View Full Version : Roof lining help

02-07-09, 10:06 PM
I need to take the roof lining out of 1 car and put it into another. Am i dreaming or can this be done without damaging? Just wondering what its held on with once the pillar trims etc are off. Any tips would be most helpful :thumb:

03-07-09, 01:37 AM
roof lining is a bit of a biatch.

Once pillars are removed you need to pop the windows or at least the upper rubber seals as the roof lining lip is tucked into the edge that the seal hold in place - so for a proper job all windows (except hatch and doors obviously) need to come out.

The main roof itself is secured using 2 metal rods that are held in place by some v shaped grippers on the roof reinforcing bars.

Best thing is to start from the back, remove rubber hatch surround and remove the lining carefully - work forward past the (removed) rear 1/4 panel glass and you should see a pad of sound deadening - just after this you'll hit your 1st rod - you'll see the v clips - prise them away from the wire and then remove this from the sides of the car - do the same for the front.

If theres a sun roof in it then you need to dismantle this too.

Good luck.