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24-07-09, 09:43 AM
Swine flu.

Ok, now I know some of you on here have had it, or know people who have. Tell me, how do you KNOW this is swine flu and not "regular" flu? Because the NHS Direct told you so? This being the NHS Direct who recently misdiagnosed kidney infection as swine flu. This being the NHS Direct who list the symptoms on their site, which, coincidentally are exactly the same as "regular" flu. This being the NHS Direct who advise people to effectively self-diagnose themselves. See where I'm going with this?


Some of the comments on there are ace. "I went to my friends and fainted, do I have swine flu?" No luv, you just drank too much.

Rewind to this time last year. You wake up one morning, have a fever, head feels bunged up, nose and throat is scratchy. Ok, you're not well, call the boss, you're taking a couple days off with flu. Have a couple of lemsips and sit it out. Today, you wake up, have a fever, head feels bunged up, nose and throat is scratchy. NHS Direct inform you to stay indoors, not even to go to your doctors, you've got swine flu and could die. Nice.

FFS. Nobody, not one person, has died of swine flu. All the (very few) deaths have occured due to other complications, in people who are already at risk to almost any form of viral infection. The World Health Organisation has recorded a death rate of 0.4% of those who are diagnosed (professionally medically, not NHS Direct style OMG YOU HAS SWINE FLU!!!!1!!!!11!!!eleventy-hundred!!!!) with it - that is exactly in line with pretty much all other variants of influenza. So why the mass panic over this strain? Thousands of people suffer from flu every year, in fact currently swine flu only makes up a minority of (legit) influenza cases. People die from complications all the time with the flu, so why is this current strain any different to what we've had before? And don't give me that "oh its uber-contagious". No its not. What is contagious is mis-diagnosis and hypochondria.

So the papers are predicting millions will catch it and thousands will die. Remember the last time we had this hanging over our heads? Don't hear dick about bird flu now do you.

[conspiracy mode]
Cast your mind back a few weeks, or month or so before swine flu became the headline grabber. What was in the news? What caught the front pages? What was the public scandal at the time? Yup, ministers finances and spending of our tax pounds. Nothing like a good old faux pandemic which puts the health of you and your children at risk to take the public's mind off the intricacies of government money-wasting. Puppetising the NHS Direct to let everyone think they have swine flu should keep the eyes off the other scandals that can be quietly swept under the carpet.

Makes you wonder, what else is really going on whilst we're being diverted with this health "scare"?

Rant off, normal service will be resumed lol

24-07-09, 09:47 AM
The thing about the tax scandel is a good point

24-07-09, 09:55 AM
i think things get blown out of control to easily with the news these days, and the amount of news stations, things get changed like chinese whispers.

and papers, if there were no papers or news then half as many people would know and no one would be worring, or half as many people would worry.

and i agree with jack on the lack of diagonsis. it is terrible, i think the nhs/government are in a panic and these are the outcomes

24-07-09, 10:02 AM
It is crazy Jack, my work has put anti-bacterial hand wash everywhere and sprays and stuff, and if you show flu symptoms they can send you home without pay, load of rubbish

They should see if any expenses have been used to buy shares in Placebo sorry drug companies

Pistol Pete
24-07-09, 10:18 AM
If i could rep you RJ i would. I too am sick and tired of this swine flu BS. I still maintain that, because of this super cleanliness obsessive state we live in, it is one of the causes of these so called "bugs". Dettol this, hand cleaner that, and catch it, kill it, bin it....**** off! Dont get me wrong, basic hygene is a must, but piss off with this OCD about cleaning! When i was a kid, i'm sure many of you on here will agree, we were allowed to get dirty, eat mud etc. Now its so ****ing clean and nannyfied that is beyond a joke.

24-07-09, 10:39 AM
True Pete nobody cleans this house and we rarely get ill or bugs, my mate's mum has real cleaning OCD and he has it a bit and constantly has a cold

24-07-09, 11:04 AM
if you show flu symptoms they can send you home without pay, load of rubbish
I'd question the legality of that.

