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View Full Version : V belt Alternator

13-07-09, 10:07 PM
My dad's redtop alternator has packed up, so needs another.

He rekons a Nova would be alright, single V belt he says, so I'll take his word for it right now as I haven't checked yet lol

Nova one would be fine power output wise as it's on a Caterham kit car so no heating/windows/radio etc to power, so only needs to power the starter :thumb:

Close to Bradford/Leeds as possible pweeeesseeee


13-07-09, 10:17 PM
I've got one from my old LET, V belt pulley, its been an after market replacement at some point as it still looks in reasonable nic, its a Valeo.

I'm after £31 (posted)

14-07-09, 07:26 PM
Got one here off a 20xe. £25 posted. pm me.