View Full Version : what filter??

xe Dan
09-05-09, 08:10 PM
i had my car rolling roaded and it was ok apart from the bloke said the air filter seemed very restrictive and i would get a couple extra bhp with a better one so i was wondering what make people recomend. the car is a c20xe

09-05-09, 08:12 PM
k&n cone.

10-05-09, 01:00 AM
k&n cone.

Didnt they do a test in total vauxhall a while back and k&n were one of the worst?

Ive heard pipercross are good or green air filters, but cant say for sure what the best one is

10-05-09, 06:37 AM
What filter have you got fitted?

TBH i cant see any open type cone filter being different to any other, not noticeably anyway.

xe Dan
10-05-09, 07:23 PM
a max power one lol

10-05-09, 07:25 PM
Are you going pvs, if so you can try mine out. its only a cheep carbon inclosed one but works very well. With just that and a system my x16xe made 113.5 bhp and 120lbs

xe Dan
10-05-09, 07:26 PM
yeah im goin mite have to take you up on that offer cheers

10-05-09, 07:29 PM
Thats no prob, well ill be there from friday to sunday to catch me. or either get my number and when you are there give me a call when you want to try it

10-05-09, 07:34 PM
ive used the green cotton cones, they give a decent noise and are smallish tbh.

10-05-09, 08:10 PM
filters dont give hp.

i did a dynorun with a open autostyle filter, and a run with nothing after the air ratio meter.. same outcome.

10-05-09, 08:13 PM
No but it can make it a smoother engine pulling away