View Full Version : Baby announcement!

09-07-09, 06:22 PM

A few of you may know that my better half is pregnant, 40 weeks & 6 days to be exact, and tomorrow at 9:15am were going to the hospital for her to be induced, so im hoping that ill be popping up photos of my babygirly soon

Thanks for reading and this is also a heads-up that I will probs be off the radar here for a couple days so leave me messages & when im back ill reply to them!

09-07-09, 06:23 PM
Good luck mate, get some pics up soon, :thumb:

hope all goes well :)

09-07-09, 06:39 PM
Have no fear ill post up pictures when i am home & calmed down

09-07-09, 06:43 PM
good luck matey

09-07-09, 06:51 PM
congratz on having a lil one matey :thumb:

hope all goes well

09-07-09, 06:52 PM
im hoping all goes well too!

Already got 2 boys to tell the truth but theyre with my ex & i dont see them much at the moment :(

marc novataken
09-07-09, 07:06 PM
have fun mate lol whats it like with two already? got my second on the way in the next few months lol

09-07-09, 07:18 PM
good luck!

09-07-09, 07:25 PM
good luck :)

09-07-09, 08:08 PM
congrats and good luck!

09-07-09, 08:54 PM
congrats mate hope all goes well

mine is due in september and we are having girl cant wait

09-07-09, 09:02 PM
hope all goes well. my first one was induced....
1. don't let her take her good slippers......
2. wear your work stuff
3. take loads of refreshments
4. be prepared for anything, cos it might just happen

09-07-09, 10:38 PM
thanks for the advice mowgli, had 2 kids before lol, so its not new to me, but it is to her :D all in the car ready to go & ive got a change of clothes ready to come with me!

Thanks for all of your well wishes everyone im updating everyone on all of the forums that i visit as soon as im around my computer!

Tidy Max
09-07-09, 10:39 PM
high baby five matey :)

09-07-09, 10:43 PM
thanks max :D

Im well looking forward to this!!

09-07-09, 10:45 PM
congrats mate hope all goes well for you fella :thumb:

09-07-09, 11:18 PM
Good luck and I hope it all goes well :thumb:

11-07-09, 03:35 PM

Nath has txt me and he says she is still in labor and has been for 12 hours! :eek:

11-07-09, 03:50 PM
bloody hell!! wish him luck for me mate!

11-07-09, 10:08 PM
Don't you mean wish her luck!

11-07-09, 10:10 PM
pft the mans got it hard aswell. lol

11-07-09, 10:25 PM
my eldest held out for about 28hrs then would only come out with a caesarean.. then the other 2 had to come out by the sunroof method too

11-07-09, 10:37 PM
i dont envy the bloke ! three times for me was enuf now im broken lol

11-07-09, 10:41 PM
Ladies & gents after 14+ Hours of labor Abbie-Rose McQuaid was born by ceaserian @13:12 weighing 8lb 4oz, both mother & baby are well and happy, all 3 of us are exhausted! I certainly have not slept more then 2 hours in the past 48 so im going STRAIGHT to bed!!

Thanks Joycey for helping me out with updating everone ill pop you some rep in a moment! I will probs be off the radar for a few days now as Ill be backwards & forwards to the hospital!

However once Im able to ill post up some pictures! Thank you all for your kinda words & well wishes! If i had the energy I would rep you all to say thanks but right now I need sleep!!!!

Good night!!

11-07-09, 10:44 PM
enjoy the peaceful nights sleep..... it may well be your last.

11-07-09, 10:59 PM
Ladies & gents after 14+ Hours of labor Abbie-Rose McQuaid was born by ceaserian @13:12 weighing 8lb 4oz, both mother & baby are well and happy, all 3 of us are exhausted! I certainly have not slept more then 2 hours in the past 48 so im going STRAIGHT to bed!!

Thanks Joycey for helping me out with updating everone ill pop you some rep in a moment! I will probs be off the radar for a few days now as Ill be backwards & forwards to the hospital!

However once Im able to ill post up some pictures! Thank you all for your kinda words & well wishes! If i had the energy I would rep you all to say thanks but right now I need sleep!!!!

Good night!!

congrats to you and your good lady m8 :thumb:

12-07-09, 12:28 AM
congrads mate all the best :)

12-07-09, 02:23 AM
Congrats mate :)

12-07-09, 02:32 AM
Well done mr and mrs novaguy, hope all goes well and enjoy it

12-07-09, 03:06 AM
Congrats mate :D

Well done mr and mrs novaguy, hope all goes well and enjoy it

How tha hell do you get a mrs's novaguy? lol,

12-07-09, 10:46 AM
Congratulations to all and welcome to the world Abbie-Rose. :)

Now don't forget to read the Haynes manual to get her off to sleeps lol

12-07-09, 09:56 PM
Congrats mate :D

How tha hell do you get a mrs's novaguy? lol,

Thanks to you all!!

Mum & baby are still going strong!

Getting annoyed with the neghbours in the hospital room. aint shut up & the woman is leaving her phone on loud!!

Still its novamissus mate lol

13-07-09, 09:12 PM
Congrats :)

13-07-09, 09:16 PM
Welldone mum. Congrats to all :thumb:
Let the worrying begin :d

13-07-09, 09:47 PM

Im already being a fussy bugger, Ive been running about the little cubicle in the hospital tidying & getting things easier for the lady!

Im uploading photos now so prepare for cutienessesessss

13-07-09, 10:20 PM
Here are the photos ladies and gents! 1 of the 3 fruits of my loins!


The lady then went through it all!!


13-07-09, 11:54 PM

14-07-09, 08:56 AM
Oh look at the baby cootchi-coo! She got a full head of hair already then, how sweet!

14-07-09, 09:11 AM
Bet she loved you taking a pic of her lol

14-07-09, 09:52 AM
Congrats mate, well done. The best thing of all is that you've the hard work done now, so its the missus's time to get the finger out after 9mths of bitching and for you to rest up and relax.

14-07-09, 02:36 PM
well done mate congrats to you both..

14-07-09, 03:06 PM
How cute! Congrats again