View Full Version : Reverse

02-02-03, 01:45 AM
Everything seems to be going wrong now!

Reversed earlier and my car went half way n just stoped...
as if i had hit something, i jumped out n was nothing there....
was well confused so got back in reversed on up drive and did it again but i noticed my back passenger side go up in the air, as if the shoes are locking on or something?
anyone help??


Chris LR
02-02-03, 01:48 AM
If it's just one side it could mean that the handbrake is out of alignment?

My handbrake sticks on sometiems, once on one side, I put this down to dust, dirt & shit, beacsue they've never been changed.

Has anyone touched the brakes? When were they last checked?

02-02-03, 05:10 PM
try driving forward and back without touching the brakes

if one of the drums are binding it should go CRACK then start moving

either that or if its all totally fucked the wheel just wont turn at all and u'll need to strip it down and fix whatevers broke

Chris LR
02-02-03, 07:11 PM
Could be a build-up of brake dust in the drum, it's out of the way when your wheel is turning forward, but when reversed it gets in the way.

03-02-03, 03:15 PM

thanks peepz!

I'll have 2 have a look!
dont wanna get my self dirty tho!