I agree with Pete, kids these days are too protected - they're supposed to get into schoolyard scraps, catch colds/measles etc. Thats how their body toughens up and develops an immune system. Obivously don't take the piss by living in squalor, but don't wrap kids in cotton wool.

24-07-09, 11:06 AM
Just that we don't get sick pay

24-07-09, 11:13 AM
Do you pay National Insurance (NI on your wage slip)?

24-07-09, 11:21 AM
yeah £91.30 NI last wage slip

24-07-09, 11:30 AM
Then you should be entitled to sick pay for ALL legitimate sickness. Assuming you mean you only get refused sick pay for swine flu (and you get it as per normal for everything else?) - if you've been diagnosed with an illness and either a doctor or the company requests you do not attend work due to that sickness, you should still be paid. I'd be concerned that the company could be claiming your NI cover back from the government to make a fast buck.

24-07-09, 11:35 AM
Yeah I was off for 6 weeks after a bike accident, and will be again soon for an op and I got the statutory £80ish a week. They wont pay the rest of a days wages though if they send you home which is rubbish

24-07-09, 11:58 AM
Do you know what? My next door neighbours kids have had 'swine flu' for the past week and the little girl was round my house the day before she got it and I was ****ting myself when I found out but guess what, no one in the street has yet to contract it and its a closed street with about a thousands kids so it cant be that contagious!

24-07-09, 12:01 PM
My business partners whole family has it. As yet ive not been affected. It will probably raise its ugly head next week when im abroad doing 14 hour days.

24-07-09, 01:11 PM
Some of the comments on there are ace. "I went to my friends and fainted, do I have swine flu?" No luv, you just drank too much.

You can't beat this one, I was having a fag with a girl from work the other day and she said 'I don't feel too great today. Maybe I have swine flu. In fact, I had sausages last night, maybe I caught it from them!'
I actually couldn't control myself for a good 15 minutes. lol

24-07-09, 01:22 PM
Yeah I was off for 6 weeks after a bike accident, and will be again soon for an op and I got the statutory £80ish a week. They wont pay the rest of a days wages though if they send you home which is rubbish

My company only pays stat' sick pay, (which is **** all) i belive you can claim more off the government. Not sure how though as im never off work sick.

24-07-09, 01:55 PM
I once worked for a bloke who if he turned up at the office & found out i'd got a bad cold, which happened a couple of times, he'd send me home on full pay so he wouldn't catch it......... sadly, i'm a very healthy person so i'd only managed a few days off on that trick.....

i'm sure Mandelson is behind the swine flu media epidemic (not the real one, that's down to people going on All Inclusive breaks to Cancun).

24-07-09, 02:20 PM
Here is something for you, since the Website & the phone lines opened, a LOT more people have suddenly come down with it?

and since its become a "Pandemic" even mroe people got diagnosed, especially since they stopped swabbing people aand just give them anti virals?

24-07-09, 02:49 PM
so far, loads of people in the uk seem to have flu. and a small number of them have got really ill. many more people will get it, & out of all that, a tiny number, maybe up to a hundred will die.
the thing is that maybe 100 years ago, when people lived in the same village for all their lives, and an illness came to the village, lots of people would die...
these days, we go travelling all over the place & catch all sorts of bugs, so it will not be that serious.
In a country like China, where a billion+ people have never seen a foreigner, it could wipe a lot of people out.

24-07-09, 03:03 PM
Its all a load of bollox!!

Its just Man Flu, now all you stupid women really know what man flu is like!! I told you its not just a common cold, its tres evil!!

24-07-09, 03:05 PM
Its just Man Flu

I would imagine there are a lot of women out there who would freely admit Swine Flu is the same as Man Flu lol

24-07-09, 03:06 PM
These are all good points but either way it's still worrying with the fact I've got a 3 month old at home :s

24-07-09, 03:06 PM
Swan flu IS man flu!! Really, man flu really is that bad!

Well it is though isnt really lads.

