View Full Version : how to make STUBBY MIRRORS

08-06-09, 01:55 PM
for all you who have pmd regarding stubby mirors here is how i make mine, not sure how long it will take me as i dont have a great deal of time free at present but here goes, bare with me and i will try get them done quikly and cover all areas and problems. possibly make a sticky mods ?
take mirror and start to cut it down i use a hacksaw and grinder with thin cutting wheel on s ther is a piece of metal inside wich hacksaw wont cuthttp://i631.photobucket.com/albums/uu40/cossiegaz_2009/DSC00968.jpg
you will be left with these 2 bits
then take the end piece and cut down aswell, so you are left with this
now you will have 3 peices of mirror

08-06-09, 02:01 PM
you dont need the middle piece so you now have these 2 bits to work with
now with middle peice removed the 2 remaining pieces dont align up height or width wise as shown
and how they look from the back
will try update later on wen get bit time to crack on

08-06-09, 03:22 PM
use a heatgun to melt the corners of mirror to alow them to be aligned up
now they shud be able to meet up close enuf to be plastic welded and allow a bit room for bodge and filler at a later stage
before plastic welding this is wot you shud have
grind area to be welded back with grinding disc this time not cutting disc, make sure to prepare the plastic correct prior to welding ie- cut a v shape into the area geting worked on to make the weld stronger, once welded up and dressed back again with angle grinder you shud have this

09-06-09, 02:57 PM
good work

09-06-09, 05:44 PM
good work
thanks mate not had any time free today hopefully get a bit more done tomorow and update with few pics. . . then i only have the other mirror to make, lol.

Nick J
09-06-09, 05:55 PM
Aha Ive got a spare set here... think Im going to follow your guide and make some myself! lol You want this thread moving to "Articles" section as a how to mate. Im sure mods can and will help when they read this. :)

09-06-09, 06:45 PM
Had a bash at these...Never measured how much I wanted to cut out

Just done what I thought was best but worked it out to be just over 60mm :D

Nice and stubby for me like!!! Can't wait to see yours progressing Gaz

Cheers ever so much for the How To thread :D :D :D

09-06-09, 07:55 PM
Slightly different method to how I did mine - but the end result is the same :)

I cut 55mm out of the ones I've made

I find the black part the easy bit - its the Backs that take time to get all the angles/lines to look right

09-06-09, 08:08 PM
good guide, possibley move to articles section? :D

craig green
09-06-09, 08:14 PM
Nothing like how I made mine. Interesting though...

Pistol Pete
09-06-09, 09:21 PM
Fair play for having a go. I look forward to seeing the finished result. And +1 on getting a mod to move this once you get a few updates. Handy guide IMO.

09-06-09, 11:08 PM
cheers for all the replies lads and will hopefully get a few updates tomorow.

10-06-09, 12:46 AM
Aha Ive got a spare set here... think Im going to follow your guide and make some myself! lol You want this thread moving to "Articles" section as a how to mate. Im sure mods can and will help when they read this. :)
hiya Nick do you recognise the mirrors mate ? they are the ones you sent me, im sure you will have evrything at work to enable you to make a set up and a man of your skills shud sail thruw it :D
just done a bit more to them and then looked at the time so heading to my trench!, will add pics in morning of wot i have just got done to them.:)

10-06-09, 08:46 AM
now the mirror should look something like this
notice on the end piece of outer mirror its now cut back a little and grinded up ready to allow me to fit a piece of plastic in to make the shape back up, for this i just use a sheet of 2ml plastic and cut to shape- use a cardboard template 1st as makes life easier and also with being only 2ml plastic its more than strong enuf but can be cut with scissors and also a bonus is that it can be twisted or bent into shape to follow the new mirror
wen happy with shape and it fits and meets up near abouts all the edges the new peice can be plastic weldid in or for quikness and because it was nearly 1am in morning wen i did this part i used q-bond plastic liquid glue wich is strong enuf for these bits as get fibreglassed over aswell shortly
so with new peice sorted and fitted mirror shud now be starting to take shape and look like this
then take sum fibreglass and go around all the joins fill in any gaps and holes left and try not get it on your fingers lol - also fibreglass the black outer frame aswell as this is now ready to be built up a bit to then allow for bodge and filler at next stages, dont worry about fibreglass looking unpretty as its not a very user freindly product and bodge will hide it next

10-06-09, 02:42 PM
Where did you get the plastic from Gaz ? I think this is the easiest way to make them the way you do it

Keep the pics coming mate! Cheers :)

10-06-09, 04:49 PM
Where did you get the plastic from Gaz ? I think this is the easiest way to make them the way you do it

Keep the pics coming mate! Cheers :)
hello mate i just got the plastic from where me da works just wot was lay around, you cud probably get away with using a dvd box if you get decent cover the plastic will be sound enuf as its just a supporting piece really here is a few more pics wot just got done, dressed the fibreglass back with the grinder and keyed or ruffed up the remaining areas to wich the bodge will be getting applied to make sure it bites in and sticks
then apply a nice amount of bodge doesent have to be neat as is just to get the basic shape built up then next coat of filler will require a nice aplication for the final shaping and getting edges right, heres a good helping of bodge
also add bodge to the black outer frame of mirrors as you can see at bottom do this to areas of the mirror where it has been welded, glued or fibreglassed.

10-06-09, 07:59 PM
use 40 grit paper to rub this down save time for yourself time
now ready for a nice skim of filler- i use dolfinglaze as so easy to apply with being self leveling and simple to rub out, start off with 80 grit paper then down to 180 and even 240 dependant upon how much primer you are wanting to use at further stages
now rubbed down shud be looking like this
form the front
and finally a stubby mirror!!!
just the other one to make now wen get time, made this as a guide due to the amount of pms ive had regarding making them for people, i have a lot on my plate rite now so my guide ends here, the rest regarding priming and paint prep can be found in NickJs wip, for the glass Nick done it the proper way an alternative way is use plastic mirror replacement glass and just cut to shape with scissors and bond them in, only this way theyre fixed and nicks way they can be adjusted to suit view. hope thats helped and is as clear as i cud make it. and good luck if you choose to decide to try and make a set of stubby mirrors up!

10-06-09, 08:02 PM
These look pretty damn good Gaz. :D I feel like having a go now and I don't really like them usually. lol

10-06-09, 08:03 PM
Very cool, like your tattoo too.

10-06-09, 08:18 PM
Nice guide mate and cheers for the PM.

More pics of Escort please! lol

vx kev
10-06-09, 08:27 PM
Good on you for having a go, think it has spured a few of us to have a bash ourselves :thumb:
Decided to set in about a spare one ive got, doing it slightly different and not taking quite as much out as you have but going well all the same :D

10-06-09, 08:42 PM
looking pretty good mate, thanks for the guide, im gona get a spare set and attempt it

10-06-09, 09:11 PM
And then when you've all mastered the art of body coloured stubby mirrors you can move onto the carbon ones :thumb:


Not quite finished yet - but getting there !!!!


10-06-09, 09:12 PM
david, benn, l14mnp, kev and shaney cheers, if my guide can help you lads in any way then im happy. thanks benn for regarding the tattoo, and l14mnp thers pic of me escort in a thread somewhere on here with png members cars wots a quite decent pic. cheers.

10-06-09, 09:13 PM
ther a nice mirror fearless pal, top marks if you made them up.

10-06-09, 11:00 PM
Really good guide Gaz, can't thank you enough for it mate

I can't wait to crack on with my mirrors lol Always wanted a set!

11-06-09, 09:12 AM
Really good guide Gaz, can't thank you enough for it mate

I can't wait to crack on with my mirrors lol Always wanted a set!
you are more than welcome fella, il look forward to see your nova wearing a set pretty soon then im sure.. . have fun! :D :thumb:
oh and if you are stuck for the plastic sheet pm me and i will send you a spare bit up enuf to do ya mirrors. . .:)

11-06-09, 09:18 AM
PM'd :)

11-06-09, 09:22 AM
how much for a set fearless.

Carbon is cool :thumb:

11-06-09, 09:28 AM
PM'd :)
replied get that sent today pal. :thumb:

11-06-09, 09:40 AM
Cheers mate, your some man :)

12-06-09, 07:44 PM
just started my set, and the piece of metal on the inside can be snapped off by prising it off with a flatblade screwdriver, so you dont need to gring through the case. see pics:



just saves fiddling and faffing with a grinder :thumb:

craig green
12-06-09, 10:20 PM
Why on earth can't you unscrew it?

12-06-09, 10:24 PM
Why on earth can't you unscrew it?

I think theyre melted on like the two sections of a mk2 grille:thumb:

Nick J
12-06-09, 11:12 PM
Top work Gaz and yes I noticed they were my spare mirrors!

