View Full Version : OI!! GSI BOY

06-12-00, 08:15 PM
So come on then boy what's happening with this rolling road lark then??? When, where, how much?

Feck fast car etc. They just print tits and arse (which is nice but has feck all to do with cars has it?) They USED to be a very informative mag 'till they started to copy max wank
I'm sure just the boys turning up and meeting in the flesh would be a good enough reason don't you?

Sort it out then!!


07-12-00, 11:11 AM
If its too far up north Im not prepared to drive 400 miles to just meet up wiv a few nova bods, no disrespect guys but there needs to be some magazine coverage or it aint worth me while.

07-12-00, 11:17 AM
We will have to get a cruise sorted out
Let us no what you had in mind

07-12-00, 03:37 PM
I'm actually waiting on the full details myself, i can't do anything until Lancy comes back to me with the full details and because he's such a busy chimp he hasn't had time to finalise things yet. Fast Car have expressed a strong interest in attending and what harm would it be for us to get a feature and also maybe get them to pay something towards the day. Anyway i'll tell you as much as know at the moment. It's gonna be late Jan/early Feb. Manchester area and about ?20 a car if we have to pay full whack for it. I'm trying to get Fast Car to pay for it seen as they are using it for a feature, but hey we'll have to see on that one. Thats as much as i know for now, i'll keep you posted when i know more.

07-12-00, 07:23 PM
im up for it when everything gets finalised,let me know. thanxs dan