View Full Version : 1.8 conversion

04-12-00, 10:41 AM
Those of you that have done an engine conversion above a 1.6, what sort of agg an I looking at by putting a 1.8 mrk3 cav engine in my 1.3? Would I be able to use the cav's engine mounts? What problems am I looking at by doing this?

04-12-00, 12:59 PM
Also, will the weight of the engine affect the car? It is lowered 60mm. Will I have to make any alterations?

04-12-00, 06:35 PM
Haven`t done one myself but here`s what i`ve picked up,
You realy need to seam weld your engine bay to cope with the extra stress.
You need to modify the engine mounts, and buy modified driveshafts.
The big block engines are a lot heavier, so stiffer front springs are needed.
New zorst manifold needed.
If your giong to do it, go for a 2l 16v to make it worth while, and check your insurance first!