View Full Version : Awesome

22-06-09, 04:49 PM
After a discussion with my mate about how much fun we used to have winding one of the lads up on MSN with a certain emoticon I found it again and we plan to use it on him in a joint convo next time we are all on lol.

This one:
http://www.sur-la-toile.com/modules/Splatt_Forums/attachment/83a6dcd0e0ec5668348b93fa4097fe60.0.Virus.gif.atchh ttp://www.sur-la-toile.com/modules/Splatt_Forums/attachment/83a6dcd0e0ec5668348b93fa4097fe60.0.virus%20ggg.gif .atchhttp://www.sur-la-toile.com/modules/Splatt_Forums/attachment/83a6dcd0e0ec5668348b93fa4097fe60.0.virus%20hhh.gif .atch

Childish I know, however he used to sign out/shut down whenever we used it and pretend he hadn't seen it 'I Got DC'd' etc. lol

He is very paranoid about security etc. online so it will be better when we then start typing upside down and saying our screens are fine it must be that MSN virus that sent itself when we started talking :O lol

22-06-09, 04:50 PM
lol thats quality

22-06-09, 04:52 PM
Funny thing is I searched the keyboard shortcut I used to have it saved as, v1v2v3 and it worked :D Considering a lot of people save emoticons as crazy things, I'm surprised lol.

Will take a screenshot of the convo if he starts getting mad and using his trademark :@ lol

22-06-09, 04:53 PM
Ive seen this before and fell for it aswell and funnily enough I shut my whole computer down when i got it

22-06-09, 05:46 PM
how'd you type upside down?