24-07-09, 03:10 PM
Hype like this does make me laugh tbh. Just wait until Ebola gets out of the jungle and gets on a plane. We are ALL royally screwed then and it could happen anytime!

Apparently Ebola is more likely to wipe us out than the yellowstone volcano, a comet / meteor hitting us or global warming (pfft).

When it breaks Ill be the one in a spacesuit carrying a 12 bore :)

24-07-09, 03:12 PM
When it breaks Ill be the one in a spacesuit carrying a 12 bore :)

Oooh, glad im sh1t hot at playing Res games :) when did Nostrodamus predict this Lee, sounds some funny sh1t TBH :)

24-07-09, 03:16 PM
Its real Mike.

This quote from Wiki kind of sums it up nicely.

Outbreaks of Ebola have mainly been restricted to Africa,[25] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola#cite_note-Peterson-24) from which many of the outbreaks consume the population before it can effectively spread.[citation needed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)]

Any virus that kills people quicker than it can actually spread makes Swine flu look like a sneeze lol

24-07-09, 03:21 PM
Its real Mike.

Ace! I know where im going to hide with my dads air gun collection then!!

24-07-09, 03:24 PM
Ill be the one in a spacesuit carrying a 12 bore :)

Pics or GTFO :d

24-07-09, 03:28 PM
Sure, like when Im having to blow the heads off my nearest and dearest whilst they heamorrage blood from every one of their orifices, I shall stop to take a pic of myself and post it on teh internetz lol

24-07-09, 03:28 PM
Pics or GTFO :d

I had a space suit once.

When i was 4.

24-07-09, 03:28 PM
Sure, like when Im having to blow the heads off my nearest and dearest whilst they heamorrage blood from every one of their orifices, I shall stop to take a pic of myself and post it on teh internetz lol

Sounds like normal day in the hood to me :confused: lol

24-07-09, 03:29 PM
Im not from the norf like you remember :)

24-07-09, 03:31 PM
Im not from the norf like you remember :)

Touche lol

I was borned & semi-raised in the ghetto, Leytonstone in London. Now i live in posh'ish ville & its well boring :(

24-07-09, 03:40 PM
What the **** is ebola? Just googled it but my heads too mashed to make any sense of wiki. Simplify it for a simpleton, Sounds cool though.

24-07-09, 03:42 PM
What the **** is ebola? Just googled it but my heads too mashed to make any sense of wiki. Simplify it for a simpleton, Sounds cool though.

Like anal crabs but worser. Prolly more along the lines of Ghonerhea id imagine?

24-07-09, 03:44 PM
Had both of them, Not so bad.

24-07-09, 03:45 PM
Had both of them, Not so bad.

LOL Youve had sammy Mcnabs lol lol lol

24-07-09, 03:45 PM
Its an African disease that at present hasn't mutated into being airbourne. It kills you within 24 hours normally, by cramping you up and then exploding out of all your orifices. Its quite pleasent as you can tell :)

They rekon the chances of it going airbourne are slim. I say I dont believe a word of it. Slim chance normally means 'we dont know'.

24-07-09, 03:53 PM
Its an African disease that at present hasn't mutated into being airbourne. It kills you within 24 hours normally, by cramping you up and then exploding out of all your orifices. Its quite pleasent as you can tell :)

They rekon the chances of it going airbourne are slim. I say I dont believe a word of it. Slim chance normally means 'we dont know'.

Sounds like the only disease I haven't had yet.

24-07-09, 06:56 PM
Omg really jack did my dad sign in and type that in your username, he has been saying for the past week or so that its just whitewash to hide the governments latest scandals, his words are "it makes you wonder what theyre actually covering up behind all this swine flu bollox"

24-07-09, 07:41 PM
Ninja's are immune to swine flu you know.

24-07-09, 09:12 PM
Ninja's are immune to swine flu you know.

just imagine if a ninja was sneaking up on you, when suddenly he can't stifle that sneeze..........'ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh OINK!!!!!'
sort of blows his cover eh?

24-07-09, 09:34 PM
'ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh OINK!!!!!'
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol