View Full Version : mk2 headlights beem way to high help!

30-06-09, 11:03 PM
hi, does anyone else have problem's come mot time with mk2 headlight beem? to pass mine he had to take out the bolts & stick them back in behind them to pass it! there brand new headlights aswell! there adjusted down as low as they will go, including on the range control swich inside, & there still way to high.
any tips to cure this?

30-06-09, 11:06 PM
Sounds to me youve got the same problem i had i bought new GM headlights a few years back and the range adjust motors are an utter toss bag to clip in, youve pushed yours home as far as the will go but theyre not clipped in properly so even on the lowest setting they have pushed the internals right forward, thus pointing them beam right up.

Take em off and fiddle and faff with them untill you get them securely home, only then will they point in the right direction!

Lee H
30-06-09, 11:17 PM
Sounds to me youve got the same problem i had i bought new GM headlights a few years back and the range adjust motors are an utter toss bag to clip in, youve pushed yours home as far as the will go but theyre not clipped in properly so even on the lowest setting they have pushed the internals right forward, thus pointing them beam right up.

Take em off and fiddle and faff with them untill you get them securely home, only then will they point in the right direction!

Mine do this too and there is absolutely no way the motors will stay clipped in. Tried stikaflex and all sorts.

30-06-09, 11:20 PM
i just fitted the standard back springs for the MOT lol and lowered the front a bit more!

01-07-09, 06:38 PM
Mine do this too and there is absolutely no way the motors will stay clipped in. Tried stikaflex and all sorts.

My problem was the new headlights were too tough to allow the ball of the motor to clip into them properly, i.e. it just wouldnt click into its socket, it took about four vauxhall techies to do it cos i took them back to the mainstealers after being pulled by the feds for thinking i was trying to blind them when they were in front of me lol

01-07-09, 06:50 PM
had the same prob with my mot , and brand new headlights , although im sure my motors are in far enough

01-07-09, 07:06 PM
They seem like theyre in as far as they can go but they wont be if the aim is too high, they are an utter barsteward to do but you can eventually get them in, try and try on one and compare it to the other and you will notice when the bar is in far enough, you gotta set the adjuster motor so its as far out as it can be, then put your finger inside the light and try to pull the internals as close to the back of the light as you can, possibly grease the end of the adjuster motor ball thing and you will eventually get it to click fully in:thumb:

01-07-09, 07:17 PM
mine do click in its a right loud click aswell lol , might have to try winding it out as far as first though then try again lol ,

but thinking about it 1 of mine adjust the hight , the other wont move atall lol

craig green
01-07-09, 07:20 PM
I've found that the power for the beam adj motors randomly pulls the lens in & out on mine, so I used the motors to get the lens all the way back & then unplugged it for good.

Utter toss!

01-07-09, 08:10 PM
i just fitted the standard back springs for the MOT lol and lowered the front a bit more!

like ure style lol

Spudly great advice, i wasent sure 100% if they were in properly or not when i fitted them, so i'll give that technique a blast, you know what haynes manuals are like they make it sound so easy, when it's a *******. cheers m8