View Full Version : sell or keep ???

07-12-00, 02:49 PM
i have got a 1.3 sr in yellow and i cant afford the insurance coz of all the bits on it such as evo bonnet vent and dtm mirrors,so i was either thinking of taking all the bits off and selling it to get a new shape 1.4 sr or keep it and build it to a gsi look alike but with more spiters and stuff and i am stuck with the engine i dont know if i should put carbs and a new head on etc or wait a bit longer for an engine conversion ? please help me coz i have to decide soon,im fed up of not driving my car. thanx dan

07-12-00, 02:56 PM
You said you cant pay the insurance?! Then you wont be able to afford it on a 1.4 either will you? If you do keep it, get twin carbs, and make your engine fly past 95BHP!!!!!
Good luck with your decision!

07-12-00, 03:33 PM
If you are struggling with insurance you might be better going for a simple clean look with the car rather than all spoilers and vents. Black novas look good with simple bebadging and nice wheels.

07-12-00, 06:29 PM
try cis they don't add for body mods -apprently


07-12-00, 10:45 PM
I learn't my lesson, you should always change up your car rather than changing little bits here and there, I know there's a lot of SR boys here but you really should get a late spec rather than change your, I wasted shit loads on a 1.0L with great plans of engine transplants and in the end sold it for ?800 and bought a GTE for ?720 and with less millage!, bolox to chaning bumpers, wing and spoilers buy the best you can first and sort your mods from there, it'll always work out cheaper and you'll have a nicer newer car with out all those little niggling things that have been bothering you for years