View Full Version : How the hell.......

08-02-03, 05:02 PM
heres the story, i snapped my ignition key, so i bought a new key and ignition barrel today, but seeing as i dont have the snapped key to operate the old barrel anymore(and i cant get it back), how hell do i get the old one out?, cos the ignition has to be on for the barrel to come out, ive tryed jimmying the lock, but with no luck, can anybody help me??????

nova dosed
09-02-03, 04:03 AM
er thats a tuf one.

Why do u need the key in the ignitioni if its for the steering lock then ur only option maybe to snap it i know but it may be only option.


09-02-03, 11:35 AM
look on the boot lock..... get the number...... go to ur local lock smith

09-02-03, 09:07 PM
er thats a tuf one.

Why do u need the key in the ignitioni if its for the steering lock then ur only option maybe to snap it i know but it may be only option.


if u do snap the steering lock, be sure to remove the pin you snap off from the steering column or wherever it ends up

nova dosed
09-02-03, 09:26 PM
good point otherwise it will be dangerous specially when ur turning the wheel it cud get stuck