View Full Version : reshaping my front end - the wrong way

09-02-03, 04:30 PM
ok the other day (monday) me da is taking me maw to work

driving along the industrial estate there is a delivery van infront
suddenly the van stops dead, so me da pulls up behind

there is about 1/2 car length between em

next thing
van driver slams the van into reverse and boots it backwards - right into me car :o



so gets all his insurance shite and im waiting on them to phone me

now ive been noticing some clucking from the right (offside) front wheel area so i had the car on axle stands today to see if anything is wrong - couldnt find anything but noticed this


i dont think its related to the clunking, but im guessing it was caused by the van reversing into the car

so any ideas if its dangerous to keep driving it? ive driven around for about a week and it mustve been like that the whole time

also u think if i got this repaired now and then when their insurance finally contacts me i tell them it cost me X to fix so gimme that and i'll be happy

09-02-03, 08:15 PM
:evil: keep the faith mate everything will be alrite on the nite.

10-02-03, 10:18 AM
so anyone got any ideas as to wether or not this is structural?

10-02-03, 10:34 AM
well its the chassis rail so i would say yes its structural

Chris LR
10-02-03, 11:23 AM
I've driven around in a Nova with holes big enough to put your fist through. And they wern't just cosmetic ones either.

If I were you I'd take it to a friendly MOT/Garage, they'll tell you

A) If it is OK
B) If it will fail the MOT (Like mine)

Does the clunking happen at any particular time? Cornering, braking, turning left etc

10-02-03, 01:31 PM
thats fine.. but ur car is a write off

10-02-03, 08:10 PM

how can that little hole be a write off??!? it cant cost that much to repair surely?

or is it a case of the repair costs will be more than the cars "market value" and hence they will write it off??

10-02-03, 09:23 PM
my car was written off with damage like this


and it is mint