Fearless... Your always one step ahead! I was actually trying to envision what stubby's would look like in carbon the other day, And as I thought they look great. Your project once finished will knock everyones socks off.. ;)


13-06-09, 02:09 AM
i presume after a mirror is completed etc it wouldnt be adviseable to remove the cover?

if so, how would you paint the mirror cover and the mirror face? presumabley just mask off the bits you dont want to be painted?

13-06-09, 04:08 AM
i presume after a mirror is completed etc it wouldnt be adviseable to remove the cover?

if so, how would you paint the mirror cover and the mirror face? presumabley just mask off the bits you dont want to be painted? simple answer........yeplol

14-06-09, 10:57 PM
i presume after a mirror is completed etc it wouldnt be adviseable to remove the cover?

if so, how would you paint the mirror cover and the mirror face? presumabley just mask off the bits you dont want to be painted?
if you cut the metal piece as i do it acts a good suporting peice for fitting the outet shape up wich is very handy!- i dont remove it for that reason,- simple to remove just easyr to leave it ther and work with it but this only only a guide. . .
check NickJs wip as said there he shows you how to prep and paint them, and Nick thanks mate.:)

14-06-09, 11:51 PM
lol the png trend of 2009

Making sets of stubby mirrors.

i supose if i hold off buying some now when everyone is finished there will be loads of sets floating around so some bargains to be had

15-06-09, 12:46 AM
what could be done is after as set is done make a fibreglass mould that then could be bonded onto the shorten surround piece making a cheap alternative for the many members who want stubby mirrors.

15-06-09, 11:04 PM
any pics of these on a car?

16-06-09, 10:42 AM
what could be done is after as set is done make a fibreglass mould that then could be bonded onto the shorten surround piece making a cheap alternative for the many members who want stubby mirrors.

or carbon fibre :)

16-06-09, 09:37 PM
Ive spent around 5 hours on my set today, cut them down heated all the plastics etc bent them all into shape, got them looking like this currently:



ive ahd to legthen the passenger side one slightly because the case was cracked lol but equaled it out by remmoving soem more of the outer piece, only afew mm or so , ive set the plastic too far back so ill either have to build it up with firbreglass or use some expanding foam and cut it to shape :D

16-06-09, 10:22 PM
Ive spent around 5 hours on my set today, cut them down heated all the plastics etc bent them all into shape, got them looking like this currently:



ive ahd to legthen the passenger side one slightly because the case was cracked lol but equaled it out by remmoving soem more of the outer piece, only afew mm or so , ive set the plastic too far back so ill either have to build it up with firbreglass or use some expanding foam and cut it to shape :D get your soldering iron out and do it :thumb:

16-06-09, 10:39 PM
Looking good Dave, sorry I didn't text you back before my phone is playing up

16-06-09, 11:20 PM
Getting there Dave! I must crack on with mine lol

Been slacking lately!

19-06-09, 04:17 PM
Nearly completed - Cheers for this thread Gaz



20-06-09, 02:02 PM
work done to mine over the past few days,

the "expanding, and messy as fook foam stage":

adds a hell of a lot of strength aswell, reccomend doing it :thumb:

then cut down the foam to the right shape:

next step is fibreglass and then filler :thumb:

20-06-09, 05:06 PM
I wasn't sure if that idea would work but it seems like it could :D

craig green
20-06-09, 05:56 PM
I've found filler eats expanding-foam, in the past.

Dave; How are the mirror lenses going to mount in them?

20-06-09, 06:11 PM
Not worked out how I'm going to do mines either - I want all the mirrors shaped and primered at least before I worry about that

I might split the glass from the rubber/plastic backing thats on it and cut it to size and try and mount that in the mirror then get some reflective plastic and cut it to shape then get some sort of sticky material and join it to that mirror backing...

But I'll cross that large bridge when I come to it lol

Any hints or tips Craig ?

craig green
20-06-09, 06:22 PM
Any hints or tips Craig ?

Looking at these, no. They seem to be all about the shape & to hell with the bodges lurking behind. lol

20-06-09, 06:36 PM
I've found filler eats expanding-foam, in the past.

Dave; How are the mirror lenses going to mount in them?
Skimming with fibreglass first Craig :thumb:

also i play to bond a thick piece of rubber to the glass back and then bond that to the mirror, but cut the rubber so tis the right shape so the adjustment of the glass is correct, if you get me :confused:

26-06-09, 01:51 PM
on the bandwagon :gay:


26-06-09, 04:08 PM
Ohhhhhhh nice one fella :D

Mines; Just about complete: