View Full Version : Is my engine timming out or not?

06-05-09, 02:24 PM
Following on from my other thread


Ive just had alook at the cambelt and it looks fine to me. But thought id double check first with you lot to conferm it hasnt slipped a tooth



If its any other pics you would need to have alook at let me know and ill take them.

Can anyone help please :(

06-05-09, 02:25 PM
Timing is in relation to crankshaft so you need to show that too

06-05-09, 02:32 PM
What part of the crank? from above the engine or underneith

George g
06-05-09, 02:50 PM
what engine is it? (pics blocked at work)

most have timing marks that show when the engine is at TDC on both the cam & the crank pulley/block. when both are aligned with their respective block/head marks then the engine is correctly timed. if they dont line up, then its out. :thumb:

06-05-09, 02:52 PM
Its a x16xe and i cant see any markings on the crankpully :(

06-05-09, 02:58 PM
On the 8v theres a slight notch in the outside of the crank pulley, not sure if it's the same for 16v but run your finger around the outside of the pulley see if you can feel anything?

06-05-09, 03:21 PM
I think the only mark is on the cog, not the pully.

But i cant remember lol, il go and check mine once ive had a rest, as for the top, mine was like that and ran fine.

06-05-09, 03:23 PM
Ive just had alook and its like someone has made a scatch/grove on the pully.


But then its also this

Now ive lined the mark up in the first pic with the notch on the block and the pullys line up like this now


06-05-09, 03:25 PM
Its not the 2nd pic thats just for the crank sensor, and the first pic mark isnt very clear but i presume its not like a small scatch or somthing but i guess its right lol

The top pullys do look slighty out, but i have no idea how much the cambelt would allow the pullys to move.

06-05-09, 03:27 PM
Yea neither do i lol, And thanks to everyone thats trying to help.

06-05-09, 03:29 PM
Il get the top cambelt cover off mine in a min, be right back.

06-05-09, 03:30 PM
Thats great bud. Thanks alot appreciate it :thumb:

06-05-09, 03:40 PM
Bad news for you i think.


06-05-09, 03:47 PM
Looks like BIGS left is one tooth too far clockwise? Looks a bit 50/50 though, I'd double check those crank pulley markings.

06-05-09, 03:52 PM
Yer, im looking at it tho, im not conviced lol.

How old is the belt bigs?

06-05-09, 03:52 PM
My mates Civic turbo had a stretched belt. But that was under immense strain....

06-05-09, 04:39 PM
Cheers for the pic bud. The belt isnt that old maybe 6 - 12 months. I dont know what to do lol

06-05-09, 04:41 PM
Fire a new belt on and get it timed up!

06-05-09, 04:42 PM
I havent got any money for a new belt or to take it to a garage.

06-05-09, 04:44 PM
Or just take belt off, make sure its timed up and the tensioner(s) are good, then fire the belt back on it if the belts newish.

General Baxter
06-05-09, 04:46 PM
i had this when doing mine, i lined it all up, then when i tensioned the belt, it would take the slack out the belt and make the notches go out

line the top two up then line the crank up, when i put tension on it,it would pull the crank 1 tooth out,, so i put the crank 1 tooth back, when i put tension on it, it turned the crank and lined up perfect,

p.s to line the crank up your going to have to drop the pulley off :)

06-05-09, 04:47 PM
Yea ive tried to take the cover off but cant get it off. Ive taken one bolt out but still stuck haha

06-05-09, 04:47 PM
The crank marks are behind the bottom pulley - you need this off to see it and double check. Have you confirmed everything lines up?

06-05-09, 04:47 PM
Your need to pop off the bottom pully iirc.

06-05-09, 04:48 PM
<echo> lol

Let us know what it looks like with the pulley off :thumb:

06-05-09, 04:49 PM
Ah so ive got to take the bottom pully off then. Oh ill do that then

06-05-09, 05:08 PM
lol Great minds think alike? lol

06-05-09, 05:44 PM
Great cant get the pully off :mad: Think im going to have a rest today before the hammer goes through the window. Cheers for all the help lads :thumb: