers, meh fcuk 'em. lol

08-08-09, 12:07 PM
They're not, their instructor should be telling them to speed up - going too slow will fail them as well. The number of times I've seen learners crawling along at <50 in a 60, which is a test fail.

My driving instructor told me that you should never tell anyone to speed up and hence why they don't have an accelerator pedal on their side.

08-08-09, 12:11 PM
what about my stupid country.....R plates when you pass restricting you to 45?

but thankfully nobody sticks to 45mph i mean your hardly gonna do that speed on a motorway when everyone around you is doin 70mph

08-08-09, 12:19 PM
Jack Why cant I rep you? Dammit!

I think if learners are going 20 in a 30 then yeah thats annoying but if they are going say 50 in a 60 its not so bad. Its called a speed LIMIT not 'you must go this fast no matter what or else'.

When I was learning I hated going fast along country roads (used to be scared in case there was a cow around the corner or something hahaha) so we had a whole lesson on how to go 60 on a country road lol Was quite fun once I got the hang of it.

08-08-09, 12:19 PM
I love the looks you get when you overtake a car............on a pushbike!;):cool: