View Full Version : Adjusting the igition timing.

05-02-03, 09:26 AM
How do I do it? Tried following the Haynes manual but go lost lol...

The reason I want to adjust it is, that my car wont tick over. It just cuts out. Once I put my foot down an drive the car it drives ok, but once I come to a holt it wont idle.

Can anyone help please?

05-02-03, 09:33 AM
Bit more info mate - what car you got?

05-02-03, 09:35 AM
:oops: oops! would be helpful would'nt it!

It's a 1.2 nova...

07-02-03, 11:31 AM
two ways i no if timing the engine is twisting the dizzy round so the marks line up or is either advanced and tetarded, and also the cam timing on the belt end

which are you tryin to do?

Chris LR
07-02-03, 12:18 PM
I'm presuming it's a carb.

If It won't idle, why not adjust the idle screw?

You could always do what I did and try to idle it with your right foot :wink:

07-02-03, 02:09 PM
Got it sorted now, the timing on the dissy was out causing it not to idle...

I turned the idle on the carb until I sorted the timing out to keep it running, but its wastes petrol & was'nt really solving the problem.

All sorted now tho & idling smoother than a john smiths!!!