View Full Version : Bloody Leak !!

29-01-03, 01:07 PM
:evil: Got in my car the other day, to find the footwell was wet, pulled up the carpet and the underlay was soaked and the floor was wet :x
Recently found out previous owner of my car had a new battery tray welded on, but i think the drainage hole has been covered !!! Anyone know where the drainage hole is or where the water is meant to get out :?

29-01-03, 01:29 PM
as you look in the engine at the battery, there should be a hole on the engine bay wayy (wing) - if the tray for the battery is there, there should be a little plastic drain running to it. This sticks out in the void between the engine bay wall and the drivers wing (theres actually a drainage hole on both sides) and the excess water runs down the side wall (which should be sealed to prevent rusting) and out the bottom of the wing where there should be a gap (by the bolt that bolts the wing bottom onto the sill).

If its blocked, remove wing to assess sealant on the other sider and drill suitable hole out - seal and reassemble.

The water will either be coming in from a hole in a support bracket or other access point in the scuttle panel; (area where the battery is) or as I found out recently cominf in from there the wires for the side repeaters thread into the main cockpit area.

Side repeaters holes have special subber bungs - mine came off.

To check where waters coming in, use a hose on the area in question (close bonnet and imagine it was raining and get sopmeone to trace where waters coming in from - easier if you pull the carpet etc back then you can see the trickle.

To dry the carpet/underlay, best way is to cut (use stanley knife) the underlay out and wring it out, then let dry naturally - it will stink like a tramps arse (apparantly) but needs to be done asap. Wack the heaters on to dry the carpet - then when all dry and hole fixed, just slot underlay back in - easy


29-01-03, 03:51 PM
haha, easier sed than done!! i didnt wana cut the underlay so tuk out centre console, seats, carpet+then underlay, (both sides ov mine were soaked!!)tuk ages!! tuk gd few days for the underlay 2 dry out aswel.

as for the leak. mine woz cumin from a few places. all along the seam of the bulkhead near the battery + from underneath and behind the plate that you screw on to secure the battery in place.

i rubbed down all the rust and used a suitable sealant and bunged up all the areas+ evri ova area that i fort mite start 2 leak (all the seams)

so far so good!!

29-01-03, 04:25 PM
juses christ you need some english lessons mate!!

Chris LR
29-01-03, 09:23 PM
din't ve aall?