View Full Version : Your Britain

03-06-09, 10:58 PM
Like mays britain, make up a few rules you would enforce if you were at the top!

List like this:

Browns Britain, Death penalty, Football to not be polieced by uniform, no motocycle tax, no tax on 2nd vehicles, cheaper fuel, more expensive fags n booze (I dont do either) and all in all, a tougher prison service!

And ban the scrappage scheme!

03-06-09, 11:04 PM
Death penalty, Better judicial system (Ones that wont fear giving a serious penalty to some one of foreign origin of fear of being branded racist) cheaper fuel ftw

03-06-09, 11:04 PM
Little chefs to reopen, unlimited speedlimits on bypasses on Sundays only between 12 noon till 2, more English speaking on call centres and cigarettes to be good for you.

03-06-09, 11:07 PM
GASH Britain

no chavs
compulsary temporary sterilisation (m and f) until proven fit for parenting
massively reduced levels of personal data storage and cctv
zero tolerance weapon possesion; heavier sentences and easier prosecutions
100mph motorway speed limit 9pm to 6 am
de-criminalise all drugs
abolition of criminal justice act 1992

theres prob more

03-06-09, 11:11 PM
Sloths britain

ban on cigs full stop, no car tax, us style numberplate system(so you renew the plate) cheaper plates for cars 10yrs plus, capitol punishment, stronger courts and sentences, all houses to have a garage, and an extra driving test, that is a liscense to speed! like 007 of driving.

03-06-09, 11:17 PM
Mozza's Britain

good old mary jane to be legal (weed) or at least rewrite the drug enforcment laws insted of using the 1950's when only little research was used

legal to grow in own home for personal use
coff out all the crooked coppers
all cars once they hit 25 years to be tax ex
cheaper fuel
death penalty
equal insurence fees
get rid of overdraft charges
motorway speed limit streched to 100mph in fast lane from 10pm - 5am why there quite
not have to retake your test if u were banned for silly little things like tyres - only if they were stupid and pissed driving
car theifs to be banned from driving for life and if caught again with prison sentence

let alot of my mates out the slam house for crimes they didnt commit

scrap the CCTV on street corners as they never work and its lookin to much in our lifes!

streetlamps out by 12am! (pisses u off if theres one directly outside ya house and bedroom window) plus get see some of the sky once again

ban them twin bus things, bigger car parks on hospitals!

F imogrents off and let us have sum of our coutry and NHS back

dole dossers to do summit constructive like wash the streets with a toothbrush proper push them into work

just a few ;)

03-06-09, 11:18 PM
novalicous's britain

cheaper fags cheaper

car tax/insurance

cheaper fuel

better criminal justice system

national service for repeat offenders

death penalitly for murder/rape etc(twockers)

stronger imigration laws

03-06-09, 11:22 PM
Teach people to write properly instead of text speak chop constant offenders fingers off. :mf:

03-06-09, 11:28 PM
Addition to mine.

Free cigs/skunk but NO healthcare cover on ANYTHING! Would anyone smoke then???????

03-06-09, 11:34 PM
mowgli's britain.....

1. allow motorsport events to take place on the public highway, like everywhere else in the world......
2. bring back the stocks for minor offences, ie asbo type things
3. overhaul the voting system.. my method is this, everyone on the electoral register has their name put on a bit of paper into a large barrel, and the vicar chooses one. that person is then the local MP. they then have to give a weekly report on just what they have done. Oh, and they get put up in a hotel when in london & get paid their regular wage from their old job.
4. allow topless sunbathing wherever there is a nice looking young lady.
5. ban traffic wardens & clampers
6. give single shot guns to everyone traveling on planes buses & trains, (which must be handed back upon exit) so if someone gets up & tries to hijack it or worse, everyone else can shoot that person.
7. ban reality tv, cookery, lifestyle & 'talent' shows
8. make clarkson get his teeth fixed,
9. allow people to go for a blast on motorways on a sunday
10. make unemployed people do community work for a decent wage until they get another job, ie. cleaning up, helping old people etc.
11. make prisons a much harder place to go. make the inmates learn work skills & actually work during their time.
12. make St. Georges day a public holiday & have street carnivals & fairs to celebrate the good things about this country.
13. ban texting
14. deport any foreign criminals.
15. do like the french & germans, make british companies favour dealing with other british companies, so keeping the jobs & money in the country

03-06-09, 11:37 PM
one thing,crack down on who they let into the country

03-06-09, 11:38 PM
one thing,crack down on who they let into the country

rebuild hadrians wall & dig Offas dyke back out for a start...........lol

03-06-09, 11:39 PM
Mowgli you've my vote apart from 13 as this don't count then lol

03-06-09, 11:46 PM
im sure part of offas dyke is 1/4 mile from my house

03-06-09, 11:47 PM
im sure part of offas dyke is 1/4 mile from my house

& pump all our household waste down the channel tunnel!!!!

03-06-09, 11:55 PM
/\ and the current crop of mp's...

04-06-09, 12:01 AM
RJ's Britain.

1. Remove that shonkingly bad scrappage scheme of course.
2. MPs must live in their constituencies, and preferably be people who have lived there for a long time. Construct, or convert, flats local to Parliament for them to use during their time there.
3. Provide incentives and bonuses for UK based companies to grow IN the UK. Keep British cash in Britain, get British products flowing out of Britain and reduce our national deficit.
4. Increase tax on petrol and remove VED.
5. Provide funding and resources to research into suitable petrol replacement fuels.
6. Tighten immigration laws.
7. Make the RNLI a government-funded organisation. We're a fcuking island for Gods sake.
8. Re-nationalize public services such as buses and trains. Create jobs by re-opening and rebuilding local branch lines. Contract the Japanese until such a time as our public transport system actually works.
9. Restructure the prison system. Build more of them.
10. Regulate the press and tighten privacy laws.
11. Increase funding for the armed forces, and FFS stop outsourcing the fcuking supply chains!
12. Employ civil servants who know what they're doing, instead of just shuffling them around so unqualified people write the financial contracts.
13. Invade Poland.

I'll think of more later lol

[edit] 14. Anything that is required, by law, let the government provide it. For example, insurance - let the government offer a basic cover policy for a basic price.

04-06-09, 12:08 AM
how bout cheap insurance you buy at post office like your stamps, 1st class-fully comp 2nd-third part F&T lollol

04-06-09, 12:08 AM
13. Invade Poland.
one pro and one con

pro half of them arnt there so should be easy

con while were over there, there already over here

04-06-09, 12:08 AM
RJ why invade Poland as most of them work in hand car washes over here lol

Statement: If your polish and working legally this won't bother you will it?

04-06-09, 12:09 AM
pls explain 13 jack.

04-06-09, 12:39 AM
As said, It wouldn't be hard to invade Poland as most of them are here, I say invade Poland purely because they have good vodka :D

04-06-09, 12:56 AM
brains britain (sounds quite good lol)

1. all car made must be made from non corrosive metals
2. 0% inerest on a morgage
3. free tyres if they go bald after a year
4. no car tax
5. no retention fee paid on private plates
6. no caravans
7. 10p a litre for fuel
8. no points for speeding or other offences just fines
9. no speed limit on the motorway and old people and other slow drivers must use the hard shoulder
10. chavs to do the rubbish collection.

04-06-09, 07:59 AM
pls explain 13 jack.
Its this thing called humour, would you like me to explain the joke?

On a slightly mroe serious note, imagine what would happen if you did, for example, ditch VED and speed limits - motorways would become free for all deathways (don't give me that "oh but the German Autobahns work" rubbish, the Germans are disciplined, the British are unfortunately not) and I'm sure you're all hacked off with the poor quality of most the roads in the UK. Imagine how bad they'd get if the funding to repair them was cut lol (Ok, so VED doesn't directly go towards road maintenance, which it should, but you can guarantee the government would drop repairs)

General Lee
04-06-09, 09:17 AM
Naths Britain.

1. Clarkson for pm
2. Insurance should be based on driver ability not age or ncb i.e insurance approval test. Set Price for all who are good enough
3. Immigrants to be sorted out ali g style only joking. Imigrants big nooooo. what happended to granville on the corner shop a.
4. Tolls instead of car tax.
5. mono rail system in town and cities to stop congestion.
6. all performanceparts to be leaglised on cars and motocycles alike.
7. bring back brooklands circuit.
8. Bring the death sentence back
9. better cleaning in hospitals, proper cleaning training, dooby dooo
10. Give britains there jobs back

04-06-09, 03:03 PM
Naths Britain.

5. mono rail system in town and cities to stop congestion.

lol have you not seen the simpsons episode?