View Full Version : identifying springs.

10-05-09, 08:25 PM
I have acquired a set of lowering springs & the seller wasn't really sure what they were lowered by 40 or 60mm

they came from PMC, peter maiden components, a good few years back. Peter maiden certainly never made springs, so he got them from somewhere.

they have a part no. on all four of them, can anyone identify them from this no.

http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q119/mowglinova/th_008.jpg 80.3219


10-05-09, 08:27 PM
40mm a set on ebay with the same number for corsa b 40mm drop made by racedynamics
Item number: 300278713683


maybe not the same though!

10-05-09, 10:06 PM
ta. i have a set of 30mm spax on at the moment, but the ride is a tad harsh, so i'll give then a whirl