View Full Version : Caption competition....

13-02-03, 10:29 PM
Tony Blair on guitar, david Blunkett on Drums.....


13-02-03, 10:44 PM
blunket "is it dinner time then?"

bleur "look im down wit da kiiiiiids"

Ben (lurk75)
13-02-03, 11:05 PM
this reminds me of something that happened in Bristol...

Blunkett was doing a tour of the deprived areas where all the murders and prostituion goes on, some idiot sprayed on the wall "Blunkett is a Pr*ck"

It even made the news a bit pointless really as the guy cant see his hand in front his face :roll:

got some captions but am waiting for a few others fisrt before i go in for the kill!

14-02-03, 12:14 AM
i have a quality picture, youve probably already seen it, but i dont have a host!

14-02-03, 08:33 AM
if you wanna email the pic to me, or follow the instructions in general chat for putting a pic into the album and then onto the forums... :D

As for Blunkett, he's alright, bloke i know is a good friend of him...
He is actually quite funny, takes the piss outta himself all the time. :lol:

Ben (lurk75)
14-02-03, 04:45 PM
i wasnt slagging him off, just the intellignec of Bristol criminal community (myself excluded) :!:

14-02-03, 05:29 PM
Tony to blunkett : oi blunkett, I know you're blind, but we can still see you w.a.n.k.i.n.g behind those drums!!!

14-02-03, 05:33 PM
blunket "oi tony guess where my other drum stick is"

14-02-03, 08:09 PM
if we busk maybe we can fuck over the public for more money

Chris LR
17-02-03, 12:14 AM
Tony to David "Is that a drumstick in your pocket? Or are you just pleased to see me?"

David to Tony "Twat!"

18-02-03, 02:42 AM
Kids: "I think next time we do auditions for the band we should clearly state 'No Suits or ties'"