View Full Version : Plumbing waste/soil pipe, where to get?

20-07-09, 01:08 PM
I'm after the 110mm/4" stuff, need 3 8' lenghts or similar, any ideas where won't rape me? I've requested the new Plumbfix catalogue too.

Colour not important, it's for the garage. I hope this will sort my flooding woes.

20-07-09, 01:20 PM
don't know what you've got near you, but try travis perkins, the plumb center or even b&q.

20-07-09, 09:57 PM
Sorted now mate, Plumbfix, 11 quid for two lengths and 3 quid for the elbow.
Happy days!


20-07-09, 10:13 PM
i am actually in the groundworks business. what are you trying to do with the drainage? is this cos of the flooded garage?
where are you draining it to? what about straight couplers??

a 4" pipe will struggle to clear a flash flood. it will easily cope with normal rain.

20-07-09, 10:32 PM
Yeah mowgli, to try and prevent the garage from flooding.

The idea was to make a gulley behind the doors by cutting a 4" soil pipe in half and skinking it into the ground with as much drop as possible hopefully this will aloow the water to run away, coupled with something along the bottoms of the doors to slow the flow down., Run this through the garage wall then onto and elbow and another soil pipe, under a couple of flags and direct it to the foot of the garden/next door tbh lol. They will already get the water as it washes out of the back of the garage ATM.

What do you mean by straight couplers mate? I have no idea.

I hear Jewsons have concrete gulleys with metal grids, I was going to check those out tommorrow.

20-07-09, 10:42 PM
b and q is cheaper than any builders merchant.you could allways try your nearest building site.wink wink!!!

20-07-09, 10:44 PM
go to a decent builders merchants & price up an ACO channel drain garage door kit.

http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:jI_PmoPcVAmVwM:http://www.modcon.com/images/aconew.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.modcon.com/images/aconew.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.modcon.com/aco.html&usg=__oA0ivRi1ywmFh0_ga4X0N70Phtc=&h=158&w=271&sz=9&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=jI_PmoPcVAmVwM:&tbnh=66&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Daco%2Bdrain%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den) <--- this type of thing

they are easy to drive over & will run water away.

if you cut a 4" pipe in two, you've got a sort of guttering, but no strength at all.

now a good way to get rid of loads of water is to do a french drain. this is a trench dug round your garage with a perforated drain pipe in the bottom & 20mm gravel filling the trench back up. this works by creating a buffer store for the water. the downside is that the outlet needs to be about 3ft down so creating the outfall will involve a lot of work digging it out.

the best way to cure the water in your garage is to rig up a flood defence (google flood water products) if you stop it coming in in the first place, then it isn't a problem the best one I saw recently was a board covered in a rubbery sheet, that had a scissor jack built into the middle so yuo could wedge it into a gap. it was brilliantly watertight. something made from decent gauge steel with car door seals would work fine.

21-07-09, 12:58 AM
get sand bags lol but they're hard to drive over.