View Full Version : DJ's - Speakers.

29-07-09, 04:14 PM
Afternoon all,
I was wondering about speakers, they will be for a unit a few of us are going to rent.

All i want is for them to be loud and a decent quality sound, not fussed about make or anything like that.

As i dont have a clue about them i though this would be a good place to ask.

Firstly, what do i need for it to play music from a laptop via an AUX lead.
Is all i need an amp and some speakers? if so could you give me an idea of what wattage i'd be looking at? budget is around £5/700, would preferebly be 2nd hand as its all going in a unit.

Basicly what do i need to be able to plug the laptop in to something and have the music come out of speakers.

Would be hopefully buying them at then end of august.

Or if i'm completly wrong, ie budget, what would i be looking at for the money?

Cheers, Dan.

30-07-09, 03:01 PM
yeh youll need a 3.5mm male jack to red and white male phono aux lead to run the laptop to the amp, then hey presto the speakers connect to the amp and u got some banging tunes ! might wanna fiddle with the wave and max volume on the laptop once its all rigged up, as the components are tightly packed together in laptops and sometimes the sound card can suffer from hardware interference, but it should sound decent with the right levels and settings.

you can get yourself a seriously hefty system for that kinda money. i guess the choice of size and power of the speakers will be governed by the size of the venue, and how much u wanna blow peoples heads off or not, and a suitable amp to match the wattage of them (make sure its got enough outputs to handle the amount of speakers youve got) theres proabably a gadjet u can buy to run multiple speakers thru a single out amp, but my brains not that on the ball to delve into that kinda thing at the mo, hope that helps :thumb:

30-07-09, 03:12 PM
As above, although I wouldn't recommend using a laptop as the sound cards that come with them are usually plop (I dont know about todays standards as Im used to fairly old laptops). It would sound alot better on a desktop/tower pc with a decent sound card.

You can also buy speakers with in built amps (monitor speakers). At big raves and venues they use these speakers at the front next to the DJs/Musicians so they can hear what they are playing. They are also used in production studios too. A decent set of these would be the way forward for you I guess as it frees up abit of dosh to put towards your system as you won't need to buy an amp.

Mackie I believe are a good make and I think their an industry standard.

Its something I dont know alot about tbh but I would like to know so keep us posted as im intrested to see what you buy and how good